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UAE Sheik

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posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 05:13 PM
"On the tape, Issa is seen along with a private security officer stuffing sand in the man's mouth. As the grain dealer pleads and whimpers, he is beaten with a nailed board, burned in the genitals with a cigarette lighter, shocked with a cattle prod and led to believe he would be shot. Salt is poured into his wounds.

In the end, the victim can muster up only weak moans as an SUV is repeatedly driven over him."

And the sheik is acquitted. hmmmm. That's Islam for ya.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 05:25 PM
Now you've gone and done it...........the anti American, muslim apologists are gonna arrive in force, any minute. They are the religion of peace don't ya know? I'm sure at least one person will blame President Bush and the CIA.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 06:13 PM
What has that sheik's behaviour got to with islam? It is his personality that makes him brutal. It would be just as easy to condemn christianity on the behaviour of Ted Bundy.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by adifferentbreed
Now you've gone and done it...........the anti American, muslim apologists are gonna arrive in force, any minute. They are the religion of peace don't ya know? I'm sure at least one person will blame President Bush and the CIA.

*creepy Polterguise voice* They're back.
So the Islamic Republic of the United Arab Emerites is exposed for their brutality and there are who are going to call them a victim, oh the poor poor muslims and their violent behavior. ;-)

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by JJay55

Whoa! I was thinking as I read your post.....

"So... what's the big deal!"

Then I reread and discovered that you were describing an Arab murder.

Ha... I thought you were writing about a Mob hit on someone in my city.

Damn those Arabs.... what's wrong with them?

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by KOGDOG
reply to post by JJay55

Whoa! I was thinking as I read your post.....

"So... what's the big deal!"

Then I reread and discovered that you were describing an Arab murder.

Ha... I thought you were writing about a Mob hit on someone in my city.

Damn those Arabs.... what's wrong with them?

Saddam's sons would beat the crap out of the National Soccer team if they lost. There is brutality in Islam that is nothing new. Same principles are those that made the Ft Hood shooter, and AQ fly planes into the WTC.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 07:20 PM
Islam is a religion of peace. Once they force every one to follow sharia law and bow down to allah there will be peace. But it can never happen do to gog and magog who is said will fight them until the end of days. So islam will never be peaceful.

Islam Religion of Peace and Love

[edit on 10-1-2010 by JBA2848]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 07:37 PM

A 12-y-old muslim girl victim of violence by her husband.
Hows that for Islam.

After watching this, you will no longer be able to claim ignorance of Islam.
QURAN 4:34 - "Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them. Then if they obey you, take no further action against them. Surely God is high, supreme."

The Prophet Muhammad is the model we follow. He took 'Aisha to be his wife when she was six, but he had sex with her only when she was nine.

Interviewer: When she was six...

Dr. Ahmad Al-Mu'bi: He married her at the age of six, and he consummated the marriage, by having sex with her for the first time, when she was nine. We consider the Prophet Muhammad to be our model.

[edit on 10-1-2010 by JBA2848]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 07:50 PM
But Islam will never reform. Instead they will use WMD and that might be the end of their civilization as they know it. I hope that happens soon because this terrorism bs is getting old. Now that the whole world is aware of the violent nature of Islam they have totally lost their credibility with the world.
We don't need ME oil, it's going to run out soon. We are not slaves to Islam and their depleted resources. Their internal problems are spilling over into the free world and we are sick of it.

Zero tolerance for Islam and Sharia Law in the US!!! Speak up! We do not have to take Islamic BS.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by JBA2848
Islam is a religion of peace.

Peace as in, peace when everyone but Muslims are dead.

Once they force every one to follow sharia law and bow down to allah there will be peace. But it can never happen do to gog and magog who is said will fight them until the end of days. So islam will never be peaceful.

Islam Religion of Peace and Love

[edit on 10-1-2010 by JBA2848]

They are not a peace loving religion at their core. They simply are not.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by Dnevnoi

I know that im just tired of people who say they are when the evidence is against them. You see it over and over again in threads im glad you see they are not to.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by JBA2848
reply to post by Dnevnoi

I know that im just tired of people who say they are when the evidence is against them. You see it over and over again in threads im glad you see they are not to.

