Originally posted by TeddiRevolution
My thoughts and feelings exactly. I'm 19 as well. Every adult I encountered in my life has said the same thing.
"You are young, we all felt like that but eventually you grow up."
What equates to growing up?
Simple. You end up losing most or all of the idealism you acquired in school that lead you to dream about how great things could be. It is replaced
by the sad reality that too many people work to derail the good things with petty, short-sighted actions that end up making things worse, not better.
I used to wish that I was born in an era with Star Trek technology and social equality. Now I've come to the conclusion that we'll probably never
get there. Why? I could point out the health care debate as an example, but instead let's look at energy. Instead of looking for ways to increase
the energy available to the average person - which would improve their quality of life and help take us to the next technological levels, we have the
eco-nazis and AGW people telling us we all need to cut back "to save the planet". And they seem to be winning the race. I recently read an article
on using thorium instead of uranium for nuclear power plants. This was proven to work by 1965 and has every advantage (below) over using uranium, but
no one did it.
Thorium vs. uranium power reactors:
simple design - complex design
small footprint - huge footprint
no fuel/control rods - requires control rods that can malfunction
self regulating reaction - requires constant monitoring
and the three key differences IMO
waste cannot be converted to weapons - waste IS converted to weapons
100 year waste storage - 100,000 year waste storage
$10k/yr fuel cost - $50m/year fuel cost
US has a > 100,000 year supply - at least some must be imported
Why didn't this happen? Where would we be by now if it had?
For one thing, any country enriching uranium (like North Korea and Iran) could not claim it was for "peaceful purposes", it would only be for
So, this is just one (large) example leading to pessimism, but as you look around you'll see many more, such as how islamic terrorism is like a
cancer slowly turning free western societies into totalitarian societies in an attempt to fight it. Many more than you will see leading to
Sorry, but I WAS idealistic once, too ...
[edit on 1/7/2010 by centurion1211]