posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 09:48 AM
Hello BTS. Over the past few months, both ATS and BTS members wonder why I am online constantly and how do I do it? Well prepare for the not so
shocking answer. The reason I am online nearly 24/7 is because of my very crappy internet connection. You see, here in Iraq I guess satelites or the
sun has something to do with the internet connection or cuz its the rainy season so this is what I do to counter it. I stay logged in without logging
off even when I go to sleep or when on missions because it is more then a challenge to come back online once my connection goes very bad. So far
things have been going good since I got this speed booster thing for my laptop but still not doing much. Also id like to add that Iraq is not as
dangerous as Afghanistan, especially in my area so I hope I have answered most of your questions now so you wont have to ask me later. So no
against me cause im here to stay. I welcome each and everyone one of you guys to me threads as I continue my fight against ignorance, even for my own.
So have a good day and be sure to
on TPTB's face for making life
with good threads. Have a great .