posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 03:42 PM
As my first post I would like to introduce myself and the events that went in my life that opened my eyes, thus guiding me toward this forum.
My parents divorced when I was 5.
I lived with my mother until I was 12.
Lived with my father for a couple of years.
Now living on my own, turning 30 this year.
The summer (1992) I moved with my father, I was very bored. So bored I decided collecting UFO evidence around me. One day I called the local radio
which gladly played me a recording of the news of a first type contact.
Then I called the nearest military radar station (Canadian Armed Forces). The officer in charge that day has been more than cooperative. I simply
presented myself and asked a simple question : "Did you ever recorded a trace of UFO on your radar ?". He simply answered me that no files was
collected about UFOs, but they have plenty of drawers filled with radar sightings of birds moving over Mach 10 and moving mountains. They see that
everyday. After that call, I had my answers and stopped my active research.
Years later I asked both my divorced parents if they saw a UFO, and both told me the exact story (sighting through binocular). Also a friend of mine
saw a UFO land in his backyard in New-Brunswick, Canada when he was a kid.
Then came the college years.
I went to a meeting organized to gather the left movement and prepare for the "Summit of Quebec". The meeting was a real joke, everybody present was
seeking to further their own, radical, agendas. People shouting at each other, disagreeing on the needs to set cars on fire, etc. Disagreeing in the
following political that they hope create in destroying the economical system. After a while, I spoke to the assembly and left : "People, you cannot
even manage to split the thoerical gains of a war for you cannot even get together to fight". The next day a coalition has been established.
In college I was involved in the student newspaper, coordinating everything and helping with proof review and layout. Me and one colleague was doing
the layout during a week-end. The Saturday we go for lunch and I expose him my idea to create a network with other student newspaper to exchange
articles and ideas. The following Tuesday the executive office call me and ask me why I didn't went through them first. That effectively killed the
idea at that time. My first experience with real life politic.
Few years later, I find myself working on a very ambitious, and massively underfunded project. The Idea was to connect thru Internet, all the NGOs who
operates on social issues. The objective was to be able to determine the most efficient level of prevention in order to prevent the more expensive
option of ignoring and curing the sympthoms (Ex.: it is cheaper to prevent cancer by promoting good habits then curing it later).
One week a typical "white van" appeared in front of our workplace, and stayed parked at the exact same spot for several days. At the end of the
week, my colleague called his friend working at SCRS (Canadian NSA/CIA) and asked him if we were target of one of their operation, the answer was
negative. At the end of the call, the white van vanished. The next year we were told that our project would go nowhere, it was blocked by it's
boss's boss.
After those events I ended my active political life. I started to feel more and more depressed over the years. Today, I am afraid what can happen to
me if I let my ideas flow and try to implement them, and I feel cheap if I don't.
I went to a psychiatric hospital to get help dealing with this. Now I am diagnosed with severe depression, anxiety and I am supposed to be prone to
psychosis. Luckly my story is verifiable as I had witnesses with me over my weird events. Doctors called a friend of mine to validate my story and
assert my threat level, asking if I was a revolutionary or terrorist. They kept me for 24 hours.
I was very afraid to spend the rest of my life in a mental institution, but I am free.
Keep hope alive!!
[edit on 7-1-2010 by gagol]