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NASA Mars Anomalies 2010 *new video*

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posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 05:43 AM
Some nice pictures in there. I agree that alot of them probably are just what we see in our head. But there is still an odd few well worth asking questions about.

Either way, nice video, nicely put together...

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 05:50 AM
Hey WZN - look at these:

Possible Fossil on Mars... Who knows

A Horny Mars Toad? Doubtful - but neat looking. (Not as neat as the fossil-thing above though):

And look at this - I call it the Mars Shard (on account of it looks like a shard

*Right-click and select view image to see it in itès entirety.

[edit on 6-1-2010 by Exuberant1]

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 05:55 AM
S&F for op! very nice video ,good pictures in which some might be natural formations but most dont look natural at all, wish we would get there soon
cause im certain well find remnants of ancient civilization there !
for those who claim all of those anomalies are natural : open your eyes


posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 06:00 AM

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts
I could look at satellite photos of natural areas on Earth and pick out the same type of "patterns", then I could go to those areas and stand on them, showing people that they are nothing more than pattern recognition as a result of how our brains our wired.

But the real convenient thing here is no one can go to mars, and even though non of this stuff holds any water when actually looked at SERIOUSLY, that doesn't stop folks from seeing Scooby Doo in the clouds.

Stuff like this nonsense is holding us back. Use the logic centers of your brain, then run it through the areas that control common sense and reason before jumping on this ship, trust me. If there was something up there that the "ptb" didn't want you to see, you wouldn't be seeing it. Plain and simple. The shear amount of people that would have to be involved in such a cover-up would be impossible to manage, and we would have serious leaks and confirmation by now, not some "youtube superstar" that sets out of context pictures to stupid music because he or she saw some pretty pictures that they didn't properly understand, but can be twisted through ignorance to prop up their belief that borders on religion (which also require a leap of faith, or ignorance as some has put it, to subscribe to)

Please, for the love of all things, stop this madness. It is this kind of stuff that paints us in the light that we bask in, and a major reason why no one will take this subject seriously.

[edit on 5-1-2010 by IgnoreTheFacts]
Right... What about the glass tubes and the huge hole in the picture? Ignoring those eh? If you don't know what I'm talking about, just look here:

No offense, but close-mindedness and attitudes like yours is what's actually holding us back, calling something nonsense right off the bat is what's holding us back. That way, you close down possibilities without properly looking at it..

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 06:36 AM
Well Done!!!
Nothing new we haven't seen this year but nicely put together
Lets see what 2010 will bring us

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 06:37 AM
reply to post by nophun

Bloody hell...every single time!

Look, if you don't think there is anything to all of the speculations about ruins spread around the solar system, why bother to post comment?

Every time this topic come up, we get you lot saying you can't see anything, or all you see is rocks.

If you don't believe there are any ruins, that's absolutely're welcome to your own beliefs, whether they are right or wrong.

I would say though, that the title of these threads tell you what you're in for. If you don't agree, move along to the threads you do believe in, and leave these for us that do see ruins.

It will be a lot more enjoyable for all concerned.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 07:05 AM
I'm still observing and waiting for ingnorethefacts to write something sweet, lol

It's what is underneath the surface of Mars all seek. Life lots of life.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 07:11 AM
Well this may be a new video it is certainly not new evidence of anything and even throws in a couple of images that have been discussed for a decade or more.

So, nothing actually new here unless you consider yourself to have a new deck of cards every time you shuffle them?

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 08:07 AM
For all of those saying "it's the human brain bla-bla-bla": Show me some proof. Whoever made the video, obviously, took a lot of time and hard work and presented us with some good evidence. If you want to debunk his video then provide us with some more proof other than barking out stupidity.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by Bob Down Under

Originally posted by Matthew Dark
reply to post by nophun

Um, the alleged 'ruins' portrayed in those NASA photos.
Now, I'm not saying that they are ruins, or not ruins.
I'm just saying that Mars is a really old planet and why shouldn't there be ruins on there from some other civilization?
Why not?

I go with that!

No one can prove anything until we get there?

Even when we get there, the Government won't tell us anything about what they know and what they found.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 08:55 AM
I've always liked the image of the dead eels. I'm surprised that it is usually ignored
I think they might live in underground water and maybe got caught in a geyser, once the water evaporated the 2 eels met their fate. Also the rocks in that image are pitted and looks like algae was present on them supporting that they were in water. Just my opinion

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

This sooo Not Science......

Most of those pictures have already been debunked as fakes or shadow
effects on the Camera.

I can go to my backyard take pictures in B&W from all odd angles and close-ups
and also find objects looking like familiar objects. It doesn't
prove anything. It's all because the Human Brain is constantly looking for
familiar shapes by pattern recognition. Even if pieces are missing we automatically
fill in the missing pieces in order to complete the picture.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts
the real convenient thing here is no one can go to mars,

why not? we can go to The Moon.
we went there half a century ago.
is Mars really that much harder.

[edit on 6-1-2010 by president]

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 09:08 AM
VERY nice video! S & F for this one for sure. No wonder the government doesen't want anyone going into space. Wonder what they'll say when we start commercial flights to space (ref Virgin's Sir Richard Branson & others) and tourists see this stuff for themselves. It'll be not only a revelation but a sudden on set realization that "my government's been lying to me all of this time" also!...Duh, we been telling ya for years now

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 09:28 AM
I was hoping to see something new, but alas.

