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Soul Catching Machine? - Need Your Help With

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posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 04:56 AM
Reminds me of the 80's movie "LifeForce".

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 07:06 AM

Originally posted by vjr1113
It doesn't exactly catch your soul, but instead takes it for reprogramming after you die. Yes it was put there by the benevolent and all you have to do is simply not to go into the light. It has been used before but I can't recall how, and I don't want to look it up again, something to do with mass sacrifice.

People have tried to go to it in OBE, but I warn that you can end up becoming a vegetable or worse.

Believe it or not, I'm not looking for an argument.

Yes, I was thinking it might be somewhere along these lines. It's worrying and I worry now that what was said in the Matrix about how we are being used as a power supply was pure clap trap, but I fear that may not now be the case

Originally posted by Mr Green
I dont think the soul can be taken as such...just manipulated into forever reincarnating back into the matrix. certain beings do this as they wish to keep us and our divine spark forever below the veil. This way we keep the matrix going, the matrix they feed from. They feed off our light, without our light this reality would not be here. they do not wish for us to leave 3D.

Funny I was only talking about this recently to someone, I asked I wonder at what point a person almost gives their soul to these beings? I wonder if some maybe actually want to stay within the matrix with its so called "physical powers of matter" and actually give up/supress their soul to such a level they never remember who they actually are ( divine from above the shadows of the matrix) Those who are asleep to this bigger picture have not had their souls taken as such, they have just had it manipulated. whilst a person is asleep they are "safe" in that respect but they will forever be forced to reincarnate.

Can a soul be caught? (held/captured) If catching is making it go where these beings want rather than where it should then yes I guess it can. they do this by making us forget, by making sure we never remember who we actually are. This they do by astral/psychic manipulation. The more aware we become the more we start to see and feel this manipulation. Some of us actually start to see these beings.

One way to stop your soul being caught every time you "die" (there is no death as we know it) is to connect to your soul. It will tell you and guide you through this alien manipulation.

As for a machine, yes Ive heard about one. Not sure if its true or not. its a reptilian time machine . Will try to find the link.

Yes, what you said makes complete sense to me. I used the word machine but it could just as easilly be replaced with the word system. All that keeps coming up is power and how we are powering an alternate reality and giving life to a rogue line of entities. This does indeed seem like a fight to maintain memory (which they are systematically wipping) of our divinity.

Originally posted by mosesgunner
reply to post by Dookie Master

The OP is known to be a little nutty about this kinda stuff, best thing to do is smile and nod. I don't think he'd look in to Scientology for the answer to this one.

Please do not speak for me, what you see as nutty I see as open minded and free. The more and deeper I go the more this reality seems propped up by an almighty massive deception designed to strip us of OUR LIFE FORCE ENERGY. So you want to continue giving to the wrong side like a moron, go ahead, more the fool you. This type of cheap banter is so passe so please spare us your thoughts.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 09:18 AM

Please do not speak for me, what you see as nutty I see as open minded and free. The more and deeper I go the more this reality seems propped up by an almighty massive deception designed to strip us of OUR LIFE FORCE ENERGY. So you want to continue giving to the wrong side like a moron, go ahead, more the fool you. This type of cheap banter is so passe so please spare us your thoughts.

Yes yes, life force energy, spirit catching fun, flash backs from 2000 years ago. No one's here to persecute you, just judge you. Chances are you just have an over porduction of Tryptamine N-methyltransferase, causing an unaverage amount of Dimethyltryptamine to be produced. This then hits those pretty little hydroxytryptamine receptors. The reaction would explain a lot of what you speak...... I wish I could get some of that action.

[edit on 6-1-2010 by mosesgunner]

[edit on 6-1-2010 by mosesgunner]

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by pharaohmoan

A star and flag for your post, I will offer my own theory on this soul catcher machine for you. I have become aware of machinery that I think you are talking about, and it seems to me you too have at least seen it, or you would not be asking questions about it, right? I will tell you what I have seen, astrally seen, that is, for physically I was in my bed at home, but my spirit goes where it deems necessary to go, it has done this for all of my life. I have seen that inside the Moon is a lot of equipment and computers. These computers run on crystals, and it is my strong belief that they record everything we think, or do, and then send that information off to somewhere else. I think the machinery is recording our reality as we live it. To at a later time be fed back to us.

The ET beings I have spoken to, and interacted with, do not seem to know who built the machinery, but they have figured out how to run it. Our souls are the big prize here, and I don't know why that is either, I just know it is.

