posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 02:20 AM
It's sad to see so many Americans not supporting the BLATANTLY OBVIOUS occurances transpiring in their good old US of A. When in Australia, we see
it plain as day. America is struggling to retain it's world power status.. It's economy is in crisis and this aversion of the "GFC" is a load of
"bolony". research ecenomic bubbles bursting.. the dollar is being maintained for a limited time, before it is delberately and systematically
America is being run into the ground much like USSR/Nazi Germany etc etc was.
Your constitution has literally been shredded by new laws instituted to the poppulace by "well meaning" politicians, who are oh so full of helpful
insight when it comes to challenging their oponents, but in true politician style, they backflip and commit another 30,000 troops to protect the Oil
pipeline they are attempting to secure. You are already saying goodbye to ability of free speach, personal Information and Justice..
I bet you, that the people who are dismissing this statement, are not being affected by loss of jobs and other negative occurances directly, probably
because they are too young and are supported by their parents who are feeling the pinch of hyper inflation and loss of work - though not telling their
kids in fear of frightening them.
I have seen a documentary on ABC news, where they showed a report from an American Journalist, travelling to several different "mall" sites in a
single area, that are now shut down due to people not having money to spend on their goods. These malls were huge and only a few years ago,
flourishing with people.
This is a direct sign (go learn something about simple mechanics of ecenomics if you don;t believe me) that the populace is struggling. struggling to
pay their bills and feed their families and live.
On Obamas Christams special, where he gave himself a "B+" from memory, he reiterated the fact he was not "forgetting" about the thousands of
struggling families effected by the GFC. Obvisouly this is not uncommon knowledge in the US.
When was the last CIVIL war in America - Some of the things i have seen here on this site, would lead me to believe that FEMA camps are more likely
going to be used on disruptive inhabitants of their OWN COUNTRY than to house "whatever" they are kying about at this present time...
Some evidence showing this (imo) is how US troops are being trained on how to deal with citizen control. Something American personell are coming out.
distressed, talking about.
Do some thinking, prior the thse gun toting destroyers knocking on your door - because when that happens, not even ATS info will save you, you be in a
fema camp, or worse. I'd hate to see America go down the drain - it's already being sold out and it's people shipped off to other parts of the
world to wage war.
Another interesting fact is that the US army is only now reaching it's recruitment goals as projected.. Why, cuase there are no jobs - perhaps this
financial crisis was constructed to inflate military recruitment drives? As we all know, when people cannot work ina profession, they choose the
Wat do armies do?
Kill sh1t.