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Every Citizen Needs to Read This

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posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 12:52 PM
You know what, it is only going to get worse.

Do you realize how powerful the powers that be are? The President does not control Area 51... they do.

We have not been able to make any bit of difference playing politics and getting 'the right person' into office. Also, it seems like revolting is the worse possible thing that we can do. It just feels like the powers that be are 'terrorist happy', you know... like gun happy but calling them terrorists for the slightest thing. Yep... I dont see how anything is going to get better, no matter which avenue of approach is taken. Lets stay away from the terrorist activity and not revolt ok...

[edit on 13-1-2010 by Chastral]

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 01:38 PM
there is such a thing, Road Usage Tax ! amazing

they are missing the Walking tax

100 years only i wonder how it will be in 300 to 400 years

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by ErwinAndHisFeline
reply to post by schrodingers dog

Who cares who wrote it?

Anyone who may be interested as to who is wagging them.

Its the message contained that is important and its a valid message that will resonate with most people (hence the reason its hitting people's inbox's like machine gun fire).

Indeed, and the part of the message written by Charley Reese (a democrat btw) is indeed a worthy one. The rest is ideological fluff and a poem intended to be a joke. Surely that must be considered in the conversation, lest we become willing puppets of the blogger du jour.

Cry yourself a river Schrodinger about the "messy plagiarism" but I'm thinking you're gonna get your hair wet with your nose that high..

I will do my best to overcome the emotional devastation ... and will try to temper my arrogance of looking things up.

Hopefully no more pseudo intellectuals will float in to steal your thunder with distraction techniques.. The distraction in this case is Shrodinger, hoping to have a virtual back pat in the form of the "Blue Shiny Star".

Stars are neat, and since you notice and value such things you get a token one from me
... and since you're no longer with us after two posts, I wish you farewell and hope you don't let facts "distract" you on your travels.

[edit on 13 Jan 2010 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 02:10 PM
I see more and more of the constitution being taken away by laws while people sit by wondering why. The rights and freedoms that were fought for by our ancestors in order to get away from the British Banking Elite, are being over thrown. Our reason for coming to this land was to be free from the corruption of the banking elite. It was Jefferson who started giving it away and he knew it, apologized for it, told the people about it. Yet we still haven't gotten it back to fixing it. This country has all the resources it needs to be self sufficient. Why do we let it be sold, plundered and wasted. It's about greed! everything is sold for a buck. If we ever get the world bankers out, and the money controlled by the people again, with today's technology. Wow. We could raise the standard of living to the like this world has never seen.
Anything that is considered a necessity to the people should not be privatized. It should be controlled by the government with no profit to anyone. This means stuff like essential foods, essential shelter, all education, essential transportation and heath care.

Elections should be wider in who we can vote for as well as any change in law or policy should be elected by the people in where this policy or law is effecting them. The USA should be run by a council, and not just one man. And that council should be held accountable for their actions.
But first and foremost- The monetary and the currency system needs to be back in the hands of the people like it was before Jefferson let it be privatized by the very people we left behind in the old country. Then fought for this very reason. That system that was created in the 17th centre only creates greed, waste, pollution and poor living conditions for the majority of the citizens. No one should need to beg and plea for the necessities of life. This is just slavery. It is unjust. We as people of a great knowledge of the past should have learned from it.

We should trash the current system and start from scatch with what we know from the past.

Here is a video that can inform those who want to know about what gives money it's value.

I would like to know how do we get the TV to play this?


"Only when the last tree has been cut down; Only when the last river has been poisoned; Only when the last fish has been caught; Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten"

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 02:18 PM
Here is what people need to hear more than anything, it explains how and why taxes and banks work.

This is an audio lecture by Mr. G. Edward Griffin, it is one of the most enlightening speeches and information about how the Federal Reserve came to be.

Sorry here is the best link out there.

Google Video Link

Format is realplayer and m3u, just make sure to go into control panel and set associations if they are not already.

The Creature From Jekyll Island his book was also an amazing read with much much more detail than this short audio.


[edit on 13-1-2010 by Realtruth]

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by Blogbuster

The entire lot of you seem to forget that it was your forefathers who voted for these things to be.

Everything is the way it is now because of our parents, grandparents, great grandparents, and so on.

They did not see the flaws of voting their rights to vote for most things away.

They did not see the flaws of letting the government do what they've been doing since the start of the corruption.

We see it. We are the Awakened Generation.

Stop talking about it. Do something about it.

Those who came before you did this, not the government.