Because you know full well that any culture that publicly hangs homosexuals or stones "adulterous" women is clearly a religion based around pacifism and compassion. Wonder why refugees in Darfur hate Arabs when they are so peaceful.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 08:41 PM

Hamas sponsored a mass wedding on Wednesday night for '450 couples.'

Hamas dignitaries including Mahmud Zahar, one of the militant group's top leaders, were on hand to congratulate 450 grooms who took part in the carefully stage-managed event. "We are saying to the world and to America that you cannot deny us joy and happiness," Zahar told the men, all of whom were dressed in identical black suits and hailed from the nearby Jabalia refugee camp. Each groom received a present of 500 dollars from Hamas, which said its workers had also contributed five percent of their monthly salaries to add to the wedding gift. The 450 brides shared none of the glamour, taking seats among the audience of around 1,000 party guests: most couples had already taken part in religious ceremonies elsewhere, with more marriages planned for the next few days. "We are presenting this wedding as a gift to our people who stood firm in the face of the siege and the war," local Hamas strongman Ibrahim Salaf said in a speech.

Now I have raw video of the event, and I want you to pay close attention to the 'brides' - especially as they walk in with the 'grooms' around the 4:00 mark. There is no way that any of these little girls - half the heights of their husbands - is more than 10 years old.

Heres another video of a mass wedding held by Hamas in Gaza.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 09:03 PM

Islamification is the process of converting the world into the house of Islam. All lands that are not under Islam need to be converted by the sword.This is how mohammad spread his religion.This is what muslims were instructed to do.

Such a peaceful plan they have.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 03:15 AM
Interesting petition to stop muslim immigration

We have to make some effort to stop this problem.
Not sure who owns that link and where the info goes but I like to see more efforts being made to speak up against Islamification of the US.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 03:34 AM
reply to post by JJay55

Last time I checked the US was not an Islamic Republic with Sharia Law installed?

Yes there are some violent and evil people in the world, it is littered with them and you can find equally bad Christians. Yes they have a legal system which to us looks like the dark ages but it is their country so what right you do have to complain, if the people don't like it then it can be changed one way or another.

On the Islamification of the US, are you referring to Muslim's being in the US that practice Islam? Can you point me to specific political attempts to implement Sharia law in the US please. My gut tells me that is your core problem (forgive me if I am wrong but state clearly some examples if that is the case), so for a free country you would vote for the demonisation of a whole group of your society which has done nothing wrong? Anything of an aggressive nature can be considered extremist and there are laws and processes in place to deal with that in spades. Should a Muslim get caught for shop lifting you would raise his religion I suspect, it's the old hate bandwagon which has led us to some of the most evil actions in world history time after time.

Ever heard of the Christian Missions and some of the fun stuff they got up to? No side in this sad story of religion and violence has clean hands, none.

And to top it all you hope that some WMD get used so you can turn the whole middle east into a glass dish? Who was the violent extremist again?

[edit on 11-1-2010 by Bunker or Bust]

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by Bunker or Bust
reply to post by JJay55

Last time I checked the US was not an Islamic Republic with Sharia Law installed?

Yes there are some violent and evil people in the world, it is littered with them and you can find equally bad Christians.

'equally bad'? Define 'bad', since my definition of 'bad' may be different than yours. For me, bad = beheadings, bombs on planes, 40 yr old men marrying 6 yr old girls, convicting a woman for being gang raped, attempting to kill someone over a comic strip, forcing women to shamefully cover their entire body, dragging bodies through the streets and cheering like it's a block party rodeo.....

So, what's your 'bad'? And please spare us the crusades. Those are so yesterday.

Yes they have a legal system which to us looks like the dark ages but it is their country so what right you do have to complain, if the people don't like it then it can be changed one way or another.

Since it's 'their' country, I'd like to ask you to show me a map of Islam. I don't remember that being a country. Heck, it's not even a state, province, city, or county.

See? This statement shows just how little most of us really know about Islam.

Islam is an ideology, governed by Muslims. Islam resides where ever there are Muslims. We ARE in Islam. Our courts just haven't caught up, but don't worry they soon will.

On the Islamification of the US, are you referring to Muslim's being in the US that practice Islam? Can you point me to specific political attempts to implement Sharia law in the US please.

