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Lack of action prevents revolution...

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posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 03:41 PM
Ok so heres my beef of the week...

I have come on ATS at least once a week for the last few years and i have seen a broad spectrum of conspiracies.

We have given our thoughts and opinions on many articles here on ATS and yet no action has been taken.

No ruling majority or a coming together of the masses.
Just opinions shared from the safety of your homes behind your pc's.

Now with the amount of research and threads on ATS it isnt hard to see an elite group of people directing the path for humanity.
Call them the Bilderbergs, the Masons, the Illuminati or the UN and so on...
These groups govern us and control what we are taught, fed, believe, act and think.
We are part of their system and we cooperate in order to survive.

We pay taxes, we are assimulated, converted, conditioned and dumbed down to their way of thinking.

Yet these powers continue to grow in power and become more and more ruthless from the obsession to control.

We the people here on ATS have brought to light the many conspiracies that have been covered up and we have seen the propaganda and missinformation machines at work.

SO many of us know without a doubt in our minds that something is not right.
That there is a storm brewing...

This is not a scaremonger tactic either, this is real and the truth is infront of us all.

The question i pose is that in order to stop this machine or beast system from completing its plan for a new world order and a one world currency, religion and ruler, we the people have to begin a revolution.
A spiritual revolution of awakening.
When enough people awaken and start to question the reality of the system we live in and start coming together in overthrowing this system we will have stopped the machine which is in the process of pushing us over the edge of the proverbial cliff.

Why then is it this has not yet happened?

Why have the people seen the injustices, the torture, the terrorisation, the manipulation, the control, the fear mongering, the obvious and outright declaration of the world governments to subjegate the masses to fear and suffering, and done nothing?

When will we realise that we are the people , we are the power.
We tell the government what we want and if they dont do it properly we remove them.
We the vast majority have been made to feel powerless against a small group of people.
We are the army, the navy, the police, the drs and scientists and engineers and politicians.
We the majority can take back from the minority and dictate our own terms.
Why has this not happened?
What will it take for the people to finally realise?
will it be too late for a revolution by the time they have stamped their mark?

It bemuses me how so many people have strong opinions and will fight on here to be correct and heard and respected. Yet in the real world they sit at home on their PC observing the world.

Why is there a lack of action?


posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 03:49 PM
Lack of action?

I dearly ask- "what type of action are you seeking to happen"?


Armed conflict and toppling of our government?

Perhaps a "New World Order" of some invention of your own?

Yeah...thanks, but no thanks...I am in no hurry to see that many people die just because a lot of people "woke up last year".

Sorry...just not trying to see half the country shooting at the other half, specially when it would result in "my side" being detained, killed or enslaved.

Good luck at getting your revolution while assuming "nothing is being done" in absence of it.

Let me ask you one thing-

Is nothing being done? Or do you just see revolution and armed conflict as the only thing "to be done"?

[edit on 10-1-2010 by Mr Mask]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 03:55 PM
I never mentioned armed conflict once or for that matter any form of violence.
I did however mention a spiritual revolution and something spiritual is universal and in the best interests of all people and the planet.

When a spiritual awakening occurs we wont need violence. We will solve all our problems through love.

when we realise that we dont need to be a part of their system. The very same system that sickens you. One that pomotes violence, hate, greed and fear. One that uses an army and weapons to control the majority.

I am not talking of a retaliation here i am talking of an overstanding.


posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by spirit777child

Ah, I see.

And what happens when we all stand up to the government and tell them this?

"hey you governments! We are done with your system. We are taking back all the land you legally own, bucking the systems we are lawfully ordered to abide, and we are NOT GOING TO TAKE YOUR SYSTEM ANYMORE!"

I am not trying to be a jerk here...I am simple asking, "what then"?

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 04:14 PM
Then we are free to create our own realities.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by spirit777child
Then we are free to create our own realities.

We are!?

And who will manage your food, sanitation, defense, medical treatment, buildings, sciences, and all the things "reality makers/dreamers of a new world" are not able to handle without professional experts in said areas?

Just wondering...after 6.2 billion people get rid of all these people "running your world", what then?

Will you be my dentist?

Will you fix my car?

Will you surgically remove my tumor before it kills me?

Just wondering here.

You have "step one" all ready to go- STAND UP AND OUT THE BAD GUYS!

Does step two have anything in the way of keeping 6.2 billion people fed and alive (never mind defended and entertained enough so we don't devolve into a chaos that you have not forecasted in your thread)?

