I had 3 pretty vivid interesting dreams last night... so here we go.
I was in some parking/apartment compound, populated mostly by asians who didn't speak english. The pope was there for some reason, and there was a
plot or conspiracy to assassinate him. I had some friends who couldn't speak a world of english, and together we chased the would-be assassinate all
over the place, but any time we got close to him we would get scared and ran away.
Eventually we lost him, and came into this big empty concrete parking lot with a concrete roof. There was a hole in the middle, and as we approached
it, a bald guy popped his head up, and he had some code of letters/numbers written on his forehead. I said, "well at least I don't have to
prophezize on my forehead!", and then I woke up.
I was in the gaza strip, acting as some kind of reporter. I was shown around these horrific slums by kid who everyone in the town new, where all the
houses were tin shacks without any kind of furniture, with a concrete floor.
There were very few adults, most everyone were young children. The living conditions were atrocious, with some children not even having tin shacks to
sleep in, so they slept outside in the dirt. The weird thing though, was that most of the children seemed happy, and were delighted to talk to me and
the kid showing me around.
3.(This one was really weird)
I was skiing in the woods, around an area that was reported to have some kind of secret underground black-ops base. As I was skiing, I broke some kind
of roof, and fell through into this base, therefore exposing their secrets (being ET presence on earth) to the entire world.
All of a sudden I was at home, on my computer, and realized that this hadn't actually happened- It was a dream within a dream. I went on the ATS
forums, and found that I had written the entire experience on the boards as if it had happened for real, and was getting lots of nasty messages about
it. It was weird, because I hadn't even remembered writing it down, so it felt like I had gone into some kind of trance and written it down the night
But then, on the T.V., there was news that the same military base I had dreamed about exposing had been exposed that morning, in the same way, by none
other than miley cyrus. Then everyone began treating me as some kind of prophet.
At this point, I kept waking up/falling asleep, and was in one of those limbo states where I coulnd't really tell whether I was dreaming or not, and
I actually thought that this had happened. Then my alarm clock went off, and here I am at university, still a little disorientated