Sharia law isn't just for courts and politics. It governs all aspects of life, including sexual life. Kafirs, like you (I assume) and me, aren't equal (and never will be) to Muslims.

Rather than point you to a "specific political attempt to implement Sharia Law", I'd like for you to remember this explanation the next time you hear of Muslim justice on the news. (Like, the dad who killed his daughter with the family vehicle, or the daughter who ran away to Florida to escape her Muslim family values in Ohio. Many more, but maybe next time it's in the news we'll all put a little more thought into it.)

Should a Muslim get caught for shop lifting you would raise his religion I suspect, it's the old hate bandwagon which has led us to some of the most evil actions in world history time after time.

Only if that Muslim claimed to be shop lifting in the name of Allah. (Sorry JJ, don't mean to speak for you - just giving my opinion)

Ever heard of the Christian Missions and some of the fun stuff they got up to? No side in this sad story of religion and violence has clean hands, none.

I'm so glad most religions have evolved and no longer physically attack people who practice differently. Why do we pity and excuse their actions simply because they haven't updated their ancient laws? If we respected them, we would hold them accountable for their actions. By excusing them, we are agreeing with them. With this support and appeasement, comes more Jihad and attacks against the infidels.

And to top it all you hope that some WMD get used so you can turn the whole middle east into a glass dish? Who was the violent extremist again?

Sorry, but I agree. I'd rather see us go down fighting than go down with the silent whimper and fizz that's currently happening. I'd rather see the fight, than to just suddenly wake up to the silent take over that imminent. The fight may be the very last bit of pride that my children will ever get to witness.

We all need to think about that one. What are you going to say to your grand children when they question you about this great last world war? Are you going to say, "I saw only evil in my land, and never had enough pride in my own country's values, nor my own neighbors. I was too busy apologizing for the opposition and caught up condemning my own. I was too busy and caught up to fight for our own values. I invited the strangers to dinner and only then did I realize what I'd given up. My future, my life, my family. My country."

Those of you who think we're crazy and don't believe what's in front of our eyes, let me ask you all something. So what if we're all wrong. You all get to do the 'I told you so' dance, and make us eat our words. You get to forum stalk us and make our ATS life miserable. But, what if we are right? Most of us will lose more than our freedom of religion, we'll lose our lives.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by SourGrapes

I don't condone any such barbaric acts, never have and never will. As for my race and religion (what that has to do with it I have no idea) I am British, White of Anglo Saxon decent and Christian. The OP stated UAE Sheik, hence the country part. There are Christian's in Islamic countries too, are they converting and destroying the Islamic faith? The same could be applied from the other side and does from time to time, yes there are attacks on Christian's over there as Muslim's in Western countries. There is very little difference between parties once you start to take apart the onion..

Your good friends - The Saudi's who own significant parts of the US would not be too happy with you nuking the entire region because you see the Islamic faith as some major threat. Saudi Airforce flies US aircraft, you have military infrastructure in an Islamic country. Share intelligence and work together in the fight against terror and extremists, big business and international co-operation and so on. By proxy your succesive governments condone and support such action by the very relationship they hold with these Islamic countries, they are the voice of the American people are they not?

You would not have gotten into Iraq or Afganistan so easily without the support of these Islamic nations make no mistake.

Alot of Muslim's are peaceful and hate the extremists as much as you or I do. But I often hear about them not voicing opposition which is not true and them not doing anything about the extremist threat. The same could apply to you equally, have you seen the film Jesus camp? Check that out for the other side of the fence, brainwashing at an early age perparing for the "war". There is just as much hate on the US Christian side of the fence, yet from your perspective your right and mass murder is ok. Stunning and scary at the same time!

So innocent and peace loving Muslim's should die because of their faith?!? Because you are scared of it? How are you any better than Al Q or the Nazi's then?

Your happy to push the big red button and risk wiping out the planet, WMD are just that and they don't respect borders. Wind will blow around all that lovely radioactive sand.. So when your child has terminal cancer or some other genetic nasty because half of the middle east glows at night and he or she asks why, what would you say then? Because it was the lesser of two evils?

US Islamic partners in the region also have brutal law and behead people yet your government both republican and democrat have been happy to snuggle up under the covers and play nice. Equally horrific crimes occur on US and UK shores. So did you vote for an extreme anti muslim far right wing facist party at the election?

