CNN actually has good coverage right now, including USGS experts. Basically, it's the depth that makes this quake so terribly dangerous. (That and
the proximity to Port au Prince) The city is surrounded by mountains which were created by previous earthquakes.
If you can find a CNN international live feed they've been dedicated to the subject since it happened. (This is what they are showing on TV, no idea
why the web feed's not carrying it.)
Pictures are starting to come out quickly now. I'll try to update as fast as I can, but more can be found by searching #Haiti and #Earthquake on
I'm watching Wolf Blitzer now. They don't have a casualty count, or pictures up at the moment, but they're interviewing a guy who's saying he can
hear screams and cries for help. Not good at all. Of all places to happen in the world... Haiti... they don't need something like this at all.
I fear the casualities will be high and this will devastate Haiti even further. How will these people overcome such abject poverty and destruction I
don't know, but I will pray for them and open my purse and donate to my favorite charity which happens to help children not only in Haiti but all
around the world, I urge that you all do the same
Yah, I don't think there are many places that could have been worse for something like this to happen. Hopefully the aftershocks continue to
diminish in intensity and they can get some information out of the country. I think the fact that there is relatively no news coming out is a pretty
bad sign.