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NASA Mars Anomalies 2010 *new video*

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posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 10:14 AM
I dont quite understand why people find it so hard to believe that there are structures on mars. Why shouldnt there be? We have always glorified mars as the martian planet some sort of truth has to be in the pile of Mars conspiracy somewhere.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by skeptic_al

Originally posted by ByteChanger

Originally posted by skeptic_al

There are some things you can't prove. Somebody could post a picture of somebody riding
a bycicle on the ceiling using a Anti-Gravity device, uou know it's fake but you can't prove it.
You can only prove what can be done not what can't be done.

replace 'riding a bicycle on the ceiling' with 'flying a machine in mid air' and I could imagine that very phrase being spoken about a photo of the wright brothers flying their plane. Over a century ago...

Fair cop, and if somebody straped air foils onto a bike an pedaled it up
100 MPH in the living room it would stick on the ceiling,
but that's not anti-gravity. To be true anti-gravity it would have to work in a vacuum
and work on any type of material.

Actually, I wasn't trying to define anti-gravity. I was trying to point out your erroneous statement that "You can only prove what can be done not what can't be done.". Try to tell someone 100 years ago that man could fly, before the invention of airplanes. By your statement, It couldn't be proven, but the wright brothers did prove it! Try to tell someone that some day machines will propel themselves without horses, again, since it hadn't been done, where's the proof? Does that mean it can't be done? No, obviously not, Henry Ford proved it could be done.

But now that you mention it, since when does anti-gravity have to be in a vacuum to be considered true anti-gravity? Does that mean anti-gravity is impossible on Earth because we have an atmosphere?

[edit on 7-1-2010 by ByteChanger]

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by ByteChanger

Lets correct your mistakes

From my first post in bold you did not tell me about the shadow!

Originally posted by wmd_2008

Yes a well made video showing the same OLD pictures lets think about the golf ball /dome in the crater its ripples in the soil its been shown before, the dome appears due to the angle of sunlight nothing else!

Obviously you misread what was typed at NO point in my post did I claim that the sphere shaped rocks were what you see in the crater

You also seem to think this LOW res slightly out of focus picture here.

Is better than this one

Do you really think that. eyes and test?

Re the pictures of the rocks on Earth I will explain it in simple terms even you should understand.

On the OP video pictures are shown of rocks , faces & possible statues etc that are supposed to prove someone or something MADE them.
The pictures of the rocks on Earth were to show that Nature can play tricks and rocks on Earth can look like someone or somthing made them ie rocks with square or straight edges ,spheres or appear to look like faces.

You state that the pics of Earth rocks cant be compared with the Mars rocks well lets see.

Rocks on Earth are shaped by wind,water,volcanic and seismic activity
and since Mars has evidence of water ,wind & volcanic /seismic activity in the past (largest volcano in the solar system!) its fair to say that all the strange looking rocks etc can be compared.

They have been shaped by the conditions on MARS as the rocks here have been shaped by the conditions on EARTH!

Here is a better picture of your dome crater

Still think its a dome!

edit new picture added

[edit on 7-1-2010 by wmd_2008]

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by skeptic_al
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

This sooo Not Science......

I can go to my backyard take pictures in B&W from all odd angles and close-ups
and also find objects looking like familiar objects. It doesn't
prove anything. It's all because the Human Brain is constantly looking for
familiar shapes by pattern recognition. Even if pieces are missing we automatically
fill in the missing pieces in order to complete the picture.

That would be great it someone could do that. I would love to see the results. Especially if someone could find something using google earth to find something that looks like the Nefertiti picture. While a lot of these things are light shadow/mind tricks, I think videos like these could spark public interest in the subject….microbes and water findings just don’t do it for most of us.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 01:37 PM
My review of this video is a B rating. It is one of the best for showing first time viewers of this subject. I would say about 10-15% of the video are images that I would not have used as they are not that odd to an untrained eye. In the next videos I would have used the very egypt looking statue on the side of a wall not included. Writing, more human tools, more human skulls, more homes and often not shown landscape idol images like a frog with pants on. I am thinking of terms of overview not in detail. Thanks for posting this one I will be glad to see the next.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 01:40 PM
some of the images look interesting but the whole video is compromised by the images of the JPG compression fields..

its ridiculous...anyone who clams to spend years researching these things and wants to be taken seriously has to be more self critical...

its this sort of thing that i think may be done on purpose to discredit the whole subject...

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by alienesque

Why would an entertaining video be miscrediting the whole field?

You are just being ignorant if you are saying that.
Correct me if I've not understood you correctly.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 03:19 PM
These aren't very interesting. There is more interesting NASA anomalies when looking at STS footage or a lot of the raw footage by NASA from space. And dont forget the Russian cosmonauts.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 03:47 PM
I would like to know, if anyone can answer this, is these images of faces structures and otherwise abnormalities that point to activity from ancient times perhaps. these are images that its said NASA who photograph them in the first instance obtain and photoshop "airburshing" the images to remove these before public ever get to see them.

