reply to post by Mr Green
The answers that I have found are;
resistance creates misery and misery is of a negative polarity which then feeds into the system. See how clever the whole thing is? In your attempts
to 'fight' the system you are feeding the system and making it stronger. Kind of like those chineese fingercuffs we used to play with when we were
kids. The harder you pull the tighter it gets.
Accept your fears but then love them. Yes, LOVE your fears. DON"T FIGHT THEM! For god's sake don't hate them. Cuddle them like you would a baby.
Acknowledge them, face them, and Love them.
It is going to feel as weird as forgiving the man who murdered your only child but IT MUST BE DONE or else you are in danger of feeding the
In the end, there is no good or bad. No Good or Evil. No benevolance or malevolance. If you think about it there is only resistance and acceptance.
Think of every "good" thing that has ever happened to you. Now, good is a word and that's all it is. But, let's talk about what was going on
inside of you when something "good" happened to you. I'll just bet that when something "good" happened to you, you accepted it and why not? There
was no reason to do otherwise.
Now then, what about when something "bad" happened to you?? Did you accept it? NO! otherwise it wouldn't have been labeled "bad". You probably
resisted it.
So, put away words like "good" and "bad" and you are left with resistance and acceptance. Or put another way, Love and Fear.
Yes but resistance and acceptance are only words too aren't they?
Yes, but they are words that describe something very real. whereas good and bad aren't real. Can you "bad" someone? Can you "good" someone?
And then who's to say what is good and what is bad anyway?
While you may not be able to "good" someone, you CAN accept/love them.
You may not be able to 'bad' someone either but you CAN resist/reject them.
So, I would say to you try to always accept. DO NOT AVOID RESISTANCE! "Avoid" would be of a negative polarity and would then be feeding into the
system AGAIN!!! Rather just accept. or LOVE! Aren't they one and the same?
What's the difference between acceptance and 'avoiding resistance' you say? When asked if she would join an anti war rally, Mother Theresa replied,
" I will never attend an anti war rally but show me a pro peace rally and I'll be there". Huge difference. An anti war rally is feeding the system
by being 'against' something. 'Against' is of a negative polarity and thus, feeds the system AGAIN!!!
When you "love" someone don't you "accept" them for who they are?
When your mother or father accept you for who you are how do you feel? Loved? Same thing really.
Always accept or love.
"Every man has demons. We call these demons fear, and hatred, and anger. If we do not learn to conquer these demons a lifetime of a hundred years is
a tradgedy. But, if we do, then a lifetime of a single day can be a triumph".
Bottom line, Become a useless slave. They don't need a bunch of "love" clogging up their programme.It is a virus to their hard drive. The programme
can't run properly with the love virus.You will not only become useless to them but a very real threat.
Again, these are only my own paranoid delusions/conclusions learned from my own research into hidden knowledge and personal experience. I reserve the
right to be wrong and feel I need to add this disclaimer because I refuse to get roped into a pissing contest with a professional debunker and have to
provide "proof" for my claims. This is reality as I see it and the worst thing that could happen if I am wrong is I will have lived a life of
acceptance/Love. and is that such a "bad" thing?
[edit on 12-1-2010 by The Lord and Savior]