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posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 01:07 PM
Do I Have Other Peoples’ Memories in My Head?

Movie like image in my head #1 of two.
I was completely awake and had my eyes closed. I was stretching out in my living room of an apartment in the Buckhead section of Atlanta overlooking the city of Atlanta skyline some 15 miles away.
In this apartment, relaxing in my living room with my eyes closed I saw the most vivid daydream I have ever experienced. It was not unlike a film or a video game; but it was not a film I had ever seen or a video game I have played. I don’t even play video games.
So in this experience I remember an extraordinary feeling of being in a distant time and place. The images in my mind were a hundred thousand times more lucid than any daydream, more so even then my clearest memories of dreams.
In this memory, as I will now call it, there were massive canyon walls on my left and right.
I was lying on my back and looking up at the sky. It was blue and there was a woman who was leaning over me. I had the impression that she had just healed me in some way. I asked her “What have you done to me?”

To which she replied, “The question you have ask yourself is ‘what have you done to yourself’”?
I had the feeling that I had been climbing up the side of one of those canyon walls and that I had fallen. She had done something to revive me I guess. And then it ends and a second one begins.

Movie like image in my head #2

This began moments after #1 from above ended.
I was in the base of a large building foundation. I had the distinct impression that I was rising up somehow like on an elevator shaft. I was moving up through the building and all of a sudden I noticed that there was no roof on the structure and that I continued upward through the opening of an unfinished structure.

Soon I was soaring across a landscape and flying over dozens of pyramids, which were being constructed. I had the distinct impression that I was performing a kind of aerial surveillance on the pyramids being built. If it’s a past life memory, which I feel it is, then perhaps I worked for one the architectural firms involved in the construction of these pyramids. Or perhaps I was an intelligent slave doing the exact same job.
Either way the movement of my perspective gave me the impression that I was in a form of hot air balloon. I don’t know what it was though. But it was some kind of flying device.

What does this sound like to you?
Past life memories, if they are real, are other peoples’ memories in one’s head. There’s no other way around it. They are other men and women’s lives etched into one’s psyche.
Millions and millions of people across the world have these “past life memories”

What triggers past life memories?
What were these if not past life memories?
Impressions from the collective unconscious?
The imagination of a singer –songwriter?
Do you have any of your own?

I will leave you with a song called Galileo.
He is an icon of conspiracy theorists all over the world.
The singer songwriters of this song honor Galileo for his inner beauty while wondering aloud, in song lyric form, about the nature of reincarnation



posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 01:29 PM
You ask what "triggers" these images -- the answer is the "real" you which is pure consciousness.

Pure consciousness is the eternal process of image creation as holographic reality.

So Western reality is based on closed materialism -- we measure time as spatial distance -- and this started with Galileo!

In fact your "symptom" of Galileo is the ANSWER to your question -- about what "triggers" the messages.

Galileo was challenging Pythagorean harmonics. In Pythagorean harmonics the Perfect 5th is 2:3 and the Perfect 4th is 3:4 -- so C to G is 2:3 and G to C is 3:4 -- this violates the commutative property whereby A x B = B x A.

So Pythagorean harmonics was not allowed by Galileo. It turns out that Galileo misinterpreted Pythagorean harmonics -- setting up a strawman argument -- and then dismissed his own misinterpretation.

Newton actually properly understood how Pythagorean harmonics was translated into Western science. This has been documented in the 1960s -- it was discovered Newton got his concept of gravity straight from the early Western Greek scientists who had transformed Pythagorean harmonics into the Western symmetric measurements.

So Galileo claimed Pythagoras heard hammers hitting anvils and the anvils twice as big made a sound twice as low. But in fact this isn't proper harmonics.

Newton figured out the secret -- that a weight 4 times as heavy made a sound at twice the frequency by stretching a string four times as long.

Archytas, the collaborator of Plato, and then Archimedes, were the first to translate this concept of inverse squares into geometric magnitude using "alogon" as the irrational number.

