posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 09:31 AM
You have probably noticed the comments in YouTube. Find some fairly innocent video in youtube , then let the war unfold. Just look at the comments
section - its just full of evil hate, name calling, slander, agression, violent suggestions and so on.
I would like to look into why is this so. Did their mothers never teach them if you do not have anything good to say...dont say it. or to that
I am well aware we are not in a cotton-wool society. but huge social vendettas are being waged , has this become the norm. ? (incorrect punctuation
- please bomb the hell out of me)
The level of agression as shown by the "general" population with their comments on youtube is rife and i find this so disterbing - I probably got
some grammer wrong... again .. and some spelling... so this would result in me being flamed and bombed and generally spat at.
But is this what society has evolved to be. these comments are what goes on in peoples heads.. it seems they even watch videos just so that they can
post evil words and offensive remarks in the comment section, just for the sake of it
they have wars between themselves within the posts like a fight in the school yard play ground
so anyway what do you guys thing about this.