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 04:30 PM
Who says any of that has to stop?

we stop trusting and believing in money and its power and start believing in sharing with one another.


posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 04:56 PM
I am with both of you guys. But I have to say, I love and agree with the point Mr Mask is making.

I see where you are coming from spirit. I actually came into this thread excited that you were going to throw some ideas around, or some contributions you have made to changing things or starting a revolution that will benefit people in some sort of way. Now, I am in no way bashing you or taking anything away from this thread, but I must say, Mr. Mask is right.

Once someone decides to start a "revolution" or "create change" or "fix the powers that be", they better have a way to either keep everyone happy, or be ready for chaos.

You said:
"When will we realise that we are the people , we are the power.
We tell the government what we want and if they dont do it properly we remove them.
We the vast majority have been made to feel powerless against a small group of people.
We are the army, the navy, the police, the drs and scientists and engineers and politicians.
We the majority can take back from the minority and dictate our own terms.
Why has this not happened?
What will it take for the people to finally realise?
will it be too late for a revolution by the time they have stamped their mark? "

And this is true. We are the people, without us, all the money in the world would not help the rich fight, if the army and bodygaurds banded together and just decided to say "No." Or if no one in the U.S voted, or if we all got together and decided that we are not going to take whatever that we feel is unjust. But then that's where the problem lies. We are the people. We do not all agree on anything, except that we should be free, and hell, not everyone even agrees on that.

People will put their families first, their jobs first, their lives first. Very few people will actually stand up for what they believe in if it means they will be put in an uncomfortable position.

Why do you think silly things like public speaking, and asking a stranger out on a date are such big deals in our society? Or how about not being able to support your family because you can't get a job because you are out protesting. Or how about the fact you have the potential to be put in prison for standing up for your rights.

There are too many variables, and without any type of leadership, people just will not stand up. Sure there will be one guy who starts a chain reaction, that's been seen in history many times. But it takes someone to get it started. You can argue that "people have their own minds they can stand up for themselves if they want" And while that is true, to an extent, it's the very flip side of that argument why people don't start a revolution. You can't revolt alone and expect change. You will need people backing you up.

As individualistic as people are, we are generally creatures that still suffer from a flock or group mentality. You see it all the time. The world is full of followers, and as long as they are satisfied, they will continue to eat the grass they are fed. Once the grass runs out, they will simply move onto a new field, they might not like it at first, but give it a few years and they will get used to it.

My point is, most people, and I put emphasis on the word most, are not going to put themselves in a position where they are not comfortable if they do not have a good chance to gain some sort of reward or satisfaction. People cannot agree on one thing and come together in a majority in order to start a revolution, because once the revolution starts, what are they fighting for?

You will have people fighting to stop the slaughtering of animals for food, people who are fighting for the right to sell drugs, people fighting for the right to have an abortion, people fighting for the right to have free market, people fighting to become the new king, people fighting for their race to detain other races, I mean the list goes on, and the thing is, with every fight there is someone who believes the exact opposite who will be fighting back.

This is why there is no action, in my opinion of course.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 05:09 PM
I understand how you both feel.

So what do we do sit here and be subjected to a system that is exerting more and more control over us. Would you not rather fight to survive or become a slave to a system?

I think a spiritual revolution will take place wether we like it or not.
I just wonder what the catalyst will be and when it will occur.

There is already a major shift on consciousness, people are starting to put the peices of the puzzle together.

I understand your reluctence to leave your safty bubbles, hell why would you want to change are being fed, clothed, kept warm and given options and choices to improve your life but ultimatly you have put your trust and faith in the hands of the very people that consider you as nothing more than a number.

That is all well and good but when you wake up and realise you are insignificant to the people and way of life you support then you will realise there is much worth changing for.

The key is not retaliation it is inner change. It is a spiritual transformation.
When you begin to put others in the same frame of thinking as your job and family and security, when you consider a stranger to be your brother or sister only then can we overstand this system and evolve on leaving it behind us.

Yes their are many factions fighting the two extreams but it is about meeting in the middle and finding a universal balance and a way forward.

It does not have to be a war or a fight it can be a beautiful transition from one way of living to the next.


posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by TranscendencyNow

Well said and written.


I would also like to add that "yeah" I feel what the OP is saying, I just think it is the typical idealism of a person who "doesn't have billions of dollars invested" in the system.

Topple that system (or make a damn good start at doing it) and you will have "armed conflict and revolution".

End of fact there.

If anyone topples this system, they will be a target, an enemy to many wealthy forces and put in direct danger from countless forces both unseen and seen.

