Originally posted by unityemissions
1. Humanity is inherently insane, and we will ultimately be our own demise.
2. Individuals may be intelligent, but people are retarded.
3. God is the idealization of man. We created him in our image.
[edit on 2-1-2010 by unityemissions]
Sometimes I think like you do, but when looking further I come to a diffrent conclusion.
- We arn't inherently bad, but we are muteable, which means that we can be sculpted into anything. The things that make us bad at the moment are
remnants of our primitive nature. We are still primitive deep down inside and thats why it is being reflected to us in the "real world". We evolve
in stages and right now, we are in puberty, we will grow wiser with age.
- There is a god, its universal conciousness and we are all part of it.
- No one will help us, no aliens, no super hero, no spirits, nothing but ourselves, and we will realize this in times like "2012" - I use 2012
symbolicly as it has become more of a word then a date - and after we realize it we will start becomming who we truely are.
- 2012 is a subconcious theme of a cusp in our existence, a time where we choose what to do with humanity. This is also called "the window of
opportunity" because essentially that is what it is, it is a time where we can turn things around or a time where we end it, again our choice.
- The universe is equally balanced, thats why there are so many diffrent people on the earth, we have to find the balance and all will be okay.
Be it the balance between science and spirituality or "good" and "evil", again 2012 is all about finding that balance.
- physicle life is a virtual game to make us learn, why is it so cruel? because without cruelty we wouldn't know what is good. The only reason why
you are happy when you get home form work is because work sucked. If people stay home all the time they forget how good it feels.
- Humanity at this time is psychotic, cruel and dissortientated and all of this is a byproduct of our way of life. We breed "bad" people because of
our way of life.
A tree with rotten roots can't grow healthy fruit.
- The mind is very strong, and some people use that power to the fullest extent and can get amazing results, for some the power is too overwelming and
they become psychotic.
- I think we will get over all of this crap, its just a matter of time. The only thing you have to do, is be the best person you can be and "go with
the flow'.