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General Zinni Says Bush Screwed Up � Calls For Neo Cons Sacking

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posted on May, 24 2004 @ 08:42 PM
Former Gen. Anthony Zinni told CBS 60 Minutes that neoconservative ideologues in the administration have �screwed up " and American troops are paying the price for it. Zinni delivered a scathing attack on the prosecution of the war Sunday, and called for the resignation of the Pentagon's top civilian leadership. In a new book co-authored by Tom Clancy Zinni joins the ranks of O�Neill, Clarke, Woodward, and Dean all questioning the Bush Presidency.

Concerns about the President�s handling of the war have led to a further decline in his approval ratings was announced today by CBS. The President�s approval rating has dropped to a new low of 41 percent, and more than six in ten say the country is heading in the wrong direction.

On Capitol Hill, Iraq is opening fissures in the solid bloc that is - or was - the Republican Party and its conservative base." Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, "criticized President Bush for failing to offer solid plans for Iraq's future," while Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE) said the president "needs to break out of that cocoon a little bit, and to listen to more advice than he gets from his vice president and his war cabinet." Sen. Lincoln Chafee (R-RI) criticized the president's refusal to answer any questions from lawmakers last week about his Iraq policy. He said, "The president talked about being humble when he was running for office, but the opposite seems to be true."

Zinni�s accounts and experience again highlights what can only be described as Bush�s lack of leadership and control of the events surrounding him. He makes snap decisions with limited information and in light of new development refuses to change his decision and admit he may have made an error. His handlers portray this personality flaw as �strong leadership�. I call it pigheaded obstinacy with a deep commitment to persistent ignorance.

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 08:59 PM
What in the hell does he know? I think we need to leave this war to people who have never fought in one.

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 09:12 PM
Haven't I been saying this for about a year now? Can someone give me some credit here?

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 09:30 PM
The credit's are in the mail

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by gmcnulty
The credit's are in the mail

Thank ya. Thank ya very much.

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by curme
What in the hell does he know? I think we need to leave this war to people who have never fought in one.

Well you have your wish and there is little chance of that changing this year, fersure. And with some bad luck, for 4 years more.

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
Haven't I been saying this for about a year now? Can someone give me some credit here?

I'd give you credit for this, but then I would have to give myself credit as well, and that would be just plain....

Ah, hell


posted on May, 24 2004 @ 09:38 PM
I really think that this deserves a drink for "US" members on ATS who have the intellect, the foresight, and the compassion for this country. We want to see this country do well. So, our calls against this war go out like Paul Revere in the internet night but, of course, our warnings go unheeded in the midst of the repugnant roar of "Kill Saddam."

*popping open beer*

[Edited on 24-5-2004 by Colonel]

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 09:44 PM
Its all building up, if GW wins the election this year it will definately be due to fraud or something big happeningjust before the election. Its been a horrible few years for the whole world people, it wond be good after bush goes, but it sure will be better. Just wait to see the international parties to celebrate his fall.

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 09:49 PM
Bush can't win this year. EVeryone hates him. Even republicans are turning on him. The party is over for him and his ilk. A new day will dawn soon.

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 09:55 PM
You know you got a bad leader when not only does his people want him out, but most of the people around the world as well. Whats the election date? i gotta take a couple of days off from work afterwards so i can recover from the partying i will be doing.

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 10:00 PM
These whole 4 years have been a bloody tragedy so awful and so misguided our enemies couldn't have planned it any better. Hmmm, which side is Bush REALLY on?

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 10:22 PM
Hmmm, which side is Bush REALLY on?

You ask a profound question.

Some of his actions defy common sense and any semblance of a plan. Yet we know he and his work in secret to a preplanned script.

Stupid they ain't.

You know who released the Prisoner Abuse Pictures first?

It was the Pentagon!

No one could be that brain dead to allow the release of those pictures unless it was a deliberate act to further some other plan we have no awareness of.

Evil fersufre, but dumb they aint.

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 10:39 PM
Bush would make a wonderful " cork screw ". The senate tries to undo Bush's "screw-ups", but Bush refuses to" loosen his grip", but he'll " pop" on election day, then we'll all be free of Bush's madness,

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 10:48 PM
If he wasnt so stupid i'd say he was with te terrorists, all he's done is given them an excuse to keep bombing westerners. Of course the Right will say thats there havent been any attacks on the USA since 9/11... thats right, but how many were there in the USA in the three years before 9/11... hmmm... none... but there have been alot more devastating attacks since 9/11 all over the world, so not only is bush f*cking the USA up, but he's pretty much taking the western world with him. But i suppose as the 'leader of the free world' he has a responsibility to make sure that the free world goes pays for his stupidity and greed

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 10:50 PM
Whoa! Let's not put this all on Bush, there is a long line of people who got us into this. Cheney seems like the guy pulling the strings.

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 11:02 PM
Yeah bush is the face behind the administration. I use the term 'bush' to cover the whole administration, and the Neo-Cons in general

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 11:03 PM
From your mouth to God's ears, Nanna

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 01:21 AM
Before y'all pull a muscle patting each other on the back, you might want to think twice about the star that you're hooking your wagons to on this particular issue.

Zinni wants to sell books off the back of Clancy's coattails.

Ziini's criticism of the neo-cons has a tinge of anti-semitism in it.

Zinni served as CIC of Central Command under Clinton from '97 to '00.

Here's part of an exchange tonight between Sean Hannity and Zinni:

Sean: (reading from sheet of paper) "Your reaction to GWB's statement that he wanted to bomb Saddam Husseins' nuclear, chemical, and biological capabilities would be..?"

Zinni: (laughs) "I would say, what capabilities?"

Sean: "Except that GWB never said that. It was your guy, Bill Clinton that said that."

Zinni: "Well, uh, I uh..."

The point is, Zinni is in the same category as Richard Clarke. Admit it.

And to gmcnulty:

You know who released the Prisoner Abuse Pictures first?

It was the Pentagon!

No one could be that brain dead to allow the release of those pictures unless it was a deliberate act to further some other plan we have no awareness of.

You would have no awareness if you did not follow the news as it unfolded, that much is true. On January 16, BG Kimmitt anounced that there were abuses reported at Abu Ghraib, that several investigations were already underway, and that photographs would follow. This announcement was made with many members of the media present.

You may say he was brain dead to release them. He would say that he was being forthright and stemming off any accusations of a cover-up, which he would have taken, had he hidden the photos.

Deliberate act? Like I said.

BTW, the Pentagon had the photos first, but it was CBS that released them first. I've asked that question a million times - how did CBS get their hands on the photos? Whomever gave them to CBS should be brought up on charges, IMO.

The point of this post is not to stand up for Bush; it is to illustrate Zinni's political and financial motives.

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 02:23 AM
I'm not fussed about Zinni's motives, its just another publication that goes to show the people are turning away from bush. Hell i dont even know who Zinni is, all i care about is he's anti-bush, which means he's on my side. i dont think Kerry will be a good president in particular, but i feel anything is an improvement

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