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Need proof health care reform is a scam? Look here.

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posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 03:18 PM
I just came across this article and found it to be amazing. There is an election going on for Kennedy's (now deceased) Senate seat and the entire health care bill could be at stake if Coakley, A Democrat, loses the seat as she represents the 60th vote.

Read will blow our mind.

Coakley in trouble? Pharma and HMO lobbyists to the rescue

With Democrat Martha Coakley in trouble in the Massachusetts special election to fill Ted Kennedy's seat, Democrats could lose vote No. 60 for President Obama's health-care bill. In response, an army of lobbyists for drug companies, health insurance companies, and hospitals has teamed up to throw a high-dollar Capitol Hill fundraiser for Coakley next Tuesday night. The invitation is here. Of the 22 names on the host committee--meaning they raised $10,000 or more for Coakley--17 are federally registered lobbyists, 15 of whom have health-care clients. Of the other five hosts, one is married to a lobbyist, one was a lobbyist in Pennsylvania, another is a lawyer at a lobbying firm, and another is a corporate CEO. Oh, and of course, there's also the political action commitee for Boston Scientific Corporation. All the leading drug companies have lobbyists on Coakley's host committee: Pfizer, Merck, Amgen, Sanofi-Aventis, Eli Lilly, Novartis, Astra-Zeneca, and more. On the insurance side of things, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Cigna, Humana, HealthSouth, and United Health all are represented on the host committee.Read more at the Washington Examiner: U4SJ

Yes...all of the major health care industries are lobbying HARD for Coakley as they all will profit hugely from this piece of garbage bill.

This should make ALL OF YOU..both liberals and conservatives alike...finally see what is happening here.

This is not socialized medicine. In's anything but. This is a free for all for the health care industry, health insurance, and big pharma.

This is your wake up call.

Here are some of Coakley fundraiser hosts with some of their current health care clients:

Thomas Boggs, Patton Boggs: Bristol-Myers Squibb Chuck Brain, Capitol Hill Strategies: Amgen, BIO, Merck, PhRMA Susan Brophy, Glover Park Group: Blue Cross, Pfizer Steven Champlin, Duberstein Group: AHIP, Novartis, Sanofi-Aventis Licy Do Canto, Raben Group: Amgen Gerald Cassidy, Cassidy & Associates: U. Mass Memorial Health Care David Castagnetti, Mehlman, Vogel, Castagnetti: Abbot Labs, AHIP, Astra-Zenaca, General Electric, Humana, Merck, PhRMA. Steven Elmendorf, Elmendorf Strategies: Medicines Company, PhRMA, United Health Shannon Finley, Capitol Counsel: Amgen, Astra-Zeneca, Blue Cross, GE, PhRMA, Sanofi-Aventis. Heather Podesta, Heather Podesta & Partners: Cigna, Eli Lilly, HealthSouth Tony Podesta, Podesta Group: Amgen, GE, Merck, Novartis. Robert Raben, Raben Group: Amgen, GE. tHSi

Yes...those HONEST politicians are doing what is RIGHT for you.
I can't believe Republicans aren't supporting this to be honest. This looks like something they'd be for...has to make you wonder why DEMOCRATS are all for it.

This is just flat out unbelievable.

[edit on 12-1-2010 by David9176]

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by David9176

They can't give the money directly , that would be against the law.

But paying 10,000. each for the right to warm a seat , that's legal.

This is the US of A

Land of the Free

For a price, of course

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by Sean48

Another thing I just realized.

Tony Podesta. His brother is John Podesta who is is Obama's administration and one of his TOP ADVISORS. They both run a lobbying group called "Podesta Group" says wiki.

John Podesta is also a strong advocate for cap and trade legislation. Do you TRUST this man?

[edit on 12-1-2010 by David9176]

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by Sean48

You also have to wonder if Republicans will remain silent on this...or continue their socialized medicine mantra.

I'm guessing the later.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by David9176

I read an article awhile ago.

There are 6 lobbyist per every Congressman.

Each of those lobbyist spends 37,000 a day.

Still believe they care about "average Joe".

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by Sean48

Each of those lobbyist spends 37,000 a day. Still believe they care about "average Joe".

Yeah...i've read that somewhere as well. What's even more amazing is that they are basically advertising it by posting the names of the lobbyists who represent these companies.


I guarantee Republicans will be silent on this. They can sit on the sidelines and all vote no while Democrats implode.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by David9176


There will be implode.


Each side does it , there is no Good guy.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by David9176

Should have put in the public option or single payer without all the stupid qualifiers,
citizen ='s qualified + opening boarders for Pharm -

This political dance has created a monster

Right now the cost is 2.2 trillion a year - up 131% in ten years - will then inflate to 160ish% in the next ten years all compounded...

Both sides will being crying for real in thirty years, when we are talking half or more of the GDP, out of your pocket, less co pays or amount not covered.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by Janky Red

I'm not really sure what exactly we should do to fix this mess...but I do know that the bill that is being pushed is garbage.

Quite frankly I can't believe no one is posting comments on this.

We see who the winners are right here in this election. It doesn't get any more blatant than this.

[edit on 12-1-2010 by David9176]

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 04:14 PM
Remember when they would say this?