It will take much more then "a feeling of love and sharing" for the "system" to buckle (never mind break), and once such a thing begins, you will find many invested powers quick to stomping out the fire before it even begins to smoke effectively.

I "feel" you need for a better life, a better world, a spiritual existence. I really do.

But just say that at a grocery store while trying to "share their food" and see them turn you away.

Now try saying it to "world governments" and see how kindly they take to such "free spirits of love and grace".

But, if you DO find a way to become a useful working cog in the machine to bring us all to a next level of existence without money,greed,crime and pain...I will surly join you the second I see you are "really making a difference" and not just "wishfully thinking of impossible futures you would rather suffer then the one we have been currently dealt".

Again...I sympathize...but I just don't see this thread (or the line of thinking behind it) getting the world any closer to nirvana any time soon.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 05:22 PM
Nirvana is closer than you think. I know of movements that are taking place as we speak that promote the very ideas i speak of. There are millions all over the world coming together to promote a world of peace love and sharing.

it is the only way we will survive the coming judgements.

We can not continue to live the way we are living without a global consciousness rising to the surface to show us who and what we truely are.

The viel is being lifted on many fronts and soon we will see our true reflections.

There are many changes ahead and to come, big and rapid changes.

Like i said earlier my interest is in the catalyst.

What will it take? I financial collapse? a life thretening situation?

Soon we will not be able to ignore the need to change and to awaken.
The people are starting to awaken.

There is a messiah coming and very soon. The world will stand wrapt in awe.
That is when the people will be guided to change. When the teacher arrives.

And rest assured there is concrete proof that the world leaders all know this is a reality that will soon manifest. I have happy to provide proof if it is requested.

The fact is love will save us all in the end.
And all things negative will leave us.


posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by spirit777child
I understand how you both feel.

I do not think you do from reading the following quotes of yours (mostly the one talking of my reluctance of leaving a safety bubble)

So what do we do sit here and be subjected to a system that is exerting more and more control over us. Would you not rather fight to survive or become a slave to a system?

Most of us have have doctors, food, shelter, family and friends. Fight to throw that away without a viable replacement? No thank you.

But you asked "what do we do"?

I can't help you there. I know I have personally made my life a walking display of colors, noise and celebration (with no small effort). It works for me.

I think a spiritual revolution will take place wether we like it or not.
I just wonder what the catalyst will be and when it will occur.

You may be right on this one. If a spiritual revolution IS to happen, I would assume it comes after a total collapse of the institutions we know today.

Make no mistake, such a revolution "does" indeed need to have some horrific side effects to it, even if it IS successful in the end.

There is already a major shift on consciousness, people are starting to put the peices of the puzzle together.

I hear this a lot...I do not agree with it. I do not see people "making great strides in the evolution of self awareness". Alls I see is a huge number of people jumping on the consperiacy train in the last 4 years. I give a lot of credit of this to "TV,radio,internet" bombarding us ENDLESSLY with radical subjects of "conspiracy origin".

You may think people are "waking up"

I just see a lot of folks "just now paying attention" and doing nothing but "talking about it" for entertainment or paranoid reasons.

Is this a "wake up" or the greatest moment of "confusion" within society as I know it?

Or perhaps, it is a tactic being used to rile us all up so we snap and do "just what they need us to do" so they can tighten their grasps on what rights we still have?

I understand your reluctence to leave your safty bubbles, hell why would you want to change are being fed, clothed, kept warm

My bubble is not safe, normal, or promising to keep me fed, warm or sheltered at all. I live a very "strange life" where things like "money, cloths, shelter and material possessions" are not as important as "other facets to my existence".

Food of course remains absolutely important.

That is all well and good but when you wake up and realise you are insignificant to the people and way of life you support then you will realise there is much worth changing for.

When I wake up, I do so knowing "the people" you refer to mean "nothing" of significance to my way of life.

I do agree there is MUCH worth changing for...and I change everyday on my path towards "whatever becomes of me and my future".

Just know, I do so "without a care" for the normalcy "most" people suffer.

The key is not retaliation it is inner change. It is a spiritual transformation.
When you begin to put others in the same frame of thinking as your job and family and security, when you consider a stranger to be your brother or sister only then can we overstand this system and evolve on leaving it behind us.

I agree with the sentiment, just not the goal behind it.

Finding spiritual love for others is surly a great thing to strive for. But I do not think it is a way to thwart the system we are within.

It does not have to be a war or a fight it can be a beautiful transition from one way of living to the next.

