It seems to me that I am here. So are you. Lets be here together. Firstly, Sasquatch exists. Secondly, no it doesn't. Thirdly, or does it? After
perusal of this site, I have wondered about the countless moderators it must require. Jeez.
If you did in fact exist, I would welcome you, but I have serious doubts. Perhaps if you would come out from behind that tree and be a little less
blurry. I've set up the chessboard, perghaps you care for a game?
Caught your thread title and decide to say hello and welcome
Moderators abound.....or not
Enjoy your stay and if I can be of help, don't hesitate to ask.
You can u2u staff at any time, but you'll need a few posts before you can u2u members or start threads, except this one.
Thanks for all the nice comments. Now, anyone know if there are some nice, camera-less humans lurking in the woods. I shall appear infront of one of
them for a laugh.
I'm actually not here but in case you're under the illusion that i am here, then I'll say hello and welcome to ATS.
If you've broken through the Veil, then you'll know I'm not really here... so just ignore this post, in fact this post doesn't exist so you wont
need to ignore it... how can you ignore something that isn't there anyway right?
Enjoy your time here.... but as time isn't real and only the continuum of experience in which events pass from the future through the present to the
past and vice-versa... then....