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This thread will surely convince you the year 2012 has great significance!

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posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by Horza
reply to post by minigunner

This phenomena is significant only from the Earths perspective and therefore, the sun rising in galactic centre on Dec 21st 2012, has no effect on anything else, anywhere, at all.

Watch this entire video:

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 07:31 PM
what about y2k? the world was supposed to end then too right?

whats the next date you guys got set up after 2012 passes us by?

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by SuperSlovak
whats the next date you guys got set up after 2012 passes us by?

None, because there is no need to and it's not going to happen in our lifetimes again.
It's a great cosmic cycle.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by CHA0S

If knowing you were going to die (because that's what all this End of The World talk boils down to) next weekend, why continue the same routine of going to work and paying your bills?

Why not break out your bucket-list and live the short life you have remaining with enjoyment and love life to the most? - Why, because you don't believe the 'science' you claim to be so frightfully true.

You just want to scare people - what else would your motives be? If not, you'd say screw this web-site, I don't have time for it! I'm selling everything for my last trip to Vegas!

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 07:41 PM
From information found in fossil records and geological surveys; Science concludes the Earth goes through 'catastrophic change' every 62 million years or so...+/- a million or two.

I suppose the Apophis asteroid thats supposed to end all life on Earth in 2026, or 2036 if it misses us on its first time by.
There seems to be an infatuation, even by those in the scientific community with the end of days. Words like 'catastrophic change' and 'dooms day' seem to sensational and dramatic to fit with rational science. Have you seen all the network shows like, Like after People, Armageddon, take your pick of any one of the 2012 movies or T.V. specials that are available to us now. It seems to me like people are trying to capitalize on a social interest. I bet before 2012 we will see websites and infomercials wanting to sell (for a limited time due to the end of the World looming just ahead) survival packs and life saving tools/information. People will jump to buy this stuff because they are afraid of what they don't know. This very fear of the unknown is all this post and others like it pose. I guess we don't need to worry about the Apophis aseroid though - because according to solar cycles we should ... 'should' be gone by then.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by CHA0S

Unfortunately, or rather fortunately that one of your sources states that we aren't near the galactic plane.

And if they’re right, we have time to prepare for the next major event, since the Solar System has just passed the mid-plane of the galaxy. The next peak occurs in ten to twelve million years, assuming the KU theorists are onto something.

I can't see how this can be tied to any 2012 theory. And I'm surprised that after 4 pages in that nobody has bothered to actually read the sources and discover this.

Why plan for even a million years in advance?

[edit on 3-1-2010 by john124]

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by CHA0S

some say we should start experiencing stuff 10/28/2011...just a little over a year to go

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by john124
reply to post by CHA0S

Unfortunately, or rather fortunately that one of your sources states that we aren't near the galactic plane.

And if they’re right, we have time to prepare for the next major event, since the Solar System has just passed the mid-plane of the galaxy. The next peak occurs in ten to twelve million years, assuming the KU theorists are onto something.

I can't see how this can be tied to any 2012 theory. And I'm surprised after 4 pages in that nobody has bothered to actually read the sources and discover this.

[edit on 3-1-2010 by john124]

Its like I said, people are infatuated with this topic and seem to want an 'end of the world' scenerio.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by Mr.Hyde
I bet before 2012 we will see websites and infomercials wanting to sell (for a limited time due to the end of the World looming just ahead) survival packs and life saving tools/information. People will jump to buy this stuff because they are afraid of what they don't know.

oh boy i can't wait for 2012. you just gave me a great idea of opening my survival-crap business
your money won't be any good in 2013 so just dump it into my account people! i'm gonna be rich by the time 2013 comes yay!!!

after all what's +/- a million or two. it WILL be in 2012 because all stars are aligned as they should be hahaha

[edit on 3-1-2010 by DarkSecret]

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 08:05 PM
Even if it were to start with a major extinction event, it would only increase biodiversity on earth. If you look at the big 5 extinction events, you'll note that biodiversity increases with each one. Considerably it seems. In most extinction events I think the human race has a high level of adaptability to a large number of situations that could cause a mass extinction. It doesn't really worry me at all actually, whatever might happen will happen regardless of how well we plan for it.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by Zmurfix

Aaah ... you were saying it happens every year at the same time from 1912 to 3012 ...

Sorry, I misunderstood.

On to your next point.

There is a very strong argument and evidence to suggest that the long count will continue past the 13th b'ak'tun all the way to the 20th b'ak'tun.

This is all based on math.

You see, the Mayan long count is not a prophecy. It is mathematics. The math behind precession. Because the planets are so predictable, the math is pretty straight forward.

Another interesting fact about precession, 2012 and the Mayans is that the Mayans were not the first to document the precession of the planets? Did you know this?

