posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 10:07 PM
I also think the "dumbing down" of society is a very real thing. not maybe so much on the interlectual side, we still have scientific minds and
schollars (better than me as i cant even spell!!..and im writing about dumbing down.. but i can balance a spoon on the end of my nose!!) .....where
was I... sorry just playing X Box....
erm?.... the dumbing down perhaps is on the level of cons.. (gets dictionary..) consciousness (?) and spritual connective...ness to a more holistic
standpoint. tptb need us to only beleive in raw science - drugs and chemisty fix the body - not meditation and mindfullness. the world of meta
physics is a strange one - that the act of observing matter changes its behavior. if u break all stuff down it is energy and the intention of it. so
the dumbing down is keeping you rooted to the physical and not really asking questions about it. Neighbours at war with one another is good for the
[edit on 12-1-2010 by mikeg2222]
[edit on 12-1-2010 by mikeg2222]