s HAARP Causing The Earthquakes, Volcanoes to Erupt and The Ice to Melt
Are these random, naturally occuring events or controlled events?
Earthquakes can be heralded by changes in the ionosphere the earths upper atmosphere on the edge of space. Just before the earthquake struck Sichuan
province in China there were odd visual disturbances and they were caught on tape. One puzzle is that the colors in the Chinese clouds were upside
down from a normal circumzenithal halo red pointing toward the horizon and blue to wards the Sun, instead of the other way round.
There are reports of the use of HAARP and plasma weapons that influence our 3rd planet from the sun, and us mere mortals who inhabit it. The bizarre
Benjamin Fulford [
en.wikipedia.org... talks sometimes with radical expressions, tries to bring clarity to current events and
takes note of anomalies that occur before earthquakes.
He also rants of a complex web of global financial control at the hands of the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. Could Teslas scientific discoveries be
what the global political monetary elite need to further enhance The New World Order? Would a secret government use HAARP to do dastardly deeds?
Conceivably then, if one were to mess with the ionosphere could you cause an earthquake ? HAARP is based out of Alaska, where not only are we
witnessing an increase of earthquakes, but the eruption of volcanoes.
www.haarp.alaska.edu... The site gives the impression that HAARP is of
academic use, but what of military use and popluation control? What about disruptions to airplane and missile guidance systems? Could shifts in the
earths electromagnet fields [EMF] completely knock out communications? No wonder Sarah Palin is staying close to home.
Is HAARP responsible for the global warming hysteria? Could it now alter the weather? In 1958, then chief White House adviser on weather modification-
Captain Howard T. Orville said the U.S. Defense Department was looking for ways, to manipulate the charges of the earth and sky and so affect the
weather by using an electronic beam to ionize or de- ionize the atmosphere over a specific area. Today, an ice bridge in the Antarctic collapsed and
the Wilkins Ice Shelf could be on the brink of breaking away.
www.redorbit.com... Is HAARP melting ice? Is HAARP mapping weather
patterns, agricultural seasons and crop cycles, or influencing them?
In the book, Angels Dont Play This Haarp: Advances in Tesla Technology by Nick Begich, provides documentation, patent numbers and references that are
far from science fiction.
Research continues from scientists outside of HAARP. PhysOrg.com reports on the world of quantum mechanics finding that solid particles could exhibit
properties of waves; not just light waves. The research is so new that its uses are still untold.
www.physorg.com... Makes me
think of Star Trek and beam me up potential. Could we see astral projections from this kind of technology?
Not only are we seeing an increase of earthquakes, but reports from Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina described brilliant, streaking lights
followed by an explosion-like sounds. They also reported seeing great balls of fire lighting up the sky in shades of yellow, white orange and blue.
Hat tip to
anointedvessel.wordpress.com... U.S.