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reccuring dream about a plane crash.

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posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:16 PM
well okay ill start from the beginning for the past 1-2 weeks i have had a few extremely vivid dreams of a plane crashing with me in it. When i say vivid i mean really really scary realistic sort of dream.

Anyway what worrys me is that i always wake up on 11:11 when it happens and i have a flight in a week....for you guys that think its my subconscious telling me im scared of planes ill admit yes i am but i didnt think about the flight until this dream happened and seeing as i woke up on 11:11 scared me even more

throughout the past 2 years ive seen 11:11 for a few months then it goes and then comes back i know its probably my sub conscious remembering to look at the time but damn i have this scary feeling in my gut that this is for real and something is gonna go down

someone please help mum is flying with me and she will go without me if i dont go i know some of you may think im overreacting but damn....this feeling is something i cant take lightly if you get me.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:42 PM
Personally I wouldn't get on that plane. The state that air travel is in now + your 2 dreams = no fly.....(for me at least). You need to talk mom out of it too. Why take the chance?

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:43 PM
i just had a big talk with her
she wont give in...were meant to be going to a wedding and everythings paid and booked.... ehhh im worried.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:48 PM
sounds like final destination lol. seriously thoughif it came down to it i would make urself take so long to get there u miss the flight offer to take your mom to the airport so she misses the flight to

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:52 PM
thats a good idea but what if that delayed flight is the flight that could be the one that stuffs up.

ahhh this is messed up

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 10:10 PM
hell i dont know..drug your mom so she gets sick and take care of her there fore missing the flight?

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 10:21 PM
I am scared to fly too, I had the same problems. I lived through mine, your mind plays tricks on you. You will be fine.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 10:25 PM

You seen that post yet?

Look if your that worried just don't go. If your mom will not listen to you then she does not care and or trust you. Always trust your gut feelings. In the worst case you miss a wedding. But if the plane crash's you can at least save yourself.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 10:30 PM
I have had several dreams of planes crashing. But my job requires that I fly occasionally, Kinda Russian Roulette hey? I had a dream of Many crosses in a hilly terrain the morning of 9/11 and I was in down town Chicago that day. But hey, I can't live in fear,.. I'd never leave the house.. A psyc friend of mine tells me you can manifest dreams like this,... This isn't my issue , but maybe it will help you.

[edit on 10-1-2010 by Lil Drummerboy]

[edit on 10-1-2010 by Lil Drummerboy]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 10:43 PM
I wouldn't go if I were you.With the dreams and the 11:11, I would trust your instinct. It is there for a reason. Although, it can be hard to tell when it is just a worry. When I was young, back in high school, I would sometimes fly with my mom and I would just get a bad gut feeling .. so bad I would write out my but nothing ever happened and I have dreams of small planes crashing all the time. In one dream my mom and I were on big plane that was crashing. I swore I'd never fly after that... and I still haven't as of yet.
Anyway, with the synchronicity of the feeling and the dreams and waking up at 11:11, it seems someone is trying to tell you something. Maybe try to get there with a different mode of transportation, or just take the risk of fate or worry. Besides, it sounds like you already know what you need to do.
Good Luck. Namaste.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 10:50 PM
I actually had a dream of a UFO or some type of flying object crash near a highway in Germany. Was kind of vivid.

I don't know what to make of these crash dreams. They might be prophetic, who knows.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by alienseeker

yeahh but i live in australia thats the only difference so i dont think it relates.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 11:44 PM
Do everything you can to sabotage the trip

Mess up the car at the last second, induce vomiting, get really wasted and pretend you are coming down with something... Dip a thermometer in hot water for added effect...

[edit on 10-1-2010 by sliceNodice]

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by piero
well okay ill start from the beginning for the past 1-2 weeks i have had a few extremely vivid dreams of a plane crashing with me in it. When i say vivid i mean really really scary realistic sort of dream.

Anyway what worrys me is that i always wake up on 11:11 when it happens and i have a flight in a week....for you guys that think its my subconscious telling me im scared of planes ill admit yes i am but i didnt think about the flight until this dream happened and seeing as i woke up on 11:11 scared me even more

throughout the past 2 years ive seen 11:11 for a few months then it goes and then comes back i know its probably my sub conscious remembering to look at the time but damn i have this scary feeling in my gut that this is for real and something is gonna go down

someone please help mum is flying with me and she will go without me if i dont go i know some of you may think im overreacting but damn....this feeling is something i cant take lightly if you get me.

take the flight, and think nothing about fear in regards to it! ask your Mom how she feels about flying, and don't look for reassurance from it. all you want to do is make a painting that includes a few more colors.

taking the trip, putting your fears aside, might just demonstrate how you acquire the new "color pack" if you follow my meaning.

I feel especially confidant about it when I read your Mother is going to be going with you. Sometimes, you have to put your faith in the hands of someone, or something, a little, or a lot, larger than you and i are. Than we are!

