posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 03:33 PM
I will now discuss a profound concept: The nature of Ultra High Level beings.
It is a concept that can be great and/or terrible. It is a concept which is so pervasive, that lower level beings repeatedly base their flawed
knowledge of higher truth on it, only to create a flawed truth as a result of their own inherent flaws. It is a concept which can be wonderful or
awful. Beings of lower material and spiritual alignment are constantly creating flawed representations of this concept because of their inherent
flaws. As the appearance of Ultra High Level beings to the spiritual high level beings is indescribable, so too is the pursuit of material/spiritual
aligned beings to define the truths of the Ultra High Level beings based on their own flawed understanding inevitably futile, misleading, disgusting,
and the cause of so much flawed assumption. People of material/spiritual alignment so easily and often "backslide" into the flawed truths based on
the flawed realms which they are relegated to. Theirs is by default a disgusting distortion. When they actually are confronted by the force of
knowledge which an Ultra HIgh Level being carries, their reaction can be not unlike that of Unleashed68.
How is the nature of Ultra High Levelers described? Even though people of material/spiritual alignment are constantly creating flawed truths, they
are also inevitably "brushing up" against Ultra High Levelers. Sometimes they are made aware of it. Often they are not aware of it. Even though
people of material/spiritual alignment are flawed and see themselves and their surroundings through a flawed spectrum, the Ultra High Level beings see
these lesser people in ways which the lesser people themselves do not see themselves.
Let us consider the people that we see everyday. Let's say we see a woman. The woman interacts with her surroundings and with us. Eventually the
woman leaves our presence and we do not see her anymore. When we saw the woman, she was wearing clothes. Maybe she had a pet animal. We naturally
assume that she was being exposed to the air which surrounds as. We naturally assume that, like all people, there are microscopic creatures on her
skin, on her body. That she is composed of tiny living cells and bacteria. That they are on, in, and around her.
Now, this woman leaves our sight -- perhaps she turns a corner and we do not see her anymore. Perhaps the woman was dressed very nicely and
attractively. We assume that once a being or entity or object leaves our sight that it continues to live its existence as we expect others to live
their lives. We know people and hear people speak of what they have done, what they are doing, and what they will do. Many of these things are
assumed to be done away from our presence. We assume that people will go home to an abode of some sort, that they will get into bed, sleep, eat. We
might assume they will have sex with a spouse in private. So many of us know each other and confirm to each other that when we are away from each
other, we continue to act of our own accord and pursue our own interests. We tell each other these things, and expect each other to believe these
things, and we expect all the people in the world operate this way, and that whether they are our friends, enemies, or strangers, every person,
entity, or object is constantly living and going about their business.
But is this the truth? When the woman turns the corner and we cease to sense her, is she really continuing to live as we have come to believe?
Perhaps we have every indication that she must live somewhere, that she must eat something, that she must have money -- otherwise how could she live?
Surely this woman can't be single? A virgin? Do we somehow have every indication that she is not?
When she walks around the corner and has left our vision, is she around the corner?
(continued below...)