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The Path Through Truth and Fiction.

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posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by SalkinVictory

That is very much true. We have to be willing to learn, before we ..Can..learn. Only through wanting to learn do we seek our genius. Very informative indeed.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by SalkinVictory

I agree. To supply the platform so that their stage for engagement can be complete. Knowing that only the one's who choose it are the one's who seek it.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by Conclusion
reply to post by SalkinVictory

That is very much true. We have to be willing to learn, before we ..Can..learn. Only through wanting to learn do we seek our genius. Very informative indeed.

I sometimes wonder if instead of learning we might not be better off just remembering. I have seen teeny tiny little children utter words of wisdom that fell upon the deaf ears of learned adults, and I have watched them play those games we used to play, that they think are new. Or perhaps, they know these games aren't new and simply remember what fun it can be to simply play. Can you remember the wonder of butterflies and the taste of butterscotch, while watching the quietude of life in its wonder? Can you remember the agreement we made when we decided to be who we came here to be, or do you remember how you learned to be who others told you to be?

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by SalkinVictory

Please forgive my ignorance of the author. Maybe I should start paying attention to the author's of words. It seems I can only remember the truth of the matter about what was said. By learning the Author also I could follow some of their other true words easier.... any learning suggestions?

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by SalkinVictory

Hello to you SalkinVictory!

Thanks for tolerating my quibbles and listening to my questions, as there is no greater truth than those wrapped in questions. I remember upon my graduation from school, a wise old man who took me aside and told me he would take just a moment to speak to me in all seriousness. So I quietly listened as he looked me in the eyes and said:

"'As you go through life, go through life."

Then he walked away and I wondered if he was imparting pearls of wisdom and if they weren't thrown to swine, or if maybe at a later date, the seeds that he'd sown I would reap and benefit from such simple words.

I remember adventures and have fun when I talk of them, but remember how little fun they were at the time, and I look forward to more adventures, perhaps figuring out how to enjoy them next time, instead of spending so much time figuring out how to figure out the problems that surrounded me.

I have come to understand that indeed "what is true for me, is true." but have also come to understand that what is not true for me is false, and that then becomes what's true...going through life as I go through life.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 02:28 AM
reply to post by SalkinVictory

Brain damage. Lets look at it for a second. Forgive me for not posting Sorry couldn't help it I have a sense of humor some times. Anyway, brain damage has also produced some extraordinary gifts for some lives. Do a search of it. So the question arises as to does it matter what kind of brain damage has occurred. Are our limitations really the limit? Or is it just another wall so we have to figure out how to get past it? I am curious as to the Author you spoke of. Would it be to much to ask for you to U2 it to me?

With that said, I have tremendously enjoyed this thread, and I have gained better perception for it.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 02:30 AM
Awesome you guys are on. I thought this would be a short

Hey guys how ya been.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by Conclusion
Awesome you guys are on. I thought this would be a short

Hey guys how ya been.

Other than trying to work past the brain damage I've done today, I am good. Thank you for asking. How about you? Got truth? Read any good fiction lately?

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

I sometimes wonder if instead of learning we might not be better off just remembering. I have seen teeny tiny little children utter words of wisdom that fell upon the deaf ears of learned adults, and I have watched them play those games we used to play, that they think are new. Or perhaps, they know these games aren't new and simply remember what fun it can be to simply play. Can you remember the wonder of butterflies and the taste of butterscotch, while watching the quietude of life in its wonder? Can you remember the agreement we made when we decided to be who we came here to be, or do you remember how you learned to be who others told you to be?

Very nicely said. You truly are a poet of words. Now back to your questions. It is fun to have your questions answered. I love it. My memories are more of visionary than feelings. I do have feelings with them do not get me wrong, but it is my visualization of the memories that is what I concentrate on more. Maybe I should give more focus to the feelings on them and more questions will be answered. Yes that is very true, thank you. I remember my mother laying me in the seat of a truck. She took her napkin and pressed it to her tongue and proceeded to try and wipe off a birthmark under my chin. lol. As she wiped it she came to the realization that it was a birthmark. When I told her the story of that memory, she just looked at me and said that I was 3 or 4 months old when she did that. Now what I find odd about the whole situation is that she didn't notice it before, and it has since vanished.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

No. Unfortunately I do not read much. Truth. Do I have any today? I guess it is always with you. Thanks for asking.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

I have been thinking about the energy that was talked about. Would you say that everything gives off a frequency?