The government asked if they could be the way they are, first.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 02:18 PM
Please distinguish between gun CONTROL and gun PROHIBITION. When the government says people aren't ALLOWED to own guns it's one thing. When the government says it won't allow people to own certain kinds of guns (usually models heavily associated with criminal activity) it's another thing entirely.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by Meesterjojo

Well to be fair, many are out there with horrible haircuts waving poorly spelled signs and defending their fantasy Constitution that they are sure includes the invocation of the lord jesus christ after every period in every sentence.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by CleverNameHere

I was saying we need to start from scratch with what we have learned from the past.
And I asked how do we get the masses to move on this. I agree with us doing something, but what and how? It seems that when we vote we are voting for who the elite has already pre screened and bought. Its like wanting beef and being in a restaurant that only serves pork and you are being told you have a choice.
The media won't play anything that would seem to sway the public to act against the elite. They play on the words "conspiracy theory" instead of revelling true conspiracy.
So how do we get the information (truth) out to the public.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by Blogbuster

You can not replace those bad with good ones. That is not possible.
The solution is DIRECT DEMOCRACY like in Switzerland.
In Switzerland people can directly vote on every matter. People can change stupid Law end enforce whatever want. People evencan reduce taxes.
It is possible.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 02:55 PM
I thought you people over there had heard of the Freeman movement? If you did then all what has been said regarding your politicians and Taxes and Statute laws would make perfect sense? Your actual country consists on the area of Washington DC (is it 10sq miles?) All the other states were named after companies owned by then and now British Commonwealth companies. From the start of your Republic, you were and still are paying your taxes back to the Crown company, every 70years your USA PLC has to give something back to the private Bankers of the past and now they hide behind your Fed Reserve as you are and always have been in Debt to the King and then the Crown and their bankers. I believe you have major events at these 70yr intervals e.g. War of so-called independence titter titter (oh how you have been had by your much beloved 'founding fathers'), Great depression (remember when the bankers created the Fed?), When did they remove all your gold/silver and hand it over to the Fed/private bankers? If your country is bankrupt who is it bankrupt too? What your country is worried about a credit rating? Why? Don't get me wrong we here in the UK PLC are screwed also and have to pay taxes back to the Bankers because we also along with every country (except China and that crazy Chaves who paid off the IMF - the crazy nutcracker!). You started out with a constitution but that wasn’t going to get the Kind/Crown PLC their money back so they invented amendments to this and Statue laws that have payments attached and penalties and why allow someone just to say, get married when you could get them to pay the USA PLC for the privilege? Or take ownership of their car, house, land, children (well you handed them over as collateral to the Bankers when you registered them and entered into a contract with them)…… it goes on and on and on because you and I have had the brain washing called state education and even now that I can see this its almost impossible to get out of this slave like existence and judging by people I hear and speak to in the UK and read on here I see that MOST are so brainwashed and conditioned they will never see it. Its very sad.

To add my couple of thoughts in the vain of the OP about your 500+ evil controllers.

When they commit their terrorism on your and other non-compliant countries, why do you think your Police/Army shield & protect them from a non-existent threat?

When you fail to hand over your personal freedom and born rights to these same Army/Police you are then subjected to terrorism and if you question why you are lucky if your only tazed!

Why are they allowed ‘diplomatic immunity’?

When was the last President to be executed/imprisoned for terrorism against his own country and those non-compliant to the wishes of USA PLC?

Why is detention for unspecified crimes only applicable to those that pay taxes?

How many of your Politian’s have lost their homes?

Why because a President is black would anyone especially those most at risk of his and his offices enslaving policies vote for him?

Why would anyone vote for any of your parties as they have a proven track record of increasing your countries debt to private bankers, plunging you into countless wars (none of which involved invasion of your country), the only country in history to deploy its arsenal of Nuclear bombs on another nation, sponsoring and training most of the world foreign terrorists, destroying most of your manufacturing, creating an external image of an world ignorant population. Why do you vote and actually speak about crap like why one party is better than the other?

Most of the above can easily be applied to the UK PLC (although they did stop short of killing hundreds of thousands with their Nuclear Bombs).

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by JacekPL
reply to post by Blogbuster

You can not replace those bad with good ones. That is not possible.
The solution is DIRECT DEMOCRACY like in Switzerland.
In Switzerland people can directly vote on every matter. People can change stupid Law end enforce whatever want. People evencan reduce taxes.
It is possible.

