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Birthers are Wrong

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posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 06:06 PM
The whole birther movement is crap. It is a movement based on nothing factual, fueled by ignorant fears that the right has of the left.

-Who cares? Even if pigs fly and its all a big left wing conspiracy to hide Obama's birth nation, it wouldn't matter.

The United States of America is already a lost cause. When the best possible candidates for president are Obama/Biden and McCain/Palin, we are proper f#%@ed.
Do not kid yourself and think there is any hope that people like Ron Paul, or Dennis Kucinnich are going to accomplish anything. As we speak Ron Paul's bill in Congress is being hijacked by the powers that be.

-Why waste the energy and the credibility? It is not worth a dime to anyone being a birther. It's like its like saying the bull-crap you are eating is horse-crap. You still eat crap.

When you say this birther crap, you sound like a fool. First off, when presented with evidence to the contrary, you go far out of your way to believe a delusion. Secondly, you make every other dissenter look like a fool.
That is where I take offense.


Stop spreading that birther crap. It is not like it is hard enough to go against the status quo, but then birthers go out and remove the only shred credibility we all had.
Birthers are a distraction. Birthers are disinfo. I wouldn't put it past the powers that be that the whole birther mindset is a planted movement.

Even to pose the question about Obama's birth country is a distraction. You lose all credit, and you take others down with you.

If you have a tea party with 10,000 people, and one arse has a sign that says "Show us your birth certificate, Obama" we are all lumped in with that moron and disregarded by the masses as a bunch of racist idiots.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 06:14 PM
Why for the love of (insert personal belief) if you think that the "birther" movement is crap would you waste everyone's time/effort starting another birther Vs. non-birther thread?

You are demonstrating the very definition of being a troll by starting this garbage.

Edit to add: Seeing as there is already 16654814654783176841 threads debating this very subject that you could have replied to I think the mods should do the right thing, and shut this one down.

[edit on 8-1-2010 by Majiq]

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 06:19 PM
BHO ran on a promise of "transparency" - well, nothing in his past, his birth certificate, his parent's marraige certificate, his public school and college records is available.

I know politicians are accused of talking out of both sides of their mouth all the time but if you're going to promise a transparent administration and then hide everything (EVERYTHING) in your private life, then you should expect suspicion and mistrust.

And it wouldn't take much to shut up the birthers...but BHO won't do it...why?

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by Majiq

You are demonstrating the very definition of being a troll by starting this garbage.

Most anti-birther threads are from a liberal perspective. This one is not.

So people are going to drop the T word this fast? I guess you do not know me very well. I am always open to serious debate. I have stated my opinions, and if you can't refute them, do not be a part of this thread.


Why for the love of (insert personal belief) if you think that the "birther" movement is crap would you waste everyone's time/effort starting another birther Vs. non-birther thread?

I explained why in my post. You would know this if you read it.

To simplify: birthers make all dissenters look like fools and discredit anyone in opposition with the gov't. They discredit the entire basis for debate. Birthers are disinfo to discredit those of us trying to get a fair dialogue.

[edit on 8-1-2010 by DINSTAAR]

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by bowlbyville

And it wouldn't take much to shut up the birthers...but BHO won't do it...why?

That would probably make them feel like they lost. Politicians are too vain and egotistic to admit defeat.

I know politicians are accused of talking out of both sides of their mouth all the time but if you're going to promise a transparent administration and then hide everything (EVERYTHING) in your private life, then you should expect suspicion and mistrust.

His administration is not transparent. It may be more secretive than Bush's presidency, but it doesn't change the fact that we are screwed either way.

I say, we need to stop nitpicking at irrelevant junk, and debate actual issues. Issues like the legitimacy of the centralized governments control over things it was not given the right to in its own law (constitution).

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 06:30 PM
No, birthers are right. You are wrong.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by DINSTAAR

Thank you,

Yes Birthers are wrong.

While there might be legitimate concerns and complaints over the policies of this administration, when a Birther sticks their two cents into the argument, the argument immediately falls flat.

If the MSM wanted to destroy the tea party movement, this is how they would do it. Go to the rallies and bring up the BC issue, film it, then air it and make all tea party protesters look like cooks.

Never mind the rational logical person saying, "Hey! Stop taxing me to Death!". Just go looking for the Birthers.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by whatukno

While there might be legitimate concerns and complaints over the policies of this administration, when a Birther sticks their two cents into the argument, the argument immediately falls flat.

Exactly. It is like the mute button that the MSM puts on people with real concerns and real evidence to back up those concerns.


No, birthers are right. You are wrong.

Why do some people bother registering on forums if this is what they do? I said birthers are wrong, and said why.

Even if we assume that Obama is a gay, muslim, pirate that was born in a North Korean hospital and brainwashed by communist monkeys in the Sudan..... it would not change a thing.

Not a thing.

We would still be stuck with him or another clone of him, ideologically.

It doesn't matter if it is George Bush, Barrack Obama, Joe Biden, Sarah Palin, or Captain America, we are still headed down the wrong path.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by DINSTAAR

Because that is essentially the reverse of your argument. I mean come on this is such a non-issue. Glenn Bloody Beck even says the issue is stupid.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by DINSTAAR

Even if we assume that Obama is a gay, muslim, pirate that was born in a North Korean hospital and brainwashed by communist monkeys in the Sudan..... it would not change a thing.

