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Are you for or against Gay Marriage?

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posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 06:18 PM
My thread is exactly that. I also want to know WHY.

I am fine with gay marriage, why? It's a right anyone should have.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by Phlynx
My thread is exactly that. I also want to know WHY.

I am fine with gay marriage, why? It's a right anyone should have.

Is this a star and flag farming thread?
I really so no conspiracy here

I think the star and flag given while I was posting answers that question

[edit on 7-1-2010 by munkey66]

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by Phlynx

I'm not really for or against gay marriage.
It's just that I truly do not care what other couples do. None of my business really.

Yes this does seem to be a s&f farming thread however.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 06:37 PM
I'm against gay marriage.......................for me.

I'm for gay marriage, for whoever wants to marry a member of the opposite gender.

I'm also for multiple wives marriage for myself, like that will happen.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 06:47 PM
Im not gay, so I dont care. Thats not my fight.

However, since it IS holy union, and God apparently doesnt approve of being gay, why would they want to participate in such a thing?
Other than the obvious benefits: tax break, joint legal items, insurance...etc..

I dont see what the issue is. I have no moral regulation, personally, about what someone else does in the bedroom other than myself.

And you shouldnt either.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 06:50 PM
If gay people want to be married, let them. I don't have a problem with it, and it's just downright discriminatory to deny gays the right to marriage.

In fact, why even get married? Wow, you get to wear a ring on your finger and share the same last name. It's such a waste of time and money.

I don't even know why America can't get over gay marriage. Who is against it in that country, exactly? Hicks and corrupt pastors? Who are they to judge? I think it's a joke that a "great and glorious" country like America can't even get past a few measly social barriers, yet some of the American populace like to joke about how insignificant other countries are.

Regardless, why was this thread even created? I'm pretty sure this question has been posed many a time, and the majority said they were fine with gay marriage. Oh well, I look forward to looking at what religious people have to say.

Which reminds me, I bet BDSM would be a walk in the park for Jesus.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 06:51 PM
I am totally in support of gay marriage.... as long as it is indeed marriage:

Marriage is a sacrament of devotion where you are committing yourself into a relationship of love and care for the rest of your entire lives.

As long as any couple, regardless of orientation, agrees to and follows this sacrament, I see no problem with them getting married.

If a heterosexual is able to marry someone they are deeply in love with, why shouldn't a homosexual be able to?

Most religions declare this a sin, and claim sexual orientation to be a choice. This is a clear misconception, as it has been strongly suggested that sexual orientation is something pre-determined by nature, and many naturalists have observed animals displaying homosexual tendencies.

Therefore, being a human being, homosexuals should have every single right that heterosexuals do.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 06:56 PM
gay marraige, i dont really care,but im only against because i believe its one of the elites plans for the depopulation agenda. the more gays the less the population

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by InertiaZero

However, since it IS holy union, and God apparently doesnt approve of being gay, why would they want to participate in such a thing?
Other than the obvious benefits: tax break, joint legal items, insurance...etc..

A book says god does`nt approve, and if god really does`nt approve then he should resign because that kind of petulance isn`t becoming of the divine supreme cause of all causes.

But let people do what they choose to do, marriage I think, is only a legal arrangement shrouded in the illusion that it is a religious affair.
So really it`s up to them, no one else.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 06:57 PM
You know,I've been wondering about divorce in homosexual marriages. I wonder what the formula will be for divying parental rights, child support, posessions and alimony. homosexual marriage could be a good thing for hetero marriages in the future.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by agent00duece

Mmm ... a lot of gay people that get married either Adopt or get a surrogate to have their baby .. how is that depopulation?

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 07:00 PM
Actually, to retrace my steps...

Of course marriage isn`t simply a legal agreement made out to be religious.

THat was a shortsighted and ignorant thing to say.

Marriage at the root of it all, is a bonding of two souls who commit to one another for the rest of their lives.
So if that is adheared to, there should be no problem

I apologise for being an idiot in my first post

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by Phlynx

I all for "gay" people getting married. And Homosexuals also if that's what they want to do.

Why should Homosexuals be spared the agony us married heterosexuals have to endure?

s&f for letting me pull out that corny joke one more time. Thanks!

[edit on 7-1-2010 by whaaa]

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 07:27 PM
I'm for it. Simply, if you want to do something that is what you want, and is best for you, then do it. Screw other peoples opinions, it isn't their lives, it isn't their decision to make.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by whaaa

Why should Homosexuals be spared the agony us married heterosexuals have to endure?

Damnit I was going to post that joke! Actually mine is a little different...