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 03:00 AM
reply to post by Conclusion

Everything is all that there is and all that there is includes you and I and the O.P. and everyone else. Energy, I think is subset to us. We exist in matter, energy, space and time, but we exist outside of it as well. Which then suggest that not everything is energy, only a part of everything. If that makes any sense.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 03:17 AM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Yes but in this perception of reality, which has to be part of actuality, these things are perceived to exist for reason. My understanding does lead me to believe that other things, which I cannot describe, do exit. But of this reality do you believe that everything gives off a frequency? If so, I believe that the foundation on which this reality exists can be explained.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 03:45 AM

Originally posted by Conclusion
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Yes but in this perception of reality, which has to be part of actuality, these things are perceived to exist for reason. My understanding does lead me to believe that other things, which I cannot describe, do exit. But of this reality do you believe that everything gives off a frequency? If so, I believe that the foundation on which this reality exists can be explained.

I think you are correct, but consider what you just said. Perception of reality is a PART of actuality. There is much more to what actually is than our own perception of reality. Yes, in this reality we know as matter, energy, space and time everything gives off a frequency. It is all interconnected, and we being a part of that all are then, interconnected. Our deeds most certainly resonate with frequency but what is remarkable to me is the degree to which our thoughts give off frequency.

Consider time, a construct that exists by our agreement, for surely what is time without our perception of it? We tend to perceive this time as linear because in our physical state we know we have a beginning a middle and an end, and we remember the beginning and we remember our middle and we perceive our inevitable end. That is to say, we perceive our inevitable end when we are perceiving reality as a physical construct. When we step outside of ourselves and look at what actually is we come to recognize that there is only now, right here.

Now, remove the word "right" that is in between now and here and what do you have? Now here! Now, remove the space in between now and here and what do you have? Nowhere! Is this not what actually is? Now here we are nowhere...until we climb back into our physical body and then we are somewhere. Somewhere in space and time playing with matter with all the energy we can muster. Why are we doing this? It is the game, and we all need a game. If we accept that we are much more than our bodies and we exist long after our bodies are gone, then we are eternal and always here right now, or now here.

What a strange concept to think that we as eternal beings would decide to exist inside mortal bodies. What possible reason could exist that would make us want to do this? I have thought long and hard on this and the best reason I can muster is that we decide to experience mortality for the sake of experience. When we are existing in total actuality we are like static or more correctly we ARE static and we know all there is to know all the time because all time is just now here. However, when in this state, we can know of our colossal power but how can we possibly experience it?

To know actuality is to know everything and to know everything is to be denied experience. Thus, we create a game where we pervert actuality and splinter it into our reality. If this is truth, and I don't mean what is true for you, but actual truth, which can be true for you, if you remember that you decided to play this game. All games have rules and all games have goals. The goal is victory and to strive towards this victory is a frequency. Here you are, right here now and what you are experiencing is the present.

Like a gift sent to you from yourself, the present was pre-sent to you by your own frequencies or possibly even by the frequencies of others depending upon your own level of causative action or being the effect of some other beings cause. Do you understand the frequencies involved in that? Consider the words you use in everyday language. You commit to an action that creates an effect on someone else and they ask you: "Why did you do that?", and you answer: "Because!" There is the frequency of being cause and there is the frequency of being effect.

Much to consider, much responsibility to accept in being cause, which is sometimes why we opt for being effect. Who wants all that responsibility? Yet, even so, how can we truly avoid accepting responsibility? If we must always accept responsibility for being, for all that we do, for all that we have, then why not BE CAUSE?

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Well that being said, the basis of this existence has to be Geometric Frequencies. The frequencies bouncing off of everything and each other creating the geometric shapes of this reality in order to create it. The closest we could begin to explain it, is another story.

I have been trying to understand fractals as it seems to be related to such an existence.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by Conclusion
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Well that being said, the basis of this existence has to be Geometric Frequencies. The frequencies bouncing off of everything and each other creating the geometric shapes of this reality in order to create it. The closest we could begin to explain it, is another story.

I have been trying to understand fractals as it seems to be related to such an existence.

Fractals are all part of a closed system and all systems tend towards entropy. I think perhaps, understanding that becomes the key to surviving it. But yes, I think there is exciting equations to communicate the causative nature of our agreements, through fractals.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 04:11 AM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

What about a truly perfect system. Continuously churning inside and out, forward and backward, changing and staying the same. A fractal environment could prove to be such a system. There is no end. Infinity to infinitesimal.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by Conclusion

I think understanding fractals can help us predict what will happen and the ability to predict is a good thing! A perfect system? Is such a thing possible? I don't know, I am asking. What are your thoughts?

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Perfection seems to be the only reason that we do anything that we are obsessed with. I believe there to be truth. Truth is the perfection of communication. That persuades me to believe that a perfect system does exist. We just have to find it.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by Conclusion
reply to post by SalkinVictory

That is very much true. We have to be willing to learn, before we ..Can..learn. Only through wanting to learn do we seek our genius. Very informative indeed.

Yes, that's very true!

If someone thinks he/she knows everything, they will NEVER be able to learn! The first step towards learning is knowing that you do not know everything.

Then curiosity comes and plays it's part!

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