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ATS analytical Dreamteam ??

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posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 07:20 PM
This is a general call out to all members... I would like to know if anyone can help me fill the spots in what I would like to call an ATS dreamteam.
Basicaly this would be a collection of members who have expertise in the following fields.

Digital imaging and related subjects

Now , Im just a guy myself right ? But wouldnt it be grand if we could get some definitive answers from this site, as well as great debate? If we had a elite group like this to examine the thorniest and most heavily contested of threads then it would make certain things a little more interesting ! It would also make the debates previous to such prestigious analysis more considered (theres nothing like knowing the right answer is comming , to make you stow your most ridiculous thinking).
So what do we think about this ?

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 07:23 PM
I would like to humbly suggest you also include a couple of non linear thinkers. I think a think tank would also need a free form thinker. You'd be surprised how much they actually help. If you want a dream team, consider this.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 07:25 PM
Can I suggest another category? Research and Investigation -- Someone good at crossing every reference, and digging to the very bottom.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by TrueBrit

Good idea, and it has been considered before I am sure. But believe it or not there are already quite a few members on here that meet one or more of those criteria (and then some). Some are FSMEs, some are mods, some are neither. ATS is full of great and educated thinkers, that is what makes this site second to none,

[edit on 1/8/2010 by jkrog08]

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by TrueBrit
This is a general call out to all members... I would like to know if anyone can help me fill the spots in what I would like to call an ATS dreamteam.
Basicaly this would be a collection of members who have expertise in the following fields.

Digital imaging and related subjects

Now , Im just a guy myself right ? But wouldnt it be grand if we could get some definitive answers from this site, as well as great debate? If we had a elite group like this to examine the thorniest and most heavily contested of threads then it would make certain things a little more interesting ! It would also make the debates previous to such prestigious analysis more considered (theres nothing like knowing the right answer is comming , to make you stow your most ridiculous thinking).
So what do we think about this ?

uhhh, for my .02 cents this is something I think would result in valuable materials to be looked closer into. I am unable to recall dreams, but would love to have somewhere to look at people's who can, and do.

Not sure I have anything else to say at this point, but, go team! Sounds like a good one to me! Thanks for sharing your idea about it!

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by TrueBrit
This is a general call out to all members... I would like to know if anyone can help me fill the spots in what I would like to call an ATS dreamteam.
Basicaly this would be a collection of members who have expertise in the following fields.

Digital imaging and related subjects

Now , Im just a guy myself right ? But wouldnt it be grand if we could get some definitive answers from this site, as well as great debate? If we had a elite group like this to examine the thorniest and most heavily contested of threads then it would make certain things a little more interesting ! It would also make the debates previous to such prestigious analysis more considered (theres nothing like knowing the right answer is comming , to make you stow your most ridiculous thinking).
So what do we think about this ?

I would be willing to be part of the religion group, the software engineering group, video analysis/CGI analysis group, the forensics group, and the general analytical lateral-thinking group.

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by Seiko
I would like to humbly suggest you also include a couple of non linear thinkers. I think a think tank would also need a free form thinker. You'd be surprised how much they actually help. If you want a dream team, consider this.

This is a most excellent point! In the field of chemistry alone there are countless sub-fields, including; Analytical Chemistry, Astrochemistry, Biochemistry, Chemical engineering, Chromatography, Crystallography, Electrochemistry and Geochemistry to name just a few.

There has been such a reliance on specialists in today's modern world that it has become problematic. Indeed, ask a tax lawyer pertinent questions about who is subject to and liable for the income tax and if you are able to show him that there is no specific section of the code that makes it clear it will only be a matter of time before that tax lawyer recommends a criminal defense attorney. Ask a criminal defense attorney the same questions and without a doubt he will refer you to a tax attorney.

Non linear thinking is essential in getting closer towards any truth. You can have five highly specialized mechanics poking through your Jaguar that has stopped running on the road, and it is very possible not a single one of those mechanics will bother to check the gas tank to make sure there is enough gas in it. Great point, Seiko.

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Duly noted, and thanks to everyone who replied on this. Im hoping this idea will snowball and that we will end up with such a group (or groups) acting together to sort the wheat from the chaff with regards to the authenticity of some threads, and to provide keen realistic insights to the more valuable content on the site. I think this would improve the quality of information sharing, and the over all quality of the discussions here on ATS. If members replying wish to form such a team, dont wait, just form up and get stuck in you guys ! If you fancy it , why not leave a note here with a member list so that posters and potential content providers can contact you for pre post verification of thier investigations , pictoral evidence, and so on?

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 11:55 AM
There are a couple underutilized places on ATS where something like this could be started:

The Research Forum, as I understand it, is a place for people who are interested in collecting and analyzing information about specific topics to start ongoing threads for just this purpose. You have to have a "scholar" title to post in there -- information about getting one is in this post by ADVISOR. The big advantage to this is that the requirement to u2u for posting privileges helps make sure only those members who are interested in genuine contribution and research will participate -- it helps keep threads clean while still making sure that you can have a variety of viewpoints expressed.

A lot of forums have stickied threads up top authored by an FSME that are a good place to start.