I think that you'll find there is an easily explainable reason why Switzerland is 'allowed' this kind of representation and apparently utopian form of people governing? Well, let’s just say that it’s the same reason why they remained ‘neutral’ and pretty much untouched, when the rest of Europe was in the grips of the most evil, barbaric, tyrannical, contrived war the world had ever seen. Any takers as to the why?

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 03:59 PM
While I agree that those 545 have created the problems, it is the voters who are, ultimately, to blame. Every person who has cast a ballot with the name of a known, corrupt incumbent carries the burden of responsibility. Every person who has cast a ballot with the name of a candidate, about whom they know nothing, is responsible. Every person who has cast a ballot with the single mark next to the word Republican or Democrat, shares blame. Every person who fails to cast a ballot, but whines about who was elected, is culpable.

We the People give them the power. No one else. We the People are liable for removing that power, when it becomes corrupted. No one else.

Originally posted by schrodingers dog

It seems (pending further investigation) that text has been added for partisan/propaganda affect, which may explain the perhaps intentional misspelling of the original author's name.


posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 04:04 PM


posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 04:18 PM
The only form of action I see anyone advocating in the OP is voting out the offending politicians and unless someone has some constructive suggestions that's the only kind of action we should be contemplating at this point.

I'm happy to see people voicing dissatisfaction with this corrupt govt of ours. It is good to see the apathy melting away. The people are waking up and while it may not be fast enough to suit everyone, itis happening and I think it rocks.

Of course, it seems that whenever the govt is criticized on ATS about anything at all....that there will be those who don't like it. In the time of the American Revolution there were British sympathizers, and I doubt that it would be any different if it happened today.

Those carping that the anti-govt posters aren't out there doing anything, how would you even know? Why would you care? I think these folks simply wish to discourage the subject from being posted about and their negativity and sarcasm is a source of amusement, because it aint gonna happen.

What would some of you unhappy campers have us out there doing anyway?

"Doing something about it" can and does take on many guises. Posting about it is doing something about it, like it or not, as it raises awareness and generates ideas.

Because of posting on the net, people are pulling their cash out the big banks and placing it into community banks. Check out Huffington Post on this.

Never stop posting about govt. corruption and ways to peacefully counter it.

[edit on 13-1-2010 by Aircow]

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by Meesterjojo
So Charley Reese(sp) having been a journalist (the highest of all professions, known for upholding the truth over any other value) for 49 years should mean something?

What are you trying to tell ATS that they don't already realize? That unsupported information causes fear and anger?

I know what the Author of this, and other copy-pasta authors, are trying to do: they're upset, emotional, and blaming the U.S. populace for not standing up in revolt.

We've all seen some members of ATS here in the past months actually make longwinded diatribes to this affect. What I always find amazing is they blame "us" for not standing up and taking arms, but they're not out there doing so now.

In short: We appreciate the uninformed copypasta, we love reading the same mish-mash fear/angermongering drivel, and we love how the authors of these little messes do nothing themselves.

You don't have to take up arms at all. What the author is saying is, there are only 545 people... that's it... just 545 out of 300 million.

The author is suggesting that perhaps out of 300 million there are 545 people who would be loyal to the people, unable to be bought, brave enough to stand up to money temptations, people who didn't have a black-mailable past, people who would keep themselves spotless so they couldn't be blackmailed, people who refused large donations for their campaigns, people who refused to do what corporations told them to do or enticed them to do, people who knew why they were there in Washington, people who truly wanted to restore the Republic to the people.

What is easier, to start a bloody armed civil war, or get 545 brave statesmen who will set aside their current jobs so they can go into the government and fix this mess? The most powerful form of communication is word of mouth.

Instead of all these "patriots" who spend their time practicing with weapons and preparing for armed conflict, why don't they (or anyone else for that matter) spend their time getting a super-compelling message put together? Why don't they spend time getting themselves on ballots for high office? Why don't they organize large teams of people to canvas neighborhoods and explain the plan to common people?

The fact is, if you can't get the people to organize for a legal take-over of those 545 people, how in the heck can you organize for something that is even harder and more costly... armed-conflict?

Just think about the strategies you would need to oust those 545 people. I'm not talking about illegal means, I'm talking about using the system. In California, one man used the system and got the governor kicked out (Gray Davis). If you can't win the hearts of the population for a legal peaceful takeover of the government, there is no way in hades you can win their hearts for something far worse. If a small group (a million or so) attempted anything armed, you would not only find the government coming down hard, but you'd find that most Americans would be against that group as well... unless they understood what you understand, and that will only come with EDUCATING them. If you can educate them in that way, then you should educate them to support a legal ousting of the entire 545 and replacing them with carefully chosen "representatives of the people."

