You know that 14 trillion dollar bailout we had?
I'm going to show you what all can be done with it.
divided by
Which is how many of the worlds tallest building you could make with the bailout money.
Building things like that would look totally awesome, and produce jobs for present and future times.
Lets bring down the project price.
The B-2 Spirit bomber. It costs $737 million per a plane. Lets see how many you can buy with 14 trillion dollars.
18,995 jets.
Lets change it even more.
14 Trillion dived by 6,692,030,277, which is the total population of the world.
You could giver every single person in the world 2,092 dollars, and 4 cents.
Bail out money isn't the problem, it's where it's going that is.
Do you see any projects like the new building in Dubai going on here in America? Projects like that produce jobs.
Imagine Trillions of dollars going to find cures for diseases.
I think every disease can have a cure, not just a treatment, but a cure.
Cures don't make money, people being sick, needing medicine and treatment do.
What could 14 Trillion dollars do if it goes into the right place? Has the bailout money effected you in anyway? There has to be someone unemployed
here on ats, considering 9.4% of America is unemployed. That's nearly 1 in 10.
Where is the future? Where are the huge cities, clean cities, where is the clean air? Why are we still using the same old planes? We have the
capabilities to do great hings, but where is it all? 14 Trillion dollars can do a lot of things, it can be used for peace, or for making killing
machines. It can be wasted, or can be used on great things.
What would you do with 14 trillion dollars? What would you have built?
My last question is... Why are we letting them slow us down to the future? We have great possibilities, but it is all being slowed down in the sake of
making money.
Many things are possible, if only the money was used right.
I'm done with my rambling on, but I hope this helps someone think, I hope it changes someone. The world doesn't have to be the way it is.
[edit on 4-1-2010 by Phlynx]
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