11:11 demonstrates that you are seemingly making a different kind of journey(experience) at the same time. i would recommend that for the next couple of weeks, you do whatever you can do overcome the nagging voices of doubt and fear in your conscious and subconscious mind.

your body and mind are adjusting to new harmonic frequencies that everyone on the planet will be feeling soon.


maybe i'm wrong. just remember, try and rest as much as you can, do away with notions of guilt, and or fear, and you'll come out just fine.

The rest thing is critical. If you are in a state of anxiety at a hospital, you know why they sedate you? It calms you down. Same reason you get oxygen on an airplane!

"Statistically speaking of course, it's still the safest way to travel!"


posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by EnemyCombatant74

damn that was a good reply man....dont worry im gonna try to think positive but ahh i dont know hey

ive heard about the whole frequency thing can you tell me alittle more about it if youve got time?

thanks man.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by piero
reply to post by EnemyCombatant74

damn that was a good reply man....dont worry im gonna try to think positive but ahh i dont know hey

ive heard about the whole frequency thing can you tell me alittle more about it if youve got time?

thanks man.

thank you for the kind words. i try not to get as romantic about these things as id like, due to, whatever *smirking*


harmonic frequencies ~ i dont think i could do it the justice some others on this site could do it ~ but it's enough to say that as the earth changes the path of its elliptical orbit around the sun, this will no doubt also affect the way the moon orbits around the earth.

we can find a lot of meaning in the lunar cults of old when we understand that this "shift" is something that IS going to occur, no matter what anyone wants.

The Illuminati is the awakened human conscious mind.

In essence, it's person alive. As Aleistar Crowley once said it, "Every Man Woman and Child is a Star", clever devil that he was. He also claimed that he didn't write the Book of the Law, but rather that it was delivered to him.

All this means, was that he was "tuned in", beyond the typical Leary understood sense. By tuning in, what is really being said, is more akin to the dialing in a frequency wave transmission like a shortband radio might provide. Again, I lack the technical background to make that a cohesive explanation. I just shoot from the hip most times.

By star, Crowley simply meant that we are projecting light thought form energy. The reason most of us haven't been kept awares of these things, is more simple than most are willing to admit.

When we look into the mirros, we want to keep our 3d illusion intact, so we forget about the "refelction" idea that no abiding secret society does without. Alice Through the Looking Glass, or mirror, or reflection, or ego projection, reflection, inflection

almost hegelian in the 3 part sequence of things(chronology wise perhaps?)

Getting back to frequencies, every human being emits an emp signature ~ at this point, I mention Tesla and people should really start to look more into what that man was saying and doing. Electrical impulse/magnetic energy. In communication with every other atomic particle in the universe at every and any given moment(see the holographic paradigm).

By not having a choice, all that is meant, is that according to atomic science, as soon as a portion of atoms swirling around in an ecosystem of sorts, gets a signal, almost simultaneously, all the other atoms receive the same "transmission". This is where I name drop again and say The Tea Party - more than just an awesome band!

In the "tuned in" sense of the "harmonic shifting of human consciousness in perpetuity with the sun and the moon, both of which by 'gravitational pull(whatever that means!)' assert a large influence over the human being light energy source of projected thought form wave light atomic energy"

huh ~ apologies for the barrel roll! did that help at all?

[edit on 11/1/2010 by EnemyCombatant74]

[edit on 11/1/2010 by EnemyCombatant74]

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 03:32 AM
Sometimes people are sensitive to the future. A couple days ago I dreamed of three buildings being destroyed. I don't know. I have weird dreams a lot.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 03:43 AM

Originally posted by Cabaret Voltaire
Sometimes people are sensitive to the future. A couple days ago I dreamed of three buildings being destroyed. I don't know. I have weird dreams a lot.

in looking at that, all you mean is people are sensitive to the light energy they project into the world around them.

on a personal level, that's the only place "the future" can exist.

yes, we're all citizens on planet earth, but at the same time, we're also swirling pockets of atomic sub-systems. at the same, we're star dust in the ethers of the universe we perceive around us.

sensitivity to something that hasn't occurred, is projecting a certain and specific more aptly, experience. Or, get back what you put out.

on the energy level of things, you can say in some situations opposites attract ~ but what is happening now is quite the opposite.

Like polarities are converging by way of osmosis. This harmonizing again demonstrates that the harmonic frequency of the human being is shifting even now. the only drawback? the addicts will have to be dragged, kicking and screaming into something they want to have anyways.

Even a drug addicted meth amphetamine junkie knows enough, to want something better ~ they just don't know how to achieve that betterness.

Of course, you can't find them in a drug of choice type choice situation.

The set of choices we get to choose from, aren't ours to control. There's something bigger in operation here, otherwise, we're forced back into the failure to pull trigger of philosophical eggs and chickens!

curse of chronos, anyone?


[edit on 11/1/2010 by EnemyCombatant74]

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 09:42 PM
sorry dont have much time to reply to you enemycombatant but will tomorrow , im using the free internet at the library haha anyway

i woke up today on 11:11 and i realized the flight is tomorrow D:
so yeah ill update you tomorrow guys

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by piero
i woke up today on 11:11 and i realized the flight is tomorrow D:

I would really recommend not going on the flight. I don't think it's any coincidence that you see these signs.

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