There is no way to be sure what is up there till people actually go there and have a look around, until then these are just images that could be images of anything, possibly ruins, possibly just tricks of light and shadows, no way to be certain.

Do you suppose that if we got enough ATS’rs together to donate time and money we could build our own ATS space program, go to Mars and put this debate to bed once and for all.

Probably would not be able to, but just a thought.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts
I could look at satellite photos of natural areas on Earth and pick out the same type of "patterns", then I could go to those areas and stand on them, showing people that they are nothing more than pattern recognition as a result of how our brains our wired.

Please do, instead of throwing empty threats of debunking around. Especially, the 'stand on them' comment. You need more "I have" then "I could"...

But the real convenient thing here is no one can go to mars, and even though non of this stuff holds any water when actually looked at SERIOUSLY, that doesn't stop folks from seeing Scooby Doo in the clouds.

Well, I guess you are traveling around, standing on these Earthly anomalies, proving your point right now.

Stuff like this nonsense is holding us back.

Holding us back from what? Traveling to Mars? Believing in Aliens? I don't get it. What exactly are these threads holding us back from?

Use the logic centers of your brain, then run it through the areas that control common sense and reason before jumping on this ship, trust me.

Astronomers have been looking at the stars for thousands of years. I don't think they have EVER had a crystal clear picture and have had to use their imagination on more than one occasion on what they were looking at. Well, except for the rover pictures, they are pretty crystal clear. But I guess your next quote would make the rover pictures unreliable also...

Part of any scientific discovery is observation.

If there was something up there that the "ptb" didn't want you to see, you wouldn't be seeing it. Plain and simple.

So, now you say 'ptb' wouldn't allow us to see these anomalies, plain & simple as you stated. But then you go on to say 'it would be impossible to manage' such a feat. I thought you said it was simple?

The shear amount of people that would have to be involved in such a cover-up would be impossible to manage, and we would have serious leaks and confirmation by now...

I'm confused.
... 'tpb' wouldn't allow us to see these anomalies, but such a cover-up would be impossible to manage... Your contradicting yourself.

... saw some pretty pictures that they didn't properly understand, but can be twisted through ignorance to prop up their belief that borders on religion (which also require a leap of faith, or ignorance as some has put it, to subscribe to)

Religion!? Wow.... Quite a leap there in itself. There is more to religion then a leap of faith or ignorance, as you put it. For instance, hypothetically speaking. If my Dad tells me to jump down from the tree and he will catch me. (leap of faith) and then he steps aside and i crash to the ground breaking my leg and he says... Life lesson #1, don't trust everything/everyone you hear or see. I would have exposed my ignorance in trusting him in the first place....

But, hardly a religious act...

It is this kind of stuff that paints us in the light that we bask in

So, if I or someone point out some anomalies or something some would say, interesting... your basking in a different light? I'm not sure I follow...

and a major reason why no one will take this subject seriously.

NASA took it seriously enough to remap or re-image the 'face on mars'.


Sure, perhaps some of these images are nothing more then rocks mingled with a little imagination and a beam of light... But that doesn't mean we should stop looking, or be insulted because we are.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by skeptic_al

Then go do it....

When ever someone posts some nice pics of Mars\Moon evidence skeptics reply that they can produce the same thing in their yards...

Yet i never see them reproduce it... so here is your chance.. post up some pics of your backyard that support your claims.

Ill be waiting

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

Great post - S&F !

To bad ATS is becoming infested by nay-sayers on all topics of interest. Those of us who enjoy "thinking outside the box" have to deal with closed-minded trolls wishing to lable us as whack-jobs because we dare question the "official line". I don't lower myself to name calling. If you have PROOF that the images presented are false, present it here and now. You can't, because the images are from the official NASA/JPL or ESA online files. Please, why not deny ignorance and stop the knee-jerk reaction to all info that challenges your little comfort zone.

Those who fit the above description should go to the following site and read from amongst dozens of detailed articles with high resolution official photos to broaden your perspective:

Open your mind!

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by IgnoreTheFacts

So you think the picture we see at 1:54, which just happens to be my avatar, is just some trick of the eye?? I personally that this is the best pic from Mars and yet it's not found in any books on Mars I have ever seen, most people have never even seen or heard of it.
IMO its some sort of statue and I dont care if I get flamed, that is NOT a rock and I dont have paradeolia or whatever it's called. I showed this picture to people and asked them what they thought it was and they ALL said skull or statue but changed their minds when told it was on Mars...Why is it so hard to believe that Mars once had a civilization on it? Hey maybe millions of years from now another planet will be saying no there was never life on that planet we call Earth...meaning some other civilization in the future will probably be arguing the same thing about our planet.
Mars has always been my favorite planet and when I saw this picture it made sense to me with what my beliefs are on Mars and Earth.

To the OP S&F! I really love threads on Mars esp ones like this

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 11:10 AM
Great vid, a lot of pics I have not seen before. I wish the vid was a little slower and showed pics for longer time. I guess I can just push pause.

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