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Do Aliens steal?

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posted on May, 24 2004 @ 08:34 PM
Hi everyone, I've been reading this board for a while and I only joined recently because I wanted to ask a question...Have there ever been reports of aliens stealing from abductees?
I often wake up in the middle of the night for no reason and cannot fall back asleep; a couple of months ago for a while I had constant nosebleeds every day/night for about a week, then all at once they went away and I haven't had one since...
But back to the point, the reason I pose this question is because recently I awoke in the middle of the night(for no reason) without the sheet on my bed, with the my heavy blanket sprawled on the ground. After asking everyone in my house and searching all over my room/house, I still can't find it! Does anybody have any idea about what I should think?

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 09:28 PM
Could be on of many things I suppose.

Maybe your family playing a practical joke. Maybe you feel asleep without it. Maybe you were sleepwalking.

But I'm not sure what practical use an alien would have for your bedsheets.

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 09:32 PM
easy way to get urine samples

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 09:35 PM
Actually it had tons of my blood on it(from past nosebleeds).

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by porque
Hi everyone, I've been reading this board for a while and I only joined recently because I wanted to ask a question...Have there ever been reports of aliens stealing from abductees?

Can I ask why you associate this with abduction?
You feel you were abducted? And if so,
What other indications do you have that would make you come to this conclusion?
I understand it is kind of a personal question.
Am more asking if you have any memories of being abducted other than suspision.

And Hi BTW

[Edited on 24-5-2004 by Darkblade71]

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 09:42 PM
LOL What if i told you that a Hot Alien Chick stole my virginity"""""""

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 09:49 PM
What else could make me wake up with nosebleeds 6 nights in a row, in the dead middle of the night, then all of a sudden stop and not have another nosebleed since?!?

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 10:52 PM
A dry room, a brain tumor, 6 nights of nosepicking?

[Edited on 5-24-2004 by Preest]

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 10:55 PM
Yes, the bastards stole my keys a few months ago. It was either them or the illuminati, maybe the NWO.

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 11:09 PM
Darkblade, that freaks me out... usually I wouldn't have even considered where they came up with the idea of abductions as my first question.

So, I gotta ask, where? I did you first get introduced to the idea of alien abductions? random chance? What's wierd to me is that I got a sudden urge to hop over here to ATS, then I saw this post, which didn't stand out at all... just saw it and clicked, and now I got an unusual (for me) question, that has been asked by someone else (not really suprising, in the scheme of things). lol, and anyways

Basically, I wanna know the depth of this. There are some who know that reality is different from what they are led to believe from the begginnig of their waking consciousness, and there are those who slowly become accustomed to the fact over time... like they have to rediscover themselves... which, it seems to me, we have alot more of here on ATS. I am one who is waking up slowly, although I have always been accustomed to knowing ghosts were real, much as about any americas native (indian, mayan, aztec, etc.), so that is one of the things that I would be first to blame it on. Why do you blame it on alien abductions? Is it something that you have always just believed and known? Or is this a newfound explanation? Basically, we don't want you to jump to an alien conclusion just because it is the easiest explanation (althought, that would be quite opposite of the truth, lol). Remember that there may be (what normal society would consider) a "rational explanation" for this. Don't just accept one without proof, which may be getting deeper than this entire thread... it may be that someone washed them (have you checked the dryer? Outside on the clothesline, possibly?).

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 11:32 PM
Hey porque,
where do you live? I'm originally from SLC, Utah and I used to get nosebleeds constantly. Anything could set them off: A tap or small hit to the nose, quick movement of the head, a smack on the back of the head, etc... Sometimes they would just start with no explanation. I would wake up in the middle of the night with nosebleeds. I had this "blanky" that I always slept with (I still have it to this day, ahhh, memories :-).

It is a beige color, but it is tainted by red-brown stains from my nose bleeds. There is one huge blood stain in the middle of it that a person can notice if they hold it up to light or have very good eyes. Over the years, I'm sure I lost quite a few pints of blood. My father also, strangely, also suffered from nosebleeds at one time. He's also from UT. He almost died from a nose bleed once. They had to cauterize most veins throughout his nose to try and get rid of his nosebleeds. I suppose it worked up to a point, but he still had to go back and have even more veins cauterized.

So, how do I explain my father's nosebleeds, as well as mine? Dry air from being at such a high altitude.

When I moved to Japan at the age of 11. I only had one major nosebleed the first month of being there. After that, I had a few minor ones, and then none. If dry air doesn't explain your predicament, I'm sure you just have overly sensitive nose veins, or you are not getting enough certain minerals and vitamins. A lack of certain minerals and vitamins can cause a weakening of the veins. I can't remember specific minerals or vitamins at the moment, but maybe someone else from ATS can lend a hand. :-D

Or, maybe you really are being abducted. But, try and look at the reasons I have posted above first. :-D

[Edited on 5-24-2004 by EmbryonicEssence]

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by Earthscum
Darkblade, that freaks me out... usually I wouldn't have even considered where they came up with the idea of abductions as my first question.

I dunno....I read the post and it was my first though...

I don't usually question where a person comes up with ideas, but here,
I wanna get to the bottom of it.
I feel the need to understand it.

Something in me is compelled to this question.

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 03:52 AM
Yeah, they steal my fingernail clippers all the time, so I buy lots of them & hide em everywhere.

Just last night I made a BLT for dinner with lots of bacon & vine ripened tomatos and I left a piece of bacon for later & the bastards stole the last piece before I brought my plate back to the kitchen.

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 03:55 AM

Originally posted by NotTooHappy
Yes, the bastards stole my keys a few months ago. It was either them or the illuminati, maybe the NWO.

It could have been the pixies - but don't blame me for that - I'd have the car too

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 07:49 AM
IF aliens do steal, and want samples of bodily fluids, I'm sure they would rather have fresh samples straight from you instead of those stale stains you have on your sheets.

"Nosebleeds are very common. Most nosebleeds occur because of minor irritations or colds. "

See the rest here

Why do you think the loss of your sheets is connected with aliens? You say your nose bleeds happened a couple of months ago, and then stopped. Why did the aliens not take them then? (Have you really had the same sheets on your bed for more than 2 months?!).

Being awake in the middle of the night is also something that happens to a lot of people from time to time. Maybe you've got something on your mind, or simply need no more sleep.

I certainly cannot tell you what to think. As for your sheets, are you certain that someone else in your house has not got fed up with seeing the stains and washed them or even thrown them away?

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 08:18 AM
Those masticated bastards keep hiding the remote .They also stole a 6 pack of beer.

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 08:23 AM
too much much grass...too much superstitious fear...


posted on May, 25 2004 @ 10:21 AM
First off, I don't do drugs...
Secondly, I don't know why I feel like I have been abducted, it's just like...a feeling I have. When I went to a site (forget which one) I took a little "quiz" about it and clicked most of 'em yes..
I've even had one "dream" about being abducted, although that could've been just a dream.
And these nosebleeds were different. I mean, I would have one during that period every day; now I've been hit in the nose extremely hard and still nothing...(oh yeah and I don't pick my nose)

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 10:36 AM
I�ll have to say, regardless if your experience was nothing more than a dream, or something else... It took some guts to post here. People can be quite brutal on forums and there are allot of head case nut jobs that would suck you into their fantasy world.

But none the less, get that nose checked.

[Edited on 25-5-2004 by Opus]

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 10:53 AM
bad bloodvains in your nose can cause damage to your health !
if you ever have used coke by sniffing it...i advise you strongly to go a.s.a.p. to the hospital for a good check up !

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