posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 06:19 PM
I used to consider myself an athiest. But then I realised, I am an agnostic, in a sense. I do not believe in any of the current 'religions', and use
scientific evaluation to think about everything. I believe that we will never truly know why we are here, or where we came from (the Universe as well
for that matter), I do not believe in any magical deities, if there were such a 'creator' - it would be in a scientific sense, as explained below
But, I would not disregard the idea of some sort of creation Billions of years ago, sort of an experiment that we are living in. Out of all of those
stars, galaxies and solar systems, surely at least ONE would have created life, with planets that were the perfect size, distance from the sun and
perfect atmosphere for a life to start? Like Golilocks and her porridge. Too hot, too cold, just about right...
I also wouldn't totally disregard that all life on this planet was not created from some form of extra-terrestrial inception millenia ago, and that
what we now percieve as religious texts, the Bible for example, are just stories written down of certain events. Alien life forms using some form of
science to plant us here.
But at the same time, the vast intellect back then was much lower than now, they did not have the broad horizon of collectable knowledge that we do
now, they didn't have the same technologies, science, math or schooling, so these parables/religious texts could also be from lack of knowledge of
the unknown, making their best estimated guess to explain.
Example; A 'god' that pulls a blanket over the sky at night - they weren't aware that the earth spun on an axis, or that it span around the sun.
It's a very interesting subject, and I am a lot more open minded in my older age now then I was in my teenage years. I am fully respectable of
peoples beliefs, and will happily sit and debate with them, in good manner of course. I do not however like people pushing their beliefs on others, or
causing violence due to it.
In a very hippy fashion (despite being totally un-hippyish myself) it would be much better if we used our minds for the common good of man, on a quest
for the truth and working toward leaving a perfect future for our descendants - but sadly I can't see a day where that will happen.