But, again, this is not REAL Pythagorean harmonics! Real Pythagorean harmonics is that frequency is not measured as spatial distance. So in Western harmonics we learn the "circle of fifths" -- so that the ratio 2:3 keeps resonating as pure Number and then after 12 notes on the scale -- returns to the octave.

In fact in "real" harmonics this does not happen -- the fifths do not line up with the octaves -- and so in the West the real harmonics were simply just "averaged out" so that there could be an irrational number lined up as the inverse square distance rule. This works up since the double octave of 2 as 4 is also the inverse square -- 2 x 2 = 4. But the octaves double via arithmetic while the squares increase geometrically -- 2, 4, 8, versus 2, 4, 16. So this is the "bait and switch" of time as spatial distance which then launched the Western Greek Miracle of science.

Everything was groovy until along came quantum physics which is now the new foundation for science. Once again energy is defined by frequency as intensity -- not amplitude as spatial distance using number of weights. So in frequency as energy intensity, once again, you have violation of the commutative property which is otherwise the standard for Western logic. But still in quantum physics you have to rely on classical science for measurement -- the statistics has to be translated back to the technological context of measurement -- just as geometry has to rely on lines as distance for spatial measurement of frequency.

Nonwestern music is not like this because pure logical inference via listening is the means by which consciousness is made apparent. When we listen with great focus there is no "one" listening -- instead we get total energy frequency resonance which then creates light. This process of listening IS CONSCIOUSNESS. The light, as quantum physics shows us, has entanglement and superposition, so that spacetime is bent. This enables you to have visions which are not "yours" and also to have precognition, etc.

My blog has more details

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by drew hempel
You ask what "triggers" these images -- the answer is the "real" you which is pure consciousness.

Pure consciousness is the eternal process of image creation as holographic reality.

So Western reality is based on closed materialism -- we measure time as spatial distance -- and this started with Galileo!

In fact your "symptom" of Galileo is the ANSWER to your question -- about what "triggers" the messages.

Galileo was challenging Pythagorean harmonics. In Pythagorean harmonics the Perfect 5th is 2:3 and the Perfect 4th is 3:4 -- so C to G is 2:3 and G to C is 3:4 -- this violates the commutative property whereby A x B = B x A.

So Pythagorean harmonics was not allowed by Galileo. It turns out that Galileo misinterpreted Pythagorean harmonics -- setting up a strawman argument -- and then dismissed his own misinterpretation.

Newton actually properly understood how Pythagorean harmonics was translated into Western science. This has been documented in the 1960s -- it was discovered Newton got his concept of gravity straight from the early Western Greek scientists who had transformed Pythagorean harmonics into the Western symmetric measurements.

So Galileo claimed Pythagoras heard hammers hitting anvils and the anvils twice as big made a sound twice as low. But in fact this isn't proper harmonics.

Newton figured out the secret -- that a weight 4 times as heavy made a sound at twice the frequency by stretching a string four times as long.

Archytas, the collaborator of Plato, and then Archimedes, were the first to translate this concept of inverse squares into geometric magnitude using "alogon" as the irrational number.

But, again, this is not REAL Pythagorean harmonics! Real Pythagorean harmonics is that frequency is not measured as spatial distance. So in Western harmonics we learn the "circle of fifths" -- so that the ratio 2:3 keeps resonating as pure Number and then after 12 notes on the scale -- returns to the octave.

In fact in "real" harmonics this does not happen -- the fifths do not line up with the octaves -- and so in the West the real harmonics were simply just "averaged out" so that there could be an irrational number lined up as the inverse square distance rule. This works up since the double octave of 2 as 4 is also the inverse square -- 2 x 2 = 4. But the octaves double via arithmetic while the squares increase geometrically -- 2, 4, 8, versus 2, 4, 16. So this is the "bait and switch" of time as spatial distance which then launched the Western Greek Miracle of science.

