posted on May, 26 2004 @ 11:00 PM
Capitalism has brought many good things into the world. The competition it spurs brings forth technologies faster; it allows countries to grow
independently. What it doesn�t do is level the playing field for all to have equal opportunities. In true communism (which like several have said,
has never been tried) it is essentially leveling the playing field and allowing ALL to have equal opportunities in the world. Instead, capitalist
governments usually choose to allow big business to become lords, and we are the serfs that forever toil their soils.
I know the distribution of wealth isn�t exactly 90 to 10, but it�s an analogy that still basically fits. Ninety percent of the population suffers so
that 10 percent can live in luxury. The ways the lines are drawn are ridiculous � even in the prisons. �poor� prisons compared to �rich� prisons.
Senator�s prisons for example� tennis courts, plasma TV�s, you name it they have it. Man I wish I lived in a Senator�s prison lol�
There should be no classes at all. Classes divide and separate, which will always lead to hate and eventual destruction. The class system is how
capitalism exists. The poor class works and works and works, hoping that someday they may �better themselves� and become part of the middle class.
Middle class works and works and works, hoping that someday that they may �better themselves� and become part of the upper class, that they may
achieve the �American dream�. The economic class system is nothing more than a clever caste system, something that America supposedly despises (look
at how America spoke out against India�s caste system).
Am I saying that Communism is the only way to go? Not at all. Communism isn�t the answer, but Capitalism sure the hell isn�t.
Perhaps the answer is in a demo-communistic government