posted on Feb, 28 2003 @ 11:50 AM
"" runnning around screaming the skies are falling is no way to live your life ""
better to be prepared than to be found un prepared.
God also says many times in scripture..
"" when you (see) these things happening head for the mountains ""
"" so gods punishment you might escaape ""
now if i were like you, not seeing sin, lax,, thinking nothings wrong, not seeing evil and understanding it than
what would my end be?
"" running around screaming the skies are fallling ""
yet i hope to be prepared and not be saaying this, nor have i ever said this before, but those will say this
who are unprepared and lax to evil and sin.
prepare or you shall perish is what god says.
again the sin i can see is sin you cannot see.
and thats the difference gazrok.