Everyone has a right to be miserable.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by Phlynx

Let me start off by simply saying that MARRIAGE is a GOVERNMENT initiated and government implemented act.

For ex in many places in Europe, even a century ago, there was no such thing as legal marriage(no documents etc), there was simply the symbolic wedding ceremony.

So let alone being a GOVERNMENT implemented act, it's also a very RECENT development.

So really, marriage as a governmental act is really a pointless act.(somewhat pathetic even, as far as I see it, due to people actually getting a false sense of security etc)

Also, people who strongly desire to get married legally etc and think that THAT is what makes a family a true family...well, poor sheeple, that's my opinion on it. Marriage didn't even exist as such a couple of centuries ago. (technically it did, but it was a very rare act,only done by highly rich families etc to protect their wealth)

If people are so brainwashed that they feel the need to conform to the governmental procedure/act of marriage, then be my guest.

Now, with THAT said, I have no qualms with gay people, just as natural to be gay as it is to be hetero on a genetic/biological level (or on any level)
Gay people are gay because the body is generating more hormones of the opposite gender than of it's own gender, so on a genetic/biological level the attraction is to the gender of the least generated hormones within the body. (In other words, A woman having more male hormones and less female hormones will be attracted to women, just like a hetero male, who has more male hormones and less female hormones)

It's basically a reversed hormone situation to that of hetero people.
hetero people have more hormones of it's own gender and less of the opposite. Gays have more of the opposite,and less of their own gender.

hetero male=gay female
hetero female= gay male

The population of Earth, majority of it, are very narrow-minded and shallow ignorant creatures when it comes to many aspects, including this one. Like kindergarten children getting angry at random pointless things.

And I hear this being said a lot "marriage is between male-female"
what bollocks, that is the most stupid thing I have ever heard.

Marriage is a government conceived and implemented act, period. An act I do not support, obviously.

So while I endorse gay marriages just as much as I endorse hetero marriages, as a whole, I don't endorse marriage at all. (being a governmental act, and this being ATS, you know why, but it's blatantly obvious anyway why marriage doesn't give any security or guarantee of anything)

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by Valeri
reply to post by Phlynx

So really, marriage as a governmental act is really a pointless act.(somewhat pathetic even, as far as I see it, due to people actually getting a false sense of security etc)

yup, right on the money. its funny how people freak out over crap like this, what in the worlds stopping someone from just saying thier married thier self? do they really want all the legal suffering and horror that comes along with, let alone PAYING for it!!! poor poor poor people....

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 07:52 PM
i am against it, totally. the institution intentionally excludes homosexuality. i'm not against gays being united, if they want to be together then let it be so. however, they don't have the right to change what has been for thousands of years. let them fund and start their own institution, make it legal, call it whatever they want, but it is not marriage.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 07:52 PM
If gay people want to get married, they should call it something else. Marriage is between a man and a woman. It always has been, always should be.

Also, after a few minutes of searching online, EVERY religion I can think of defines marriage as being between a man and a woman. To any church true to their faith, gays are pushing themselves onto the church, the people therein, and deity for said religion. And ya can't just push yourself on God (or whoever).

Now, I know nobody wants to offend gay people for whatever reason because we're all PC and civilized. (sarcasm)
But, for gay people to get "married" , using that term, would most definitely offend a wide variety of people. Since we can't offend gays, we also shouldn't offend people of faith. So...FIND ANOTHER TERM! I heard something about civil unions before? I think that would be a good term.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 07:53 PM
I wholly endorse any two people entering into a committed relationship -- a marriage. The specific variables that pertain to or otherwise describe the two people is none of my business and belongs only to them.

I think any two people who choose to legally commit to each other should enjoy the same legal status, benefits as anyone else.

I still cannot fathom why anyone thinks that a marriage is anyone's business except the bethrothed. Celebrate marriage -- this world needs love, and is withering for lack of committment and teamwork.

I wish.......

1. All children born were chosen by their parents
2. All people who wish to permanently bond to another were not stopped from doing so
3. All children were nurtured and loved and cherished
4. Religious pundits would stay out of the issue unless their particpation is requested by the parties
5. Teens that get pregnant are allowed a legal mechanism for government-paid DNA testing, and requirements for the prospective fathers to comply, along with legal committments for child support OR
6. A mutual agreement, legally binding, wherein both parents agree to an abortion or adoption of the child.
7. That all of us realize that marriage and the subsequent responsibilities belong ONLY to the two people contemplating it.
8. Any married couple, regardless of their sexuality or persuasion are allowed the right to adopt a child.
9. Nine is my favorite number.


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