Discovery of the precession of the equinoxes is generally attributed to the ancient Greek astronomer Hipparchus (ca. 150 B.C.), though the difference between the sidereal and tropical years (the precession equivalent) was known to Aristarchus of Samos much earlier (ca. 280 B.C.).

This is about 145 years earlier, at least, than the Mayans. It's not that it isn't cool that the Mayans worked out precession ... it is! ... but it is not as "special" as some people assume.

This whole 2012 "prophecy" thing is based around only ONE reference on a fragmented Mayan text that has an ambiguous reference to a Mayan god "coming down" ... that's it ... there is no other information that corroborates it at all.

In fact, there are more texts that contradict this "prophecy" than support it.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by Hypntick
Even if it were to start with a major extinction event, it would only increase biodiversity on earth. If you look at the big 5 extinction events, you'll note that biodiversity increases with each one. Considerably it seems. In most extinction events I think the human race has a high level of adaptability to a large number of situations that could cause a mass extinction. It doesn't really worry me at all actually, whatever might happen will happen regardless of how well we plan for it.

What I question is the history of life on Earth... The change from the Mesozoic age of reptiles to the age of Mammals. It's as if the curtain was rung down suddenly on a stage where all the leading roles were taken by reptiles, especially dinosaurs, in great numbers and bewildering variety, and rose again immediately to reveal the same setting but an entirely new cast.... a cast in which dinosaurs do not appear at all, other reptiles are supernumeraries and the leading parts are all played by mammals of sorts barley hinted at in the previous act. --- George Simpson commenting against evolutionists.

He seems to disagree that life on Earth would be able to adapt as quickly or as easily as you seem to think.

[edit on 3-1-2010 by Mr.Hyde]

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 08:29 PM
It is interesting that the science seems to show the mass extinctions happen on cycles of 62My +/- 2My. Regardless of the actual date, I find it hard to explain how the Mayans could come up with very close to the same timeframe of the extinction cycles from their observations of the stars and galaxy. Certainly they weren't around long enough to observe these timeframes themselves, which would leave the acient astronaut (extraterristial) theory standing out above other theories of how they came up with it. It would have to be an advanced space faring civilization to understand and be able to predict solar system cycles with respect to the galaxy and spanning the large timeframe spoken of in the terms we are talking about here. I have a hard time believing any primitive, planet based only, civilization could come up with a calendar based on galactic data. The summer/winter solistice, no worries. And if they were taught by an extraterristial traveler like -Quetzalcoatl (spelling?) was theorized to be, then with the accuracy that has been shown in the Mayan Calendar with respect to solar system events, i.e. eclipses, etc. to this day, then their ending of this cycle 12.21.2012 would carry more weight that they knew more about galactic mechanics than one would assume a primitive civilization should be capable of. After all, our calendar is still not as accurate as the Mayan Calendar was at keeping time, hence the leap year.

I am not stating that we are going to be wiped out in 2012, but having science document seemingly similar timeframes of 62My +/-2My between mass extinctions, just adds a little more weight to their end of the cycle date.

Nice post Chaos!

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 08:43 PM
You offer a perspective that depends entirely on the involvement of UFO's or the influence of some extra terrestrial.

To use this as supporting evidence you not only have to sustain your belief in solar cycles as defined by the Mayans as more accurate then our own but the existence of unverified/unrecognized Alien life. An Alien life that chose the Mayans to have this advanced information, yet let them meet an unsightly end all the same. There are parts in your logic that are missing. The sum of your supposed conclusion do not equal the parts of your formula.

Of what benefit does it bring anyone involved be them the Mayans, a now extinct people or the extra-terrestrial life, one that has never returned, documented or verified to conclude life on Earth ends on 12/21/2012?

Originally posted by spirit_horse
It is interesting that the science seems to show the mass extinctions happen on cycles of 62My +/- 2My. Regardless of the actual date, I find it hard to explain how the Mayans could come up with very close to the same timeframe of the extinction cycles from their observations of the stars and galaxy. Certainly they weren't around long enough to observe these timeframes themselves, which would leave the acient astronaut (extraterristial) theory standing out above other theories of how they came up with it. It would have to be an advanced space faring civilization to understand and be able to predict solar system cycles with respect to the galaxy and spanning the large timeframe spoken of in the terms we are talking about here. I have a hard time believing any primitive, planet based only, civilization could come up with a calendar based on galactic data. The summer/winter solistice, no worries. And if they were taught by an extraterristial traveler like -Quetzalcoatl (spelling?) was theorized to be, then with the accuracy that has been shown in the Mayan Calendar with respect to solar system events, i.e. eclipses, etc. to this day, then their ending of this cycle 12.21.2012 would carry more weight that they knew more about galactic mechanics than one would assume a primitive civilization should be capable of. After all, our calendar is still not as accurate as the Mayan Calendar was at keeping time, hence the leap year.

