posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 08:16 AM
So i was reading the thread abou the magnitude 6.5 Earthquake off the coast of North California and went to to
check it out. After a couple seconds of looking at a few of the other problems in the world i noticed that almost every volcano in the ring of fire as
well as a bunch of other volcanos in the world are marked as "Eruption Ongoing".
So i thought that was kind of odd and wondered on average how many volcanos are typically errupting each year. Well according to there are on average 20 volcanos going off in the year.
So i went back and counted how many are currently errupting and it turns out there are 37 displayed on the map. Upon seeing this i became concerned
and thought that maybe this should be shared with the good people of ATS.
I mean i know that there is always some volcano going off or an earthquake rumbling somewhere in the world, but a 6.5 in california plus 37 volcanos
with ongoing eruptions?
Im not saying that the two are connected in anyway shape or form but still. Anyone else find this kind of odd?
[edit on 10-1-2010 by kraig87]
[edit on 10-1-2010 by kraig87]
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[edit on 10-1-2010 by kraig87]