Lots of stuff like this from moon lunar photos. (theorists say the moon is supposed to be active with "stuff" that is alien activity.) I just dont see what the problem is with entertaining possibility of alien life other than human. Is it like living on a remote island in the pacific and discounting the possibility of life on other continents. The fabric for life is constant through the earth. and so is our planet in space, the stuff out planet is made of and the singular law (whatever it is) remains constant throuout space. They just seem to like us to beleive that life on this planet is such a 1 in upteen Billion-th chance. And yet Right in our solar system is a planet Mars - that is actually not so massively different from the fabric of our earth, it has a rock structure and some kind of atmosphere protecting it from outerspace. even its an atmosphere and obeys to the same law of physics as our planet, our robot vehicles that work on earth work and operate on its surface. Yet existance of life on our planet is supposed to be such a cosmic abnormality.

anyway back to the photos....

What I dont understand if these are supposed to be shopped images then who obtains these images showing these sturctures etc (pre nasa photoshop). ?

The face in mars - Cannot they just give credit to the fact that yes it does look like a face, and how remarkable this is. Yes we could take photo of somewhere on earth and find say a hidden face. Yet it is always a facination. IF you were to look at the geometric 'spectrum' of the spread of data for the mathematical symitries of the human face, then for the seeming same mathematical proportions to show up on a untouched planet (mars) is quite remarcable. like say for something to look like a face has a mathem,atical probability factor that does make it worth studying. i dont really mean its like finding a potato crisp that looks like the virgin mary. but where you can see abnormal rock structure where measurable proportions are in simular proportions to human form - to me thats interesting. What do they need to find on mars to say, now that is interesting , like find a 3 bedroom bungalow ?

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 03:57 PM
Hi Bytechanger

An even better pic of your crater here (still think its a dome)

click on the picture for a real close up view.

Waiting for your reply!

[edit on 7-1-2010 by wmd_2008]

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by wmd_2008

I'm not sure what your looking for from me... As I mentioned before, Nophun has already provided me with enough info to draw a informed conclusion.

But yes, it is a better photo of my crater. Thank you.

edited to add: Ahhhh, I see what you are asking for. You want me to tell you it doesn't look like a dome because of the photos you published earlier... Well, while I did find it informative to learn about 'soil ripples', and learn of natural spheres in our oceans, Nophun actually provided the data allowing me to come to, like I said earlier... an informed conclusion. To reiterate some of what Nophun pointed out earlier:


PS: A exclamation mark indicates a statement. A question mark indicates a question. You might find it helpful to get your point across if you used them correctly.

[edit on 7-1-2010 by ByteChanger]

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 06:25 PM
I believe there are existing people on mars, just ask Boriska

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by IgnoreTheFacts

Sure, the pics could be of something besides alien structures, but they are interesting regardless. You saw nothing odd in those photo's? Should we spend more money slamming rockets into our moon or allow limitless resources to be made available to bright minds make efficient space flight a reality? The only thing holding us back is safe and efficient space travel...period.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 05:09 AM

Originally posted by ByteChanger

Originally posted by skeptic_al

Originally posted by ByteChanger

Originally posted by skeptic_al

There are some things you can't prove. Somebody could post a picture of somebody riding
a bycicle on the ceiling using a Anti-Gravity device, uou know it's fake but you can't prove it.
You can only prove what can be done not what can't be done.

replace 'riding a bicycle on the ceiling' with 'flying a machine in mid air' and I could imagine that very phrase being spoken about a photo of the wright brothers flying their plane. Over a century ago...

Fair cop, and if somebody straped air foils onto a bike an pedaled it up
100 MPH in the living room it would stick on the ceiling,
but that's not anti-gravity. To be true anti-gravity it would have to work in a vacuum
and work on any type of material.

Actually, I wasn't trying to define anti-gravity. I was trying to point out your erroneous statement that "You can only prove what can be done not what can't be done.". Try to tell someone 100 years ago that man could fly, before the invention of airplanes. By your statement, It couldn't be proven, but the wright brothers did prove it! Try to tell someone that some day machines will propel themselves without horses, again, since it hadn't been done, where's the proof? Does that mean it can't be done? No, obviously not, Henry Ford proved it could be done.

But now that you mention it, since when does anti-gravity have to be in a vacuum to be considered true anti-gravity? Does that mean anti-gravity is impossible on Earth because we have an atmosphere?

[edit on 7-1-2010 by ByteChanger]

There are lot a fraudsters on the Internet believe it or not.
Some are selling objects that create an electrostatic charges that create
a downward thrust. These are not anti-gravity and will not work without an
atmosphere, therefore are not anti-gravity. Similarly two magnets on desk
of opposite polarity is also not anti-gravity, but doesn't the Internet Fraudsters from
selling them as such.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by romanmel
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

Great post - S&F !