I agree, as long as you are talking about "yourself" within your "own life", but once you start calling to remove the system that billions demand to exist for survival, you no longer are evolving your own "being", you are now stepping on toes and deeming the "popular system" a thing "in need of being destroyed".

Perhaps finding the balance you speak of has less to do with forcing a change on the system, and more to do with finding peace within it, no matter the preposterous/selfish nature of it.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 05:39 PM
Yes spirit, I agree with you for the most part. If that were to happen everything would be great.

But I feel as though we can't have it both ways. We can't sit here and wait for people to "wake up" or "gain a major shift in consciousness" and not take action. Either people are waiting for some consciousness shift to happen, or they are working to better themselves from the inside.

I can only talk from personal experience. I personally don't like using terms like "waking up" and "waiting for a shift in consciousness", that's just me, I am not saying that those things can't happen and I'm not saying people won't wake up or something will trigger in their brains and erase past experiences and create harmony amongst the land.

But what I do know is, I have more or less reached a level within myself that I do not harbor any ill-feeling towards anyone. I do not argue with anyone over silly dramas we will forget about the next day. I don't look at a white person or a black person and come up with racial blocks and barriers that stop me from talking to them. I don't look at a stranger and feel worried about making conversation with them. I don't watch a bad movie and say "WOW WHAT A WASTE OF TIME!". I don't read someone's opinion and completely disregard it and tell them they are stupid. And I don't go around pretending to know everything thinking I am better then everyone else.

But many people do. Just look online, under the anonymity of the internet people let their true feelings out. Go read some comments on youtube, go visit some forums where there is no T&C to regulate their talk and maintain some sort of order and manners. Go out to some ghettos (white or black) and see how some streets look. Even in rich neighborhoods there is crime and violence. Drug addictions and violent drunks, racism and rape, literal slavery and human trafficking.

I am completely open minded to almost everything. I am not saying "I woke up" or that I went through some change, nor am I saying I lived a perfect life that allowed me to grow up with rose colored glasses.
I went through alot to get to where I am today, and I am thankful for it, I am thankful I feel the way I do everyday and that I can look at most topics and ideologies from all angles and take something from everyone's opinion.

Now, I am sure you are wondering why I went through all of this, and what it has to do with this topic. What I am trying to say is, that in my opinion, the majority of people are not going to change without something helping them. Don't get me wrong, I have faith in people. When people actually do put their minds to something, we are simply amazing. But seriously, we as a people are no where near ready for a mass change in the way we live our lives unless it is forced upon us. Even if we got 5 billion people to all agree and love each other, you would still have almost 2 billion more to deal with. Even if you got 99.9 percent of the population to love each other, that .1 could potentially be so infectious, we could end up right back where we are today.

Even if everyone on ATS was some enlightened being living among the rest of the world, we still would not be ready for a change, because we are still the minority on this site.

I do hope that eventually something great happens where we all hold hands and learn to accept each other without needing to control each other, but I just don't see that happening anytime soon. There are just too many things stopping us, too many barriers have been built, and it will take either a huge event, or a huge amount of time, to bring them down.

Good thread, and while it's not for me to judge, I hope someone will learn something from this thread and try to better what ever aspect of their life they feel they are lacking.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 05:40 PM
No ruling majority or a coming together of the masses.
Just opinions shared from the safety of your homes behind your pc's.

And you are doing what exactly? Sharing an opinion from the safety of your home? Good for you. Myself I've been an active member in the Libertarian Party going on twenty years, give or take. I go door to door spreading our platform. Not saying join us. But grass roots political activism counts for something. Try it.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 05:42 PM
Self edited to remove uncompleted opinions.

[edit on 10-1-2010 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by concernedcitizan

It's things like this that make me happy. Doing something you believe in to make changes you believe should happen. Even if I don't agree with it, (not saying that I don't, just mean in general) I have respect for you for doing something you feel can help your community.

I too have been getting involved to make changes in my community. They may seem small, but it's the small things we can hope build up and cause a ripple effect. I have gotten people together in my state and started food drives, and protests against laws we thought were unfair. We are planning bigger things we hope to put in action and hopefully make a difference. Like I said, it may not be much, but I'd rather be doing something then nothing. Star for you.

Oh, and just to cover ground so that I am hopefully not attacked, yes yes I know there are groups and movements who do bad things, and are completely against what I stand for. And while I do not agree with them at all, and while I hate to say it, I have to give respect to someone who fights for what they believe in, even if I absolutely dislike and disagree with it.

I believe there is a quote that goes "A man who has nothing to die for is not fit to live". Something like that.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by spirit777child
Nirvana is closer than you think. I know of movements that are taking place as we speak that promote the very ideas i speak of.

