posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 11:22 AM
Sheesh, civil order will not be restored for a long time. I am sure financially Haiti, may not recover. The good news, I suppose in the long term,
all the strutures destroyed, perhaps may be rebuild with 21st century technology due to the support of other nations. perhaps.. Just at first glance
such horror. Rumored to be hundreds of thousands dead. Very strange earthquake as well.
I hope and pray for them as well, everything destroyed thousands homeless i am sure food is scarce, many barried hurt broken bones, anger, sorrow,
what a human disaster...
What a horrible sight if indeed, hundreds of thousands have past, in sub tropical climates disease and hygene will be one of the many problems as
well, indeed it will take ALLOT of World support to clean this up and help these people. Also seeing allot of the video footage coming in most people
look like they are still in shock.. Be a few days to see the human effect...
Not much of a praying person but I will say a prayer..