A bizarre yet rather extraordinary story of how a former Guantanamo guard organises a reunion with one of his former captives via facebook.
What struck me when watching this video was how the captive managed to get himself locked away in Guantanamo as a suspected terrorist when he seems
fairly ordinary. But of course why should I really be surprised.
I particularly like the picture were the captive is pretending to restrain the guard in a joking way. Shows how absurd Guantanimo is and how they can
laugh about it despite what he went through.
It is sad that this is such a happy story but it really highlights for me the fact that there are innocent people sitting in that prison. Who is going
to give them the years back that they sat there waiting to get out because they were innocent like this man. I guess happy and sad news.
I'm afraid this thread is going to die though....once the pro military ATSers
(check my foe list) see that a guantanamo guard apologized to the inmates......they will click outta here faster than white on rice...