Instead of training camps for armed militias, start schools for statesmanship, where you make a careful plan to win every election, whether it's a regular election, or a special election based on "no confidence."

Use the EXISTING SYSTEM before you go blowing it apart. I guarantee you that if you try to craft a better system, you will find out just how hard it would be, and you'd be very hard pressed to get any kind of consensus about it.

I see a lot of people bitching about the current situation, but nobody bringing any kind of solution. There are lots of people saying "the problem is..." but nobody saying "the workable answer is..." There's lots of people saying "hey man, why don't you fix this" but nobody saying "hey people, here's how we can fix this."

What you need is leadership, people who have the intelligence to help craft a workable plan, the articulate ability to convey that plan in an inspiring manner, and the courage to face the possible dangers that may exist. You need some "political generals."

Only 545 positions need to be filled, and you have a pool of 300 million to choose them from. The question is, will anyone rise to the challenge of being one of those generals? Remember, a vast fire can be started by a single spark.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 04:43 PM
What makes me laugh is actually how obvious it is,
yet we pay no mind to it coz the people of this world are
so mind numbed by everything, by propaganda,
the spiked water mains, television, the speeches, the wars,
the terror and how we all go by it everyday.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by Meesterjojo
So Charley Reese(sp) having been a journalist (the highest of all professions, known for upholding the truth over any other value) for 49 years should mean something?

What are you trying to tell ATS that they don't already realize? That unsupported information causes fear and anger?

I know what the Author of this, and other copy-pasta authors, are trying to do: they're upset, emotional, and blaming the U.S. populace for not standing up in revolt.

We've all seen some members of ATS here in the past months actually make longwinded diatribes to this affect. What I always find amazing is they blame "us" for not standing up and taking arms, but they're not out there doing so now.

In short: We appreciate the uninformed copypasta, we love reading the same mish-mash fear/angermongering drivel, and we love how the authors of these little messes do nothing themselves.

I'm assume by "we" you mean ATS members. I thank you for speaking on my behalf, but your opinions are not mine.

Regardless of the author or the message's authenticity and lack of backing evidence, IMO the overall message is correct. Every civilization has reached a point sooner of later when the people need to challenge their leaders. I think we have reached that point.

We have elected these officials to run our country and they have failed us over and over again. We can no longer look to elections for hope and change, only more of the same thing. Stubborn and sluggish are the mule and elephant.

These men and women have turned our beloved gathering of people into a business, complete with growing assets and expendable employees. Business as usual is more important that human interest. Quality of life and morality are the last things on the minds of some of these people. IRAQ is about continuing the American way of rabid resource consumption, exponential growth and consumerism.

If you think this is "drivel" and "fear mongering" you are in denial my friend. Denial is worse than doing nothing about it.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

Too much caffeine today? Come on, tell the truth now. Or is it too much single malt? Like you are thrilled about taxes, deficits and the quality of politicians
There are better ways to educate someone about quoting others.

Or the short version; Chill Dude, it's all real.
Love, Peace and all that.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by Blogbuster

In the United Kingdom, they used to have a House Of Lords, the equivalent of the US Senate, which was massively dominated by people who had inherited their title.

Ironically, repeated studies have shown that this lottery of birth created a mix in the House
that had...

- A representation of women much, much closer to the national average than the elected House Of Commons
- A representation of gays and other minority groups almost exactly the same as the national average.
- A much fairer representation of politicians in the minor parties compared to the national voting trends
- A selection of people from all areas of employment rather than the elected chambers that are always dominated by lawyers who have a vested interest in passing as complex legislation as possible so they can be paid fat cheques to sort it out in the courts.
- Black members sitting as Lords long before the Commons

Furthermore, as the Lords owed their seat to no party they...

- Have been almost immune to political lobbying
- Regularly voted against their own party on principle
- Could ignore political posturing to concentrate on the inherent soundness of the Bills
- Passed some great landmark legislation on forgotten issues like protection of small mammals, halting the closure of country school and reform of the prison system
- Have often torn down legislation where civil liberties have been threatened including chucking out the idea of ID Cards many years ago.

Sadly, Blair and Brown tore this all up and replaced them almost all with political yes-men that they appointed.

Maybe the only true democracy could be achieved by randomly selecting members of Parliament/Congress by lottery.

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