Can't have your cake and eat it as they say..

Your happy to buy their oil and drive your car around? A bit hypocritical if your convictions calls for mass genocide. The US plays a dangerous game supporting both sides of the fence, Isreal and certain parts of the Muslim world. Easy to play one side off the other and profit through selling weapons, rebuilding and all that other rubbish. Pumping cash in and doing business with both factions, daily..

So you want to wipe them off the face of the earth due to human rights violation? What about US human rights violations with an illegal war? When you going to China or Tibet or any of the other respresive countries in the world which don't conform to your way of life? Will you be happy once the whole planet is US Christian or will you start a cival war to calm the blood lust?

Who made the US the moral policeman of the world and based on what right? I must have missed the memo..

Now I do understand your concern, we have a Muslim population in the UK as well you know. It is only the select FEW which are an issue, yes as a culture they are different. But so are the Chinese, US, Canada and UK culture is different as well, difference is ok which is handy because you are surrounded by it even within your own "grouping"! Half the stuff in your house was made in China, you support their structure and way of life as well every time you by a made in China product.

If you don't like "The Muslim" then push for a change in immigration policy, You honestly fear that Muslim's will outnumber the rest of the religious diversity in the US in yours or your childs lifetime?!? I am willing to take a bet off you there, easy money. There is no large Islamic army which is going to invade the US. If there was they would be using YOUR weapons, ironic don't you think..

If your life depended on it would you turn down help from an Islamic faithed person? Would you refuse water in the desert or turn away that medical specialist?

Alot of what is going on the world is down to the manipulation of fear by government and religious "leaders" and a lack of awareness and respect for other human beings. There is never justification for killing millions of people, have you spoken to each one and recorded their views on your checklist for ethical and moral termination?

Please wake up from the nightmare, if your not part of a peaceful solution you are part of the problem. Also I am not "forum stalking" it is called an opposite opinion and that is what is required for debate. Last time I checked I didn't live in China where free speach is limited, harshly..

[edit on 11-1-2010 by Bunker or Bust]

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by Dnevnoi

Yes and homosexuals get beaten to death in the UK and US, homophobic violence is here as well. Adulterous women also get murdered on our safe a civilised shores. People get locked up and disappear just for opening their mouths in China yet I don't see the same level of aggression there.. Why did the US not support the freedom seeking students and invade China due to Tianamen square? They needed the help then and there, yet we all sat glued to the TV and did sod all. It is sadly all about money and they (the government) need YOUR support to justify it so pour on some fear and whip up some hate and bingo! Fat profits all round for the select few..

The difference is that it's the law there, not here but the end result all to often is the same - death through ignorance. You drink beer, offensive to Muslim's, eat beef which is a sacred animal to the Hindu faith. The list can go on and on, culture differences all over the place. I do not agree with what they get up too but I am not blinded by fear or racial hatred or easily manipulated by TPTB. If the people of those countries do not agree with the way the are governed then there is always the option of revolution. Should we get involved? Would that not make us the same as the Islamic extremists that want to convert the UK into an Islamic state?

Yet for decades western government is happy to do business and support such countries.. How does that sit with you, your elected leaders the ones you put into power by proxy condone such actions. Makes you think does it not? Not as cut and dried as your think, reflex reaction to a cultural difference works a charm EVERY single time. And because the same methods of fear and control are applied over there we have the world we live in today, both parties hate and fear each other in equal measure and want to rip each other to bits. Whilst those in power directly profit and mantain total control as a threat needs to be defended against right?

Got to give it to TPTB, they are a real sneaky bunch and know how to push the buttons of human nature. If your so busy and scared fighting the enemy you are far less likely to question what they are doing to you.. Genius!

[edit on 11-1-2010 by Bunker or Bust]

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by Bunker or Bust

If you want to bury your head in the sand then that is your choice. There are plenty of examples daily how Sharia is creeping in. The UK and other EU countries have major problems, car-b-ques, Italy having issues, it's everywhere if you want to open your eyes.
Since 911 Islamic global terrorism is only increasing which indicates that it's not going away anytime soon. Thus a line has been drawn in the sand.

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