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Where is the anti-war movement?

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posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 05:01 AM
reply to post by Stop-loss!

I wouldn't be suprized if he got elected again just like Bush did eventhough his popularity status was at an all time low. No more good presidents like JFK

True...but it hit an all time low before he left office. Approval ratings in the 10's and 20's during the bank bailouts. I think all of us where ready for Bush to go...which he did. Unfortunately his policies DID NOT leave with him.

I hope this country elects someone legitimate this time. I've had enough of international bankers and businessmen running our country. Obviously it's not working out well for the rest of us.

The war and the banks.....2 things that tick me off. Obama is such a failure in those regards. He's flooded the large financial firms and wall street with money while the rest of the country have gotten scraps.

End the war, audit the fed, increase tariffs, protect our borders, invest in american productivity, get corporate, financial, and special interest money out of Washington.

That would be a great start.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by Matrix777

... this conflict will only continue ...


posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by Stop-loss!
reply to post by Janky Red

Moral is garbage and most soldiers here know that this whole war is a joke due to the lack of attacks and the rules of engagement procedures.


Rules of engagement?

MEANING you are being over controlled and rendered ineffective by stupid rules and chain of command?

Sorry dude, I was very close myself, on 9/10/2001 I went to bed imagining the next day when I was to sign the papers to join up. I got very lucky, I awoke the next morning and felt as if god himself was sending me a personal sign, "DON'T DO IT"
+ a warning from my friend who was recruiting me -

Hang in there - I am getting a second protesting wind going, see what we can muster up over here.

[edit on 3-1-2010 by Janky Red]

[edit on 3-1-2010 by Janky Red]

[edit on 3-1-2010 by Janky Red]

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 05:06 AM
reply to post by David9176

If you're so concerned about it that you need to ask, maybe you should be organizing protests or joining the ones near your large cities or universities.

I have friends that go to protests and speak at public events.

If your only source of news is the MSM then of course you don't hear about them because they rarely report them. Get out and get connected if it's that important to you.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by Janky Red

Its true. We cant even shoot warning shots anymore and thats usually the only way these Iraqis listen, but now they ignore our warnings and do what they like that violates our safety to a car bomb.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 05:29 AM
A full fledged movement never materialized. You had some in the beginning-which remains however, most of the rest of the people involved had nothing to do with an anti-war movement/sediment.

It was all done to make Pres Bush look bad. It was the union thugs, communist hanger ons, Democrates etc etc.

Which will give independents and fence sitting Republicans even more reason to throw their support behind the Repub party in 2010 and 2012 so they can get this job done right.

I still blame Pres Bush for saying in the beginning: Go about your lives we'll deal with the bad guys etc. Instead of getting the country mobilzed behind the troops and cause.

Over time the message and mission got distorted by the Democrates and other anti-Bush/Repub types. They pay the price now. This war is heading SOUTH in a big and fast way. BECAUSE KIDS ARE AT THE WHEEL.

WAKE UP AMERICA. YOU WERE DUPED BY OBAMA & the DEMOCRATES. Heck, you still are with this Health Care bill, CAP & TAX, Immigration.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by anon72

This war is heading SOUTH in a big and fast way.

What you talkin' 'bout?

This war has just begun.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 05:49 AM

Originally posted by anon72
A full fledged movement never materialized. You had some in the beginning-which remains however, most of the rest of the people involved had nothing to do with an anti-war movement/sediment.

It was all done to make Pres Bush look bad. It was the union thugs, communist hanger ons, Democrates etc etc.

Which will give independents and fence sitting Republicans even more reason to throw their support behind the Repub party in 2010 and 2012 so they can get this job done right.

With all due respect, pull your finger out.

We protested an imperialistic, corporate driven money orgy of death. Those crooked morons planned the god damned thing prior to 9/11, if you would just bother to inform yourself that would be appreciated. NC's die hard, at least you are honest and don't hide it, I respect that.


[edit on 3-1-2010 by Janky Red]

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 10:49 AM
Whenever I post a thread like my mind I always wish that there will be a flood of posts supporting what I stated and support for ending the war.

Instead it falls on deaf ears or it's ignored altogether. To me it seems as if people know we should leave yet they just keep holding out hope.

How many more years of "wait and see" is it going to take? We're working on year 9 now.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by jam321

I agree Jam. When this conflict started the President responded to a MSM question saying that this will not become another Viet Nam because we won't let politics interfere with tactics and strategy to complete the mission.

Lets see, three questions;

Will it last 10 years without a tactical victory?

Will more soldiers die from booby traps and IED's than in stand-up gun fights?

Will we protect vast fields of WMD's growing that will kill more people in America in a year than the conflict itself?


posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by yak055h

Will it last 10 years without a tactical victory?

Will more soldiers die from booby traps and IED's than in stand-up gun fights?

Will we protect vast fields of WMD's growing that will kill more people in America in a year than the conflict itself?

Doesn't matter.

As long as we win hearts and minds. It's all about hearts and minds.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by David9176

Where O WHERE is the anti-war movement?[edit on 3-1-2010 by David9176]

Didn't you know? There is only an anti-war movement when there is a Republican President in office. When a Democrat is President, then war is fine. Liberal hypocrisy at its finest.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by coastalite

Originally posted by coastalite
Liberal hypocrisy at its finest.

There is some small merit to that.