I have given this matter a lot of thought, and I tend to think that all together, our soul material is an energy field, and I think that once it is all together in Unity, we will be the very God we think created us all. I think that out there are ET beings, and other negative forces, call them whatever you wish, are all about keeping that energy field under control. I think that if we ever came all together and were suddenly free, all hell would break loose, we could, and most probably would, shake the very foundations of the universe.

When a human being dies, they go to a place where all is dark, save for a very bright light. We are taught that this is the light of God, and that we are to go into the light. There is a popular TV show that dwells on this light a lot, it is "Ghost Whisperer." I have begun to think that the light is the trap, and that the light leads directly to a recycle center, where all memories are erased from the soul, and it is then sent into a new human body, to work and be productive for the Masters. The ancient occult books speak of a "Well of Souls" and I believe there is one.

I think escape is possible from this matrix of false reality ran by evil masters. don't you? When I pass over, I will not be going into the light, I will be asking a lot of questions of it, and of any other being that happens to be there. I will escape, and others before me have done. I wish that many more of us also escape, this is why I speak of these things in the first place. I am not alone in my quest to escape, others are coming along, and even more are planning it on their own.

My reasoning? I am tired. Tired of the control factor that is present everywhere on everything. Anything that is "fun" is automatically made illegal, and taken away from us, while on the other hand, dangerous electronic toys are placed in our hands, and yes, even our children's hands. We are made to drive vehicles that cost as much as a house used to cost, and buy fuel that costs as much as a week's groceries used to cost. and even the simple pleasures we all used to enjoy are now taken away. If it weren't for music and sex, we would all lose our minds, especially those of us who are deeply educated into the inner workings of the matrix. I have lived on this world for many lifetimes, in many different human bodies. The bodies are prone to cellular damage, and wear out very quickly, and are simply not powerful enough to do what we would like them to do. The mind is the strongest weapon we have to fight the control masters, the prison warders that keep us down, keep us oppressed. they know we would destroy them all if we ever become fully aware, they fear this happening. This is why Book Religions teach that there is an outside God figure that has control over their lives, this is not true at all. The only real God lives in each one of us.

I know this went long, and I apologise for that. Thanks for listening to me.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by pharaohmoan

This does indeed seem like a fight to maintain memory (which they are systematically wipping) of our divinity.

Exactly, another way to put it would be the destruction (total memory loss) of the divine blue print , that which is of divine spark.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by autowrench

I think escape is possible from this matrix of false reality ran by evil masters. don't you? When I pass over, I will not be going into the light, I will be asking a lot of questions of it, and of any other being that happens to be there. I will escape, and others before me have done. I wish that many more of us also escape, this is why I speak of these things in the first place. I am not alone in my quest to escape, others are coming along, and even more are planning it on their own.

Autowrench my friend, it is you who they will ask the questions of. You are to tell them exactly who you are and where you are going. You are to also tell them you know who they really are.

I tell myself every day I WILL remember when this time comes.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by autowrench

Wow you seem to have an excellent grasp of this, I think you are very aware in what you say and I enjoyed reading your angle on this. I would love to discuss more on U2U.

Yes, crystals would make sense, they can bring together timelines into one locality. I wonder if the akashic records are kept there?

And you are absolutly right, they fear our unity and our freedom. I believe we are a very powerful 'one'. And yes able to shake the universe, even change it.

Of course they don't like us talking about this subject, they hate it, and you will notice 'mocking/uncontributory' posts from people who oddly enough seem to always have a low flag count!

Something went wrong long ago and my guess is that some of our power got in the wrong hands. Going into the light after death could be as you said, in fact judging by the strangely familiar faces I see around me I would say yes, and they are getting good at it incidently! The machine's piece de resistance is undoubtably it's abilty to wipe memory which I guess is massive magnetic exposure to the soul.

You know these control demons have made one mistake and a big one at that, the spirit within cannot die and will always find it's way back home. Only a few from the many need to make it, that's all it takes, and there will always be 'a few'. Eventually all transgressions from disharmonious wave structures will be de-emphasised!