Everything was groovy until along came quantum physics which is now the new foundation for science. Once again energy is defined by frequency as intensity -- not amplitude as spatial distance using number of weights. So in frequency as energy intensity, once again, you have violation of the commutative property which is otherwise the standard for Western logic. But still in quantum physics you have to rely on classical science for measurement -- the statistics has to be translated back to the technological context of measurement -- just as geometry has to rely on lines as distance for spatial measurement of frequency.

Nonwestern music is not like this because pure logical inference via listening is the means by which consciousness is made apparent. When we listen with great focus there is no "one" listening -- instead we get total energy frequency resonance which then creates light. This process of listening IS CONSCIOUSNESS. The light, as quantum physics shows us, has entanglement and superposition, so that spacetime is bent. This enables you to have visions which are not "yours" and also to have precognition, etc.

My blog has more details

Well, that sounds extraordinary indeed.
So you are saying I am Galileo-esque
Seriously there is a lot of math in there, which is a subject I am not good at, and I will have to re-read what you have posted for all the nuggets of into that are in there.
For now what I would like clarity on please, Drew, is this :
You are suggesting that a pursuit of truth has opened a doorway?
That I am in synch with something universal? That something was brought about through alignment? A personal discovery of some sort I take it.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 01:42 PM
Nice vid, I saw them one time in a bar in Ruston, Louisiana, good show.

I think dreams connect us to memories of the human subconscious.

Did you happen to notice how they were building the pyramids??


posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by Signals
Nice vid, I saw them one time in a bar in Ruston, Louisiana, good show.

I think dreams connect us to memories of the human subconscious.

Did you happen to notice how they were building the pyramids??


You mean the vid that I painted in your head of what I saw in my head
? Well, thanks. Glad I could paint a motion picture in your mind.
It would be a great vid. But it's only in my head as of now

I think dreams connect us to the human subconscious as well, though I was awake at the time of the experience; as I have mentioned.

I knew someone would ask about the pyramids

I was high off the ground in the "vision" and no, signals, I wasn't "high"
If I had to guess how I would say that stone was made into mud, moved, and then solidified back into stone again. Don't flame me for that!
People still debate how that was done.
Though there is a great thread on the ATS about this theory. And a steele in Egypt that describes the process.
Perhaps that's close to what it was, but that's off topic.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by dragonsmusic

Originally posted by Signals
Nice vid, I saw them one time in a bar in Ruston, Louisiana, good show.

I think dreams connect us to memories of the human subconscious.

Did you happen to notice how they were building the pyramids??


You mean the vid that I painted in your head of what I saw in my head
? Well, thanks. Glad I could paint a motion picture in your mind.
It would be a great vid. But it's only in my head as of now

No, not that one, though it was cool
- The Youtube link you posted.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by Signals

Originally posted by dragonsmusic

Originally posted by Signals
Nice vid, I saw them one time in a bar in Ruston, Louisiana, good show.

I think dreams connect us to memories of the human subconscious.

Did you happen to notice how they were building the pyramids??


You mean the vid that I painted in your head of what I saw in my head
? Well, thanks. Glad I could paint a motion picture in your mind.
It would be a great vid. But it's only in my head as of now

No, not that one, though it was cool
- The Youtube link you posted.

Ah! Thanks, buddy.
And thanks for star and flag too!

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Signals

Originally posted by dragonsmusic

Originally posted by Signals
Nice vid, I saw them one time in a bar in Ruston, Louisiana, good show.

I think dreams connect us to memories of the human subconscious.

Did you happen to notice how they were building the pyramids??


You mean the vid that I painted in your head of what I saw in my head
? Well, thanks. Glad I could paint a motion picture in your mind.
It would be a great vid. But it's only in my head as of now

No, not that one, though it was cool
- The Youtube link you posted.

That's not a link to a band. How could you have seen it?
Are you referring to the myspace link I had up before? That's not something you would have seen in Louisiana either . That's my own song. I think you are laughing in some way , my ATS friend that I don't understand.
Am I not getting your sense of humor perhaps?