No, this is what happened!

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by DINSTAAR
Most anti-birther threads are from a liberal perspective. This one is not.

So people are going to drop the T word this fast? I guess you do not know me very well. I am always open to serious debate. I have stated my opinions, and if you can't refute them, do not be a part of this thread.

No, in fact I don't know you at all, but when the "T" word fits, it fits. You added nothing new to the subject in the OP, you just insulted birthers by saying that their views are "crap", "fueled by ignorant fears", they "sound like fools" I believe, and if I am wrong you can correct me, that according to ATS when you post a thread intentionally trying to bait people of a different view with insults, you are firmly in the realm of trolls.

As far as refuting your opinions, why would I? I agree with you 100% and a scroll through a few of the many threads on this subject will show that I have said much of what you stated.

What I disagree with is you starting a new thread on a topic that has been beaten to death, and adding nothing new to it. The entire OP is nothing but baiting the opposition with insults.

I explained why in my post. You would know this if you read it.

To simplify: birthers make all dissenters look like fools and discredit anyone in opposition with the gov't. They discredit the entire basis for debate. Birthers are disinfo to discredit those of us trying to get a fair dialogue.

I did read it, and saw nothing new adding to the subject, only a few paragraphs of insults meant to start an argument, and get you a few flags. You point your finger, and cry "disinfo" but I would say that a case could be made for you being the disinfo agent. That's right, keep the people arguing over a completely ridiculous topic so that they won't pay attention to what is really important.... Not saying that is a fact, just making a point that the finger pointing can go both ways.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 07:43 PM
Couldn't agree more with the OP. Birthers are the biggest #ing idiots on the planet. And it's to the point where I'd just like to slap the taste out of their mouths instead of listening to their quasi-racist bull#. Seriously with all the horrible things about the Obama Administration, you're going to pick the most utterly stupid non-issue to fight over? Your entire cause is being led by an Israeli con-woman who has a lot of weird and frankly credibility damaging ties not to mention a hilarious past. I honestly think the Birther Movement is like Bibs for kids. Adults discuss politics and use napkins. Birthers use bibs and haven't gotten out of the high-chair yet.

I don't really care because the issue is slowly dying a righteous death but every once in awhile you still see one of these retards and it throws the entire righteous Anti-Obama sentiment in this country off.

[edit on 9-1-2010 by CuriousSkeptic]

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 08:10 PM
It is certainly the right of the OP to say that the birther movement is crap and that it makes the other dissenters look bad.

It isn't and it doesn't!

Its not just about the birth certificate. Its about a man in the White House that not only does not have the qualifications demanded by the constitution, but also that has systematically hidden his real past from public view. We know nothing about this joker and he has spent now as I understand about 2 million dollars to keep us from finding out.

Far as I am concerned he is a traitor, and should be drummed out of office and tried for treason and given the standard sentence for high treason if so convicted. I have little doubt of conviction.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by expat2368

Ok how many times has the "real Kenyan birth certificate" been found out to be a hoax?

I love birther threads, cause I get to use this link...

and post this video...

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 08:46 PM
The founding fathers knew that one day a foreigner would try to destroy the United States from the inside. That is why they put the natural born citizen clause into the Constitution.

They saw it coming, and we ignored them.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by Carseller4

Even if Obama is a foreigner, the US has already been destroyed and some other poliTICKian would be president doing the same thing. That's why it does not matter.

Obama is no different then Clinton or Edwards ideologically and he is barely different then McCain and Bush. Democrats and Republicans are pretty much the same party, only they argue over aesthetics.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by DINSTAAR

I don't agree with the birthers, and I don't think he's an illegal alien, but I do support the search for credibility they're putting forth. At this point it's totally moot, and I'd rather see Obama continue to run the image of leftist ideals into the ground since he's pretty much the best candidate the democratic party could have hoped for, and this is just more mud in their face.

I'm personally curious if this is going to change the standards the US has for the requirements of being President, though. If the birther movement is insane and they should just shut up, why should any future candidate be vetted about their citizenship? Why should they be vetted about anything? If we bend on this, why shouldn't we bend on any other issue that should legally disqualify them from running?

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by EsSeeEye
reply to post by DINSTAAR

I do support the search for credibility they're putting forth. At this point it's totally moot, and I'd rather see Obama continue to run the image of leftist ideals into the ground since he's pretty much the best candidate the democratic party could have hoped for, and this is just more mud in their face.

The sheer amount of time and money that has gone into suppressing his records is evidence something is not the way it should be.

I don't know why that doesn't concern more people.

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by On the Edge

There is a big difference between serious and credible investigation, and a witch hunt. What Birthers have is a witch hunt.

There is 0 credible evidence to support that Obama was born anywhere else but Hawaii. But the people that hate Obama for no other real reason than to hate Obama continue this malicious attempt at removal because they are completely delusional.

Instead of finding anything tangible and credible to use to further this in the right way, they use speculation, misdirection, fraud, manipulation, and disinformation to try and compel people to believe them.

But for all of that, I support the Birthers (as nutty as they are). Because with the Birthers out there in numbers, the GOP looks bad and it helps keep Republicans out of government office.

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by On the Edge
The sheer amount of time and money that has gone into suppressing his records is evidence something is not the way it should be..

so exactly how much time and money has Obama spent? (and from a valid source, not a Obama hater blog or webpage)

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