"If you are against the Health Care Bill , than the Pharma Corp's have brainwashed you!" - touted by naive followers of politicians.

However the list you just provided PROVES that Pharma Corp SUPPORTS the Health Care Bill . It is clear cut proof.

Great job OP, you just exposed the real deal.

I think I just heard a toilet flush.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by David9176
reply to post by Janky Red

I'm not really sure what exactly we should do to fix this mess...but I do know that the bill that is being pushed is garbage.

Quite frankly I can't believe no one is posting comments on this.

We see who the winners are right here in this election. It doesn't get any more blatant than this.

[edit on 12-1-2010 by David9176]

What we need to do is fight for single-payer. We need to stop being scared into accepting the suppository that is the powers' that be health care plan.
Nevertheless, I still support the health care bill, because I believe it will be easier to modify and strengthen the good parts of the bill, as opposed to starting from scratch.


**MODS: my link won't work because bats.h.i.t. is being censored into bat#, lol. Please fix, if possible.

I know the republicans are more closely aligned with TPTB, than the dems. Or, better put, besides Ron Paul, there are no national republicans that speak for the little guy; there are many more democrats that fill that bill.


[edit on 1/12/2010 by skunknuts]

[edit on 1/12/2010 by skunknuts]

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 04:55 PM
Yeah, "honest" politicians, like the first on the list? S&B John Kerry?

Not that the info you're bringing is irrelevant, but...

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

However the list you just provided PROVES that Pharma Corp SUPPORTS the Health Care Bill . It is clear cut proof.

Obama sold out. He made deals with big Pharma a few months ago behind close doors...I had made a thread about it. This "fundraiser" however really shows who is going to benefit...

What the real kicker is that we'll be paying on this for 3 years before the benefits even come.

I don't know how a single Liberal could actually support him...and I don't know how Conservatives can even call it anything close to being socialism.

[edit on 12-1-2010 by David9176]

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 07:46 PM
America is spiraling for money and money and more money. There is no bright side to these lobbyists and politicians. Only to become richer and create avenues to help themselves and only themselves. There's exceptions who are out there that do and possibly think of us, but they are far and few. It is up to us to end this crap if we really do want it to stop.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by skunknuts

I know the republicans are more closely aligned with TPTB, than the dems. Or, better put, besides Ron Paul, there are no national republicans that speak for the little guy; there are many more democrats that fill that bill.

Excuse me skunknuts, unless the Repubs and Dems made a backdoor agreement that the Dems were to take the hits on this takeover bid, you telling us that TPTB are more aligned with Repubs is ignorance in the least.

Have you read the OP or are you here to further the division?

See through the veil and admit for once, your beloved dems are as corrupt as the repubs.

I can name two people I trust in government, Kucinich and Paul. Otherwise the lot of them can go to Federal Prison for the rest of their lives.

Quit your pandering of the Dem/Repub-Left/Right paradigm. You are only helping them.

Quick question, if someone like Paul ran in your area, would you vote against a Dem? Waiting with baited breath, and just stating something here and doing the exact opposite in the ballot booth is a totally different story.

Many more dems, you make me LAUGH!

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by David9176

It is corporate fascism, the socialism is a divide and conquer technique besides obfuscating the actual premise of their control.

2700 page bill, 10's of thousands of NEW pages of statutes/code to be written by the CMS-Center for Medicare/Medicaid Services.

No one has been appointed yet by OBAMA!

The person to write all of the code for this bill has not even been appointed yet!

Just another rope around are necks and people still THINK their party is NOT part of the problem.

Some people are VERY THICK.

[edit on 1/13/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Jan, 18 2010 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by David9176

I heard about this and was flabbergasted. What a blatant con job on the American people.

Coakley did attend this, btw. This is the incident where her aide pushed down the journalist that asked Coakley a question.

What the real kicker is that we'll be paying on this for 3 years before the benefits even come.

They have to fund it somehow...three years of premiums provides some seed money.

I don't know how a single Liberal could actually support him...and I don't know how Conservatives can even call it anything close to being socialism.

Socialism is actually too nice a word for what it really is.

posted on Jan, 18 2010 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by mishigas

Coakley did attend this, btw. This is the incident where her aide pushed down the journalist that asked Coakley a question.

Yes! And that's all the media talked about. They didn't talk about the Big Pharma and the Healthcare industry donating money to her campaign. For cripes sakes it basically states who is going to benefit from the entire bill.

I keep linking this thread on others as I comment but no one seems to care. This goes against the entire "socialized" medicine mantra that has been shoved down our throats.

This is NOT socialized medicine. This is something George Bush would have passed into law.

Obama care....LOL

This is Corporatecare.

posted on Jan, 18 2010 @ 10:51 PM
Looks like a big money run. They are just doing what every politician does, looking out for themselves and their family.

posted on Jan, 18 2010 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by David9176

I have a feeling that if I knew all the dirty details on this "healthcare reform" program, I would get physically sick.

The same politicians that tell the voters that the bill is meant to correct and punish the evil pharmas and insurecos, are the same politicians that go to these fundraising dinners with pharma's lobbyists.

We're being lied to and conned.

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