Before y'all pull a muscle patting each other on the back, you might want to think twice about the star that you're hooking your wagons to on this
particular issue.
Zinni wants to sell books off the back of Clancy's coattails.
Ziini's criticism of the neo-cons has a tinge of anti-semitism in it.
Zinni served as CIC of Central Command under Clinton from '97 to '00.
Here's part of an exchange tonight between Sean Hannity and Zinni:
Sean: (reading from sheet of paper) "Your reaction to GWB's statement that he wanted to bomb Saddam Husseins' nuclear, chemical, and
biological capabilities would be..?"
Zinni: (laughs) "I would say,
what capabilities?"
Sean: "Except that GWB never said that. It was your guy, Bill Clinton that said that."
Zinni: "Well, uh, I uh..."
The point is, Zinni is in the same category as Richard Clarke. Admit it.
And to gmcnulty:
You know who released the Prisoner Abuse Pictures first?
It was the Pentagon!
No one could be that brain dead to allow the release of those pictures unless it was a deliberate act to further some other plan we have no awareness
You would have no awareness if you did not follow the news as it unfolded, that much is true. On January 16, BG Kimmitt anounced that there were
abuses reported at Abu Ghraib, that several investigations were already underway, and that photographs would follow. This announcement was made with
many members of the media present.
You may say he was brain dead to release them. He would say that he was being forthright and stemming off any accusations of a cover-up, which he
would have taken, had he hidden the photos.
Deliberate act? Like I said.
BTW, the Pentagon
had the photos first, but it was CBS that
released them first. I've asked that question a million times - how did CBS
get their hands on the photos? Whomever gave them to CBS should be brought up on charges, IMO.
The point of this post is not to stand up for Bush; it is to illustrate Zinni's political and financial motives.