reply to post by Tormentations
good is someone who makes mistakes because of care,
those mistakes will be looked upon as wrong,
so that person can regret them and grow.
bad is a person who does not make mistakes,
because he does not care, lives in a false sense
of peace, does not breakes things, but makes
no the mistakes so a next generation can learn
from them.
Good persons will blame the world, while doing their best
to avoid that blame reaching the others, and trying to understand,
forgiving others before it reaches the others, even then
they will not succeed and by their failings and regret
they will change the world.
Growth is clockwise, both day and night, but the day
integrates the night into day.
Where ignorance thinks to live in the day before
it is time to do that.
Blame is always a reflection of the self,
in every blame there is a message about yourself.
Being good means SETTING FREE but this is only
possible after seeing bad, and turning it into white.
the gospel : accuse - forgive = turn the other cheeck =
see from two sides
an eye for an eye = what you blame another, you blame yourself