However, I actually think the crux of the problem is public ignorance and apathy. We buy the notion we HAVE to be there, because we are told that is the case. Obama deploys the same logic as the Bush administration, but get's away with it, because it still isn't viewed as Bush's war.

The WAR has been good for business. And in these economic times, trust me when I say, there are many reluctant to pull the plug when so many business sectors are in the crapper.

The spineless politicians fear what will happen politically when we withdraw. If bad things happen, the withdrawal will be blamed by a fickle and largely uninformed public. It's just easier to stay there and not take that political risk.

Terror is still sold to the American public. Just look how Yemen has been catapulted into the news....

In the near future, the war will not diminish. It will expand!

It's good for's good for the politicians....and it's good for the public...



[edit on 3-1-2010 by loam]

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 12:56 PM
I've been wondering the same thing for the past eight years.

Why all the sudden interest now?

Are you anti-war or just anti-obama?

Markos from Dailykos successfully convinced the left that protesting in the streets is ineffective and foolish and only makes the left look bad. He used to be a hard-core republican who was recruited by the CIA, this much he admits. You do the math.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 02:54 PM
Thanks OP for posting this. It makes me feel a tiny bit better that at least a few people have broken free from the brainwashing and social programming.

However, it's really a depressing situation when I think of it. By the end of the Vietnam war, the majority of the American public had grown to be vehemently against the war (esp. the younger generation), and realized that it was a pointless waste of life, not to mention money. Do you really think the war would have ended, if the American public had still been mostly supporting the war? They had to call it quits simply because the people had had enough.

Apparently over the years the war profiteers have refined their propaganda so well that barely anyone has broken free from their spell, even the younger generation!

Majority of people actually believe that Muslims have enough man-power, financial power, fire power, and will power to actually try to take over our country. People have actually been convinced that a bearded boogieman is going to put a knife up to their throat and make them convert to Islam or die, if we don't fund this massive war over the entire Middle East.

It's almost comical, until I realize that our actions are destroying families, villages, and lives every day, not to mention bankrupting the USA even more. Yes, we're in bankruptcy management already, is what I'd say.

The American public caught on to the Gulf of Tonkin crap, but have yet to call out our government on September 11. It's the same scenario, but this time the public is drinking the kool-aid.

Want to know whats really scary??? All of the bases we're setting up in every country are permanent bases. We're not setting up tents in the jungle, folks. They have no plan on leaving, and they know that even liberal public is wrapped around their finger. Now we have invested too much, people won't change their minds, because their egos are too powerful.

Truthfully I believe the war will expand continuously, until America collapses financially. Every empire in history has fallen for 1 reason: Uncontrolled expansion with underlying financial woes.

We are now at that point people. America is not immune from being a victim of historical imperialistic laws.

Not to mention... Tyrants always fall eventually anyway. Karma is a biznitch.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 04:52 PM
The US will not leave the Middle East militarily unless/until it is forced to by extreme socio-economic crackup. The energy situation is simply too serious. The moment the US leaves, there will be a mass scramble to take its place by China, Russia, and India. They wanna drink the Big Milkshake too.

Another thing to keep in mind...I posted the following in this earlier and similar thread:

Even at the height of the "protests" against the current war, they were always much smaller and more artificial than the protests in the Vietnam era. The media, stocked with a larger-than-average proportion of nostalgic ex-hippies at the upper levels, hyped the "movement" and there were a handful of true diehards, but the "antiwar movement" against Iraq was NOTHING like the groundswell against Vietnam back in the day.

Some people would say it means folks today are less "idealistic" or "socially aware" than those in the Vietnam era, but as far as I'm concerned that's total garbage. The ugly truth is that what people in the Vietnam era were prostesting, for the most part, was not the war itself...whether they knew it or not, they were protesting the DRAFT. They were afraid of the draft impacting themselves, their boyfriends, and their male relatives. Once the US went to an all-volunteer military, 90% of people stopped caring because it wasn't their problem anymore.

With a few exceptions and except for on a few occasions, most humans are generally self-interested creatures. This holds true whether they wear tie-dies or pinstripes.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 10:22 AM
I would like to post the opening comment on a thread awhile back and see what you all think-

It is from this thread-Sorry OP for the spam

Now that the Democrats are in Power "War is good"!

Just something simple and to the point.

My view is this, I am sick and tired of the US being the supposed Police of the world. We should have investigated the people behind it and wiped any known associates from the face of the Earth. Not declare war/police action on different nations.

You cannot declare war on terrorists. You can only declare war on a country. The people that attacked us on 9/11 actually hit a very good target. A symbol of our countries Empire building. The World Trade Center.

We are not at war, we are policing the world as a very few believe it needs to be policed.

edit to add-S&F for anyone showing the Hypocrisy inherent in our system!

[edit on 1/5/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 01:24 AM
As a retired soldier, I just have to say; people like you disgust me. Those of you who oppose the war and protest and throw a tantrum, that helps out those who we are trying to fight. You are fellow citizens yet you help those who would kill us and destroy our country.
I have more respect for muslim terrorists than I do for American peace niks.
(Snip), and then address the muslim terrorists. You helped the communists win Vietnam. You are lower than snake feces.

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[edit on 27-1-2010 by DJDOHBOY]

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by Flidais

Really, retired soldier.

Give me your info then.

I followed all your posts. Sound like CIP to me.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by David9176
I hate this war and don't understand why more aren't vocal about it.

Most people do not care about it at all. They are more concerned in keeping/getting a job, buying a Plasma tv or a new gas guzzling SUV.

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