If you're looking specifically for a debate, there is the Debate Forum. The standard format is five posts per side, with 24-hour deadlines between posts, judged by an anonymous panel of judges. Again, you have to have a title (fighter in this case) to post in the forum, and only Debate Forum mods can author threads in there. This works well for collecting and presenting both sides of a topic, less well for open-ended research. But the standard format doesn't have to be used for challenge matches -- you can u2u with a potential opponent and debate forum mod to work out a format that would be most useful to you

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 11:59 AM
I have to say, I think this idea would further the already disturbing habit of younger members to partake in 'personality cultism' that is present on ATS.

E.G. certain members have many sycophantic followers (wanted & unwanted) that follow them. Nothing wrong with having a fanbase, but when these 'certain' people are just plain wrong and their opposition is shouted down by sycophantic fanatics, it gets a little annoying.

I agree with the idea in principle, but as ever, beware the EGO's on ATS.


posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by Seiko
I would like to humbly suggest you also include a couple of non linear thinkers. I think a think tank would also need a free form thinker. You'd be surprised how much they actually help. If you want a dream team, consider this.

Hella, Hunter S. Thompson is a prime example of a political free thinker.

Find someone with Aspergers or something

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 11:56 PM
I really think there should be another category.

The Someone really good at making things up that sound real!

I am all in for that job!

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

That explains so much!


posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 12:04 AM
Phage is all you the spirit of the Beatles (Love is All You Need), Phage is all you need!!!!

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by LadySkadi
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

That explains so much!


Actually its meant to explain very little but just sound really good!

I mean if its going to be a dream team there ought to be some dreams in there right?

posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 12:11 AM
We do have quite the ATS "dream team". These would be our FSME: Forum Subject Matter Experts. These are members who showed expert knowledge on certain subjects and were promoted as FSME:

  • Aliens & UFOs ----- Gazrok, jkrog08,
    internos, ArMaP
  • New World Order ----- infinite
  • War on Terrorism ----- Cuhail
  • Other Current Events ----- JackatMtn
  • Medical Issues ----- FredT
  • Education & Media ----- khunmoon
  • General Conspiracy ----- GAOTU789
  • Conspiracies in Religion ----- junglejake
  • Fragile Earth ----- loam, Ozweatherman
  • Aircraft Projects ----- intelgurl
  • Area 51 ----- SimonGray --- Shadowhawk
  • Origins in Creationism Conspiracy ----- Zipdot
  • Short Stories ----- DeusEx
  • Cryptozoology and Mythical Beasts ----- Gemwolf, ravenshadow13
  • Space Exploration ----- NGC2736

    Above Politics FSME's

    Above Politics Leader ----- Mirthful Me

  • U.S. Politics ----- The Vagabond
  • U.K. Politics ----- sminkeypinkey
  • Politics of War ----- Skadi_the_Evil_Elf --- Sauron
  • Politicians & People ----- Relentless
  • Canadian Politics ----- Duzey
  • Head-2-Head Political Debate ----- chissler
  • Other Global Politics -----
  • Breaking Political News ----- DontTreadOnMe
  • Middle-East Conflict ----- intrepid
  • General Idealogical ----- 12m8keall2c
  • Liberal ----- mrwupy
  • Medial Issues ----- Djarums
  • Social Issues ----- GradyPhilpott
  • Military & Security Issues ----- kinglizard
  • Economic Issues ----- DontTreadOnMe
  • Slug Fest ----- Mirthful Me

    And some of the newest promoted to FSME:

    Semperfortis - Survival Forum
    GradyPhilpott -Political Issues forum
    karl 12 - Aliens and UFOs forum
    Skyfloating - Psychology, Philosophy and Metaphysics forum

    [edit on January 10th 2010 by greeneyedleo]

  • posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 12:14 AM
    No "Phage"???????

    Surprised!!! VERY surprised!

    posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 12:17 AM
    reply to post by greeneyedleo

    Thanks for listing this, I didn't know half of it.

    posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 12:21 AM
    What about the Zazzbot?

    Expert at annoying people on ATS.

    [edit on 10-1-2010 by zazzafrazz]

    posted on Jan, 10 2010 @ 11:41 AM

    Originally posted by TrueBrit
    This is a general call out to all members... I would like to know if anyone can help me fill the spots in what I would like to call an ATS dreamteam.
    Basicaly this would be a collection of members who have expertise in the following fields.

    Digital imaging and related subjects

    Now , Im just a guy myself right ? But wouldnt it be grand if we could get some definitive answers from this site, as well as great debate? If we had a elite group like this to examine the thorniest and most heavily contested of threads then it would make certain things a little more interesting ! It would also make the debates previous to such prestigious analysis more considered (theres nothing like knowing the right answer is comming , to make you stow your most ridiculous thinking).
    So what do we think about this ?

    yea, after pondering, it's about those jack of all trades, master of none types you gotta worry about! Something about bridges and Do Lung(sp?)!
    genius fine up and to a point, but who'll specifically stop this, and officially ask ~-~ will there be any girls?

    edite note: *sweet*

    [edit on 10/1/2010 by EnemyCombatant74]

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