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 03:05 PM
Perhaps another thing to be on guard against is if , when we die, a loved one who was already dead comes to greet us. Naturally we would be inclined to trust this person, who looks, feels , talks and acts just as we remember them when they could just be some sort of advanced virtual reality replica of the loved one. I suspect that most of us get met by someone we know when we die, if the NDE's are anything to go by. I also suspect that this is their most successful technique in influencing newly deceased souls to enter the light and also to influence their thoughts and beliefs about what the afterlife is all about, what is to happen next, what their choices are etc.
A couple of years ago if I had died and been met by my father (he's dead) I'd have been one of the vulnerable majority. I'd be traumatized by my life being over, I'd be entering a stage of major reajustment, I'd have a hundred questions and would trust my father to give me answers as naturally I'd assume that having been dead a few years he'd know alot more than me and could tell me the answers to questions I've had for years. If he told me that most souls reincarnate and that this is the ideal choice to make for purposes of soul evolution/the greater good of mankind or whatever I'd probably buy into it. It would probably be pretty easy to manipulate people into coming back here and they would have no clue they were being manipulated.
Perhaps the dead loved one would eventually direct you to some place where you are told you can rest, rejuventate, orientate yourself etc and that they will "put you to sleep" for a while to help this process. If you found yourself surrounded by deceased people known to you and a few beautiful spiritual looking beings in their lovely robes with glowing auras and so forth, and you were in some sublime setting well how many people would feel suspicious ? Very few. So when they place you in the regeneration room or whatever that could be when the recycling occurs, without any realization on your part. Perhaps they do this with the souls who are not too keen on voluntarily reincarnating but then again perhaps they also need a number of people NOT to reincarnate so they can trap them in the various astral spheres instead. Surely those need energy to be maintained as well. Various astral travellers have written about observing human people "living lives" in a variety of different astral planes. I guess those souls may also be trapped in the reincarnation cycle though, just sent to a different zone instead of being sent to Earth.

[edit on 13/1/10 by cosmicpixie]

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by pharaohmoan

I have given this much thought and research. Here in my theory and thoughts on the death experience. I think that upon death, the spirit of the former alive person "hangs out" close to the body, or the home of the body, or some place near to the body's heart, for about three days.
Many people have reported that when a relative died, that the relative, Dad, Mom, or whatever, would appear to them, and tell them everything is OK, or like that. I have seen this phenomena myself, and the reader may or may not believe this, but I have seen the dead for most of my life. Not all the time, but mostly around places where people die, hospitals, nursing homes, and like that. To me, it reincarnation is a solid fact, no other proof needed.

I have come to believe the famous "Light" is a soul recycle machine, a soul gathering, soul sending ,computer operated machine. When a soul enters this light, the mind is read via a program. Whatever the dead person believes will happen to them happens. One can be sent to the "Christian Heaven" or the "Muslim Heaven," or any number of different "Heavens" are represented here, whatever you want, you get. If you happen to believe you are going to Hell, that too is represented.

I have come to believe that a soul stays here, in the appropriate place, for approximately 100 Earth years, so that all who knew them have gone. No confusion or comparing notes this way. For my own self, I have come to believe that I have lived a life here on 3rd Dimensional Earth for over 1000 times. I have memories of ancient times, and events, which are so clear, so concise, that it is like yesterday for me. I have very distinct memories of the War of Northern Aggression, that would be the Civil War to you Yankees. Sometimes I can still hear the gunfire and screams of the dead and dying. Trying to describe this to a medical doctor get me some funny looks, I will tell you. Others have taken it upon themselves to suggest I take mind altering drugs.

On the Ascended Masters some of you speak of, here is my take. It is known by some that in ancient times, mankind knew a whole lot more about the sciences and physics of these matters that we will ever know. These guys learned all about the trick of the Light, and went past it. Now they are free to do what they like to do. That includes coming back here to enlighten us poor humans. Some do have an agenda, know this if you ever encounter St. Germain, or one of his buddies. Also, being dead does not make a person any smarter than they were alive. Uncle Charlie is still uncle Charlie.

That being said, I would love it if we all, every one of us human beings, could all die at once. Some believe strongly that this will happen soon, a cosmic event, Planet X, a nuclear holocaust would all do this, hell, we could blow of the planet if we chose to.
So we all die at once, and we have the knowing...and we bypass the Light. Now what?
An ET being once said to me that within my DNA is encoded not only the codes to re-create this human body again, but in fact to re-create the entire universe again. I would say, and not in an off-hand manner, that most of us have this encoding. We could in fact, in my belief, create our own Utopia is we so choose to do so. We could create several Utopia's. Science is right now just scratching the surface of what the Ancients knew. More than anything I would love to be invited to the inner circle of the Ancient Mysteries, to be able to know the secrets of the world, and the universe we live in. By the reading of over 10,000 books, not including internet reading, I have accumulated a vast storehouse of knowledge, but still I am hungry for more.

I have a strong feeling that I am leaving something out, if I think of it, I will repost and tell it to you all. Thanks for listening.

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