Knowing of movements is a far cry from "knowing the future".

I know and belong to movements myself...I won't paint a factual picture of the future based on our goals within our movement.

We can not continue to live the way we are living without a global consciousness rising to the surface to show us who and what we truely are.

You say we can't...yet every second that passes, we are doing just that-

The viel is being lifted on many fronts and soon we will see our true reflections.

I see...and should I file this prediction with the billions of predictions mortals have shared amongst us for millennia prior to yours here, or should I just take your word for it?

There are many changes ahead and to come, big and rapid changes.

WE SO AGREE on that one...sadly, I think we have two different perspectives on what those "changes may bring".

Soon we will not be able to ignore the need to change and to awaken.
The people are starting to awaken.

Again, you say so...where as I see a world 100-times dumber then the one I was in 10 years ago. I have never seen so much disinfo, confusion, fear, anger and stupidity then I see around me today.

The youth are damaged and radically heading towards a dumbed-down state of no-return, and the adults seem to be as blind and deaf as any elder can ever wish to be.

I see no great awakening...I just see a whirlwind of poppycock laced with lunacy and hopefulness.

There is a messiah coming and very soon. The world will stand wrapt in awe.
That is when the people will be guided to change. When the teacher arrives.

Yknow, I am not a man "without God", but I surly do not offer "the coming of a Messiah" as verifiable fact. I see you are very comfortable in assuming a supernatrual force is coming to solve all our problems.

That is your right to do so.

Some call it faith, some call it being lazy and apathetic.

I think "we" need to fix our problems, not magical men from the sky.

I could be very wrong and openly admit that.

And rest assured there is concrete proof that the world leaders all know this is a reality that will soon manifest. I have happy to provide proof if it is requested.

Rest assured you are wrong. There is no concrete proof of such a thing. And no, I do not need documents or websites showing me you are right. Fact is, I most definitely have read of, or heard, what you call "proof" already. I am a huge conspiracy nut who watches all corners of all subjects within the genre.

I am well aware of more then a handful of Messiahs that are promised to return soon.

I am not one to accept "words of man" as factual when reading the future.

The fact is love will save us all in the end.
And all things negative will leave us.

Really? Great news. I am glad you have so much faith in such matters. I reserve a bit more skepticism in my life. Hope and love do not paint my factual future, real world events and actions do.

[edit on 10-1-2010 by Mr Mask]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by TranscendencyNow

You sir (or mam) sound like a wonderful person.

Everything you have written here resonates within my own experiences (save for overcoming the need of debate or seeing some people as irrationally stupid. I still suffer from this hurtle within my own life) in this life.

Just wanted to say "good stuff" to you!

[edit on 10-1-2010 by Mr Mask]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by concernedcitizan

And you are doing what exactly? Sharing an opinion from the safety of your home? Good for you. Myself I've been an active member in the Libertarian Party going on twenty years, give or take. I go door to door spreading our platform. Not saying join us. But grass roots political activism counts for something. Try it.

Great post and great work!
THAT is effort worth applauding.

Keep up the good work, we both know it is not the "outcome" that makes your endeavors worthy of your energy.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 06:14 PM
I am sensing a resistence in some of these replies.
I understand that your way of life is threatened by ideals expressed in my post.

Your life is what you have created it to be and anything that contradicts your view of how life is best lived you will fight against.

Thats fine its called self preservation and is a basic instinct inate in us all.

The problem is that this way of life is not something to fear rather something to embrace.

The world we live in is heading into two realities.

One good and one bad.

it is up to us to choose which road humanity walks.

We have to realise we have no power to steer the course of our own existence unless it is within their system.

The minute you pose a threat is when you are exposed as a terrorist.

I personally dont want to live in a system based on those rules.

i dont want to be affraid to voice my opinion if it better serves our existence on this planet.

The powers that be fear us coming together and with good cause because they know they will no longer be a force.

I am not saying we have to destroy the system im just saying we have to outgrow it. All of us even the elitests.

If we dont overstand the system the system will always be over us.
We have to become enlightened beings able to show responsibility to one another and to the earth on we we live and consume its resources.

It is this fear of change that allows the system to continue on its course unchallanged.

If we dont wake up then we are simply sleeping and if we sleep we will never awaken.

I may be sitting here at my pc giving my opinion but to assume i would start this thread without any proof to back that i have played my part and continue to do so is simple iggnorance

I have layed my life on the line for the greatest change the world has ever seen.

One day you may see this and realise there is much more to this thread than you may believe.


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