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 02:53 PM
You have admitted to (more then once on ATS) using substances that alter the mind.

Perhaps this is a reflection of that in damage done to your mind and ability to process reality.

That is my guess.

But, I assume you will still search for a "magical" reason for your delusions.

[edit on 10-1-2010 by Mr Mask]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by Mr Mask
You have admitted to (more then once on ATS) using substances that alter the mind.

Perhaps this is a reflection of that in damage done to your mind and ability to process reality.

That is my guess.

But, I assume you will still search for a "magical" reason for your delusions.

[edit on 10-1-2010 by Mr Mask]

Wow, you really got me where it HURTS , man ! lmao
Really, dude? This is from you, Mr. Mask? I've seen you troll a lot better than that before!

And how could this experience be caused due to some kind of damage when the substances I mentioned were natural?
If I wrote about something disturbing or horrible then I could see where the suggestion would come from. But it was a mind opening and spiritual experience.
But you don't know anything about opening your mind, do you? You just troll.

[edit on 10-1-2010 by dragonsmusic]

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by dragonsmusic
I will leave you with a song called Galileo.
He is an icon of conspiracy theorists all over the world.
The singer songwriters of this song honor Galileo for his inner beauty while wondering aloud, in song lyric form, about the nature of reincarnation

That link is an Indigo Girls song....

Drew Hempel's post above made alot of sense!

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by dragonsmusic

Sigh...I am trolling?

You can't find a single reason why "mind altering substances" in the hands of an artist "may" result in this sort of experience?


Are you telling me, that my offered possibility can be "nothing of the truth"?

Ok big guy...yeah, if you want to call me a troll for telling you what a decent psychologist would tell you for a price, then fine. I am a troll then....sure.

While I am a troll for it all, let me add-

Artists are a large percent of the world's paranoid schizophrenics...drug users make up a larger percent of such types.

You want to guess at possible explanations to your "little" experience as being "supernatural" or "telepathic", then fine...suit yourself.

Me? Well, I am one to gravitate towards things that are a tad more "level" in possibility.

And, a self admitted artist (one that is obviously seeking fame in many of his posts) using mind altering substances in a depressing world that produces a lot of anxiety and stress, is MORE likely to be suffering from delusions then actually suffering "telepathic mind signals from others".

Just my two cents...nothing trollish there.

But hey...I am a troll, right? A BIG STINKING TROLL!

Perhaps if I didn't point to this "more plausible explanation", and instead offered that "perhaps aliens are talking to you as you vibrate into the astral realm", I would be a welcomed addition to your thread...and not just a troll.


posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by Signals

Originally posted by dragonsmusic
I will leave you with a song called Galileo.
He is an icon of conspiracy theorists all over the world.
The singer songwriters of this song honor Galileo for his inner beauty while wondering aloud, in song lyric form, about the nature of reincarnation

That link is an Indigo Girls song....

Drew Hempel's post above made alot of sense!

Signals, THAT linkof course!
I'm still thinking of you as like the Ashton Kutcher of ATS and somebody is about to get punked

I'm like, damn, which link was it that he meant
Sorry, THAT link. OK.

Drew's post WAS prett cool!

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Mr Mask
reply to post by dragonsmusic

Sigh...I am trolling?

You can't find a single reason why "mind altering substances" in the hands of an artist "may" result in this sort of experience?


Are you telling me, that my offered possibility can be "nothing of the truth"?

Ok big guy...yeah, if you want to call me a troll for telling you what a decent psychologist would tell you for a price, then fine. I am a troll then....sure.

While I am a troll for it all, let me add-

Artists are a large percent of the world's paranoid schizophrenics...drug users make up a larger percent of such types.

You want to guess at possible explanations to your "little" experience as being "supernatural" or "telepathic", then fine...suit yourself.

Me? Well, I am one to gravitate towards things that are a tad more "level" in possibility.