To bad ATS is becoming infested by nay-sayers on all topics of interest. Those of us who enjoy "thinking outside the box" have to deal with closed-minded trolls wishing to lable us as whack-jobs because we dare question the "official line". I don't lower myself to name calling. If you have PROOF that the images presented are false, present it here and now. You can't, because the images are from the official NASA/JPL or ESA online files. Please, why not deny ignorance and stop the knee-jerk reaction to all info that challenges your little comfort zone.

Those who fit the above description should go to the following site and read from amongst dozens of detailed articles with high resolution official photos to broaden your perspective:

Open your mind!

I just love when guys like you make a post to claim that you can only post on here if you agree with whats posted

This site was intened I believe to provide evidence of the strange & unusual from ufo's to monsters ,ghost, conspiracies etc etc BUT most of all its about the TRUTH yes the TRUTH!.
The OP's video while being well made is in contradiction to a statement you make above, you said.

If you have PROOF that the images presented are false, present it here and now. You can't, because the images are from the official NASA/JPL or ESA online files. Please, why not deny ignorance and stop the knee-jerk reaction to all info that challenges your little comfort zone.

Lets look at 2 examples

1) The face on Mars the picture below is similar to pictures used on this site and many others on the net!

Why use that when according to YOUR statement above they could use this.

(click picture for larger image)

This picture conforms with your statement above but the problem is when seen close up and in HI-RES and not far away and LOW-RES we see the face is not a face after all.

2) The Dome Crater

Again on here and other sites pictures like this are used

When again to conform with YOUR statement above they could use this
(click picture for larger image)

You claim nay-sayers dont look outside the box, most of the time you only have to look inside it.

You guys have your little comfort zone which is created by people like
John (JOIN THE DOTS) Lear and Richard (CRYSTAL DOME) Hoagland and others, who make plausible assumptions based on bad science and even worse photographic evidence but if you have been fooled by them and build up a belief then pity help anyone who shows you different eh!

I would probably more happy than any of you believers if REAL evidence
was shown becuase I really dont think it will but what you have to do is accept the what you may have been shown by Lear , Hoagland etc could be total BS as alot of guys like that have built up little business empires to sell book's dvds and seminars to keep the idea going so think about that.

So who is closed minded?

I am looking for the TRUTH are you? someday one of us will be disappointed.

[edit on 8-1-2010 by wmd_2008]

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by romanmel
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

Great post - S&F !

To bad ATS is becoming infested by nay-sayers on all topics of interest. Those of us who enjoy "thinking outside the box" have to deal with closed-minded trolls wishing to lable us as whack-jobs because we dare question the "official line". I don't lower myself to name calling. If you have PROOF that the images presented are false, present it here and now. You can't, because the images are from the official NASA/JPL or ESA online files. Please, why not deny ignorance and stop the knee-jerk reaction to all info that challenges your little comfort zone.

Those who fit the above description should go to the following site and read from amongst dozens of detailed articles with high resolution official photos to broaden your perspective:

Open your mind!

You have very good points.

This forum seem to be full of these dumb sceptics, even some of the moderators, who just can't wait to put a thread in the hoax section only if in THEIR mind there is a light chance of a hoax.
These are real pictures showing faces etc in great detail, with iris inside of eye sockets, nosrils at end of nose, lip line in middle of lips etc. These most definately have been created by something or someone.

I just wish these sceptic moderators could be balanced out by believers so that they couldn't exclusively choose to put threads of possible ufos in the hoax section just because they feel like it. That is just dumb and closed minded behaviour.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by UfosExiZt

Well lets see the evidence you talk about in the post above provide some links!

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by skeptic_al

There are lot a fraudsters on the Internet believe it or not.
Some are selling objects that create an electrostatic charges that create
a downward thrust. These are not anti-gravity and will not work without an
atmosphere, therefore are not anti-gravity. Similarly two magnets on desk
of opposite polarity is also not anti-gravity, but doesn't the Internet Fraudsters from
selling them as such.

What does any of this have to do with the topic being discussed here?

Please stay on topic and create your own anti-gravity thread.

[edit on 8-1-2010 by ByteChanger]

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by UfosExiZt

The problem is that there is no evidence for anything. I've been into conspiracy theories right from when the phenomenon started, back in '95, and I've read thousands of posts, millions of lines of text, witnessed thousands of images and videos...and there is not a single piece of evidence for any of the claims out there.

It's becoming harder and harder to keep an open mind, when 100% of the material presented is fake/misunderstandings/wishful thinking.

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by masterp

The photos ARE a part of the evidence.

These faces could not have been created from natural causes since the probability of these patterns forming the exact features I was talking about are too low for this to be a feasible explanation.

The only explanation left is, they were created.
By what or whom remains a mystery.

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