I am not stating that we are going to be wiped out in 2012, but having science document seemingly similar timeframes of 62My +/-2My between mass extinctions, just adds a little more weight to their end of the cycle date.

Nice post Chaos!

[edit on 3-1-2010 by Mr.Hyde]

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 08:47 PM
Great post my friend.

I agree, this along with a whole host of other information out there does point to 2012 being a VERY IMPORTANT date! I am still doing my research on the topic with all the info (and disinfo) out there. I hope to be finished by 2012 (ha), and have some kind of plan in place, if indeed one can be made to avert or save ones self and family.

I think they are secretly building bunkers to try and save what they can. This is the reason a lot of military sattellites are now pointing at our Sun as I think that's the medium (or way) in which it's going to happen.

The recent films "Knowing" and "2012" are being used both to laugh at us and also provide a blanket of cover for themselves. I believe they have known for "a long time" and also that is where all of the money is dissappearing to. It is why there are adverts on the TV all the time about cashing in GOLD, because they are taking that with them down there, and also probably why they switched the bars in the mint for Platinum ones, as well as stole the collection that was under the WTC.

Mark my words, this event is very close indeed and that is why the world is currently upside down in turmoil.

On another note, take no notice to '___'omino and the likes either, he tried to do the same to my thread and I've read him attempting to do the same to many others. He and others try to do the same to valid threads here unfortunately; replying quickly with no evidence or information to support their comments. Just the usual unsubstantiated garbage such as bringing Y2K up in this thread - it lacks intelligence in even relating that subject to this one IMHO.

Thank You for the information!

Star and Flag!

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by dashar

Hi, I'm a lurker, but wanted to share this in response to the videos for the 'second sun' as this video shows how it is an effect of the camera:


posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 08:56 PM
I also wanted to share with everyone how and why it is proposterous to suggest that ONLY the Mayans knew of this event:

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 08:58 PM
I have my own opinion of that time and the history behind the date.
There are too many sources from all over the world, too many cultures with overlapping stories, to ignore or simply discount it as useless trash.
Comparing y2k (a manmade error hype) to galactic information, ancient written text, and calendars of long ago humans seems a little arrogant.
Slamming a mind shut, and labeling anyone, whether current human or past human as foolish for either an interest in this subject or for leaving information on the subject, makes sense how?
I think to play into the unknown of it, and become convinced of doom and gloom is a little premature without proof, absolutely.
The eastern hemisphere has a record of a 24 hour night, and the western hemishpere a record of a 24 hour day, so what happened there?
Flood stories are gathered from all over the globe, again, what happened there?
Civilizations with no contact of each other and no optics to see deep space or see earth from space know of precession, stars, the milky way, and record their movements and passages that span thousands and thousands of years, and their calculations are the same, and somehow this is just stupid senseless drivel as its presented to this generation that will be affected by it? I cant see how it can just be made fun of so easily.
If the magnetosphere is compromised, and the solar activity is to increase as science has calculated over the next few years, and precessionally our wobble does have us at an alignment that alows for more gamma penetration, what is the effect?
I think its interesting that the records are so quickly over looked and dismissed, just as much as theyre so quickly turned into prophecies of doom.
Yet I feel certain that something WILL happen, I'm willing to say several things will happen.
One of them wont be a massive influx of intelligence and kindness by osmosis into limited and bitter souls..
Once again Thank you for an informative posting.


posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by sphinx551

I am watching the video you posted right now ...

I can't find any information, apart from the one ambiguous reference from the fragmented Monument 6 from Tortuguero, that the Mayan's predicted anything about the end of the 13th b'ahktun.

I also can't find anything in the Hopi prophecies that saya 2012 is a date of significance. In fact I can't find the date mentioned in any source regarding the Hopi prophecies. Have you got a source you can share?

As far as the Hindu religion and 2012 goes:

Satya Yuga lasts for 1,728,000. Treta Yuga lasts for 1,296,000. Dwapara Yuga lasts for 864,000 and Kali Yuga for 432,000.

It is widely believed that Kali Yuga began in 3102 B.C.

Now there are several people quoting Puranas to indicate that Lord Krishna had predicted an end the Kali Yuga after 5000 years and the beginning of the Golden Era.

But traditional scriptures do not agree to this as Kali Yuga will last for 432,000 years.


posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by dashar
new 2012 on this chanel called .


[edit on 1/3/2010 by dashar]

Thats a good doco thanks for sharing

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