posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 09:13 AM
There is far more to this than meets the eye.
There are two issues as I see it.
1) there are people with real mental issues/illness. (my friends wife is one)
When she takes her meds, she is more or less normal. When she does not take her meds, she is just plain nuts...seriously.
For people like this, the meds are a god-send.
2) There are a LOT more people on meds than really don't need to be.
I also agree that far to many people go running for meds for normal, daily issues.
As OP stated, we all have bad days, get depressed, angry........ it's called the human condition.
So to make it more clear, there are some people who desperately need these meds, most others don't really need it.
BTW, this is not a new issue, remember in the 60's, "mothers little helper" or as we better know them today, valium/zanex.
[edit on 1/7/2010 by mrmonsoon]