posted on Jan, 18 2010 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by LOYAL
First one must understand. Iranians are NOT muslim. They are NOT arabs.
I can quote a sufi prince from the 1200's;
"We took the marrow out of the Quran and cast away its bones"
This is the truth about Iranians. We are a people that live by this philosophy, and that is to listen and experience. Then, take the good from what
you have heard and experienced and leave behind the bad.
I have a feeling that the true nature of Iranians is being surpressed in order to further power prejudice against the people. And this works both
The brainwashed masses in Iran at this moment are those who call themselves muslim. The real people of Iran and those muslims who are not brainwashed
zealots(and these are existant) are wondering what happened to their once beautiful faith and way of life.
The government in Iran is not full of Iranians. It is full of Jews/Arabs(I don't have anything against the people, I have something against the
misleading leaders). It is critical to understand this.
Iran is the cradle of modern society. It is where so many answers to so many of our questions lie. And I have a feeling that for this exact reason,
Iran is being demonized like it is. Understand this well, not a single Iranian bears any hatred for ANY citizen of the world. Iranians are descendants
of Persians, and throughout history we have been the opposers of oppressors and soon the world will see this quality shine again.
I ask of anyone who reads this to understand well that we, citizens of earth, cannot be blamed for our ignorance. And even though our leaders have
been doing the wrong thing, whether it be the American or Iranian presidents, we cannot judge them for their ignorance, for god knows they are
Instead let us stop judging eachothers ignorance however we can. We are all human beings on this planet and we all seek and long for the same love.