I read on the first page about someones experience in Oxford. It was in 2008 that I had a small experience, and again a very coincidental one. Me and
my friend had been talking about them recently at that time, and I had found a thing to lie on comfortably in her garden and watch the stars every now
and then.
Now at some point for some unknown reason I came to the belief I would see a UFO in the next 4 or 5 days or something...Whatever, there was a reason
to the number of days at the time but I don't remember. It was in the final day, in the final MINUTE of the time I allotted myself to spot a UFO,
that I saw something greeny coloured and possibly boomerang shaped or just squiggly darting over Cowley, Oxford, between clouds. But because of the
clouds, the sighting was fractional. But again, I cannot explain the confusion I had. It was literally 11.59pm of the last day of the four or five I
believed I would see a UFO in. And I wasn't aware of the time either, it was only right after when I ran back in to tell my friend I had been
successful that I saw the clock and realised it was 23:59... MENTAL
In 2009 I've seen nothing speedy, just glowing things this year. I think it was in the magic thread or maybe this one where it was mentioned about
talking about UFOs and one appearing, the odds of that being very slim (yet the odds of just THINKING about one and it happens even slimmer, yet that
seemed to happen to me :O only just realised!)...My friend and I were at the pub. He was getting more interested in UFOs by the minute, together we
had both got a new UFO story from a friend too (and if you didn't know already, at least one in five of your mates will have probably seen a UFO, not
uncommon at all..) - an orange ball appeared in the sky, moving fast, but nowhere near as fast as a meteor, then seemed to "fizzle out" to a tiny
point in a matter of seconds. My friend didn't see it though, but we had pretty much just been talking about "ufos on tap". Hmmm. Again, a
I've seen a few other things but I really don't think they were UFO's. Last night I saw something odd but I think it was just a small flock of
birds. And of course if fake planes are to be believed, I've seen a thousand!
Well, that's it, I promise. It's been an interesting thread to
read & contribute to!
What's more is that I seem to be having annular UFO sightings which is awesome. I'm pretty scared of it ever being more than that. But I can't wait
to see what 2010 brings, and til then be very thankful for what I've already seen
[edit on 8-1-2010 by markymint]