And, a self admitted artist (one that is obviously seeking fame in many of his posts) using mind altering substances in a depressing world that produces a lot of anxiety and stress, is MORE likely to be suffering from delusions then actually suffering "telepathic mind signals from others".

Just my two cents...nothing trollish there.

But hey...I am a troll, right? A BIG STINKING TROLL!

Perhaps if I didn't point to this "more plausible explanation", and instead offered that "perhaps aliens are talking to you as you vibrate into the astral realm", I would be a welcomed addition to your thread...and not just a troll.


First off "your offered possibility"?
Are you kidding ?
You implied that I have damage in my brain and that I'm delusional and I will find a "magical" solution to my "delusions" .
Don't try to frame it like you were being all sweet and nice and wanted to offer some real insight.
You ARE a troll. You got upset with some people who were writing about marijuana the last time our paths crossed on this site. You were moaning about something and someone was saying to you "go away troll".
So you ARE that troll .
You would be a lousy psychologist by the way.
And why is that you are giving me s@#t about posting art on BTS?
How is that pandering to become famous?
I had A link to A song in my signature which I removed before I even started this thread.
Are you mad I have a song on BTS?
YOU are obviously in a "depressing world" of "anxiety" and "stress"
Again why is it a delusion?
And if it IS a telepathic mind signal from an ALIEN it would be cool .

But it wasn't.
Put your Mask back on Mr. Mask.
You took it off long enough to show your true colors.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 04:16 PM
People who awaken from sleep with involuntary images in their head, are normal. Imagery you can get is- involuntary imagery, usually precedes wakefulnees, can be vivid, realistic, bizarre content. Hypnopompic images are usually in reference to the subjects anticipation of the forthcoming day. It can be interpreted as a pathologic phenomenon by people who are worried about their mental health.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by dragonsmusic are having a "supernatural telepathic link with others"

And my reply to this was based on the fact that I posted on another thread about another subject where someone called me a troll?


Ok friend...good luck out there.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by bookreader
People who awaken from sleep with involuntary images in their head, are normal. Imagery you can get is- involuntary imagery, usually precedes wakefulnees, can be vivid, realistic, bizarre content. Hypnopompic images are usually in reference to the subjects anticipation of the forthcoming day. It can be interpreted as a pathologic phenomenon by people who are worried about their mental health.

Waaaaaait...are you saying this can all be "inside his head" due to stress and worries?

Are you trolling?

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by bookreader
People who awaken from sleep with involuntary images in their head, are normal. Imagery you can get is- involuntary imagery, usually precedes wakefulnees, can be vivid, realistic, bizarre content. Hypnopompic images are usually in reference to the subjects anticipation of the forthcoming day. It can be interpreted as a pathologic phenomenon by people who are worried about their mental health.

I was wide awake when I stretched out.
There was no sleeping before or after.
You can believe me or not.
It was in the middle of the day.
Thanks for jumping on the doormat of conclusions without bothering to ask.
Oh, and thanks for insinuating that it occured because I'm someone who's "worried about " my "mental health"

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Mr Mask
reply to post by dragonsmusic are having a "supernatural telepathic link with others"

And my reply to this was based on the fact that I posted on another thread about another subject where someone called me a troll?


Ok friend...good luck out there.

It's enjoyable the way you ignored the points you did not want to hear.
And then made up something so you could have something to write about.
Where did you ever once intelligently and respectfully frame an argument?
And you admitted yourself in your own post that you troll on them all.
Good luck trying to back track.
Others have seen you troll and it was a minor point in the debate between us. But not surprising in the least that you latched on to it .
Miserably , by the way.

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by dragonsmusic
Others have seen you troll and it was a minor point in the debate between us.

I deal with many artists looking for promotion, fame, TV time and merch sales. I know the stress involved with trying to set such things up within one's life.

Others haven't seen me troll...others have seen me "share my thoughts" on what I see as ridiculous...this thread here is no different.

NO you ARE NOT having telepathic interactions with others while you are stretching! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU THINKING!?

Geeze...being rational is so overly taken as being a troll around here.

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