reply to post by muzzy
In order to reduce the list (111 @4.5+) this list only shows 6+ for the last 365 days at Vanuatu
Date/Time UTC,Latitude,Longitude,Magnitude,Depth(Km),Location
02/07/2010 06:04:04,-13.6468,166.4414,6.30,35.00,Vanuatu
09/06/2010 23:23:19,-18.5861,169.4710,6.00,17.80,Vanuatu
27/05/2010 20:48:00,-13.6413,166.7133,6.40,32.20,Vanuatu
27/05/2010 17:14:48,-13.7098,166.5066,7.20,36.10,Vanuatu
04/03/2010 14:02:27,-13.5977,167.1643,6.50,176.00,Vanuatu
08/10/2009 08:28:48,-13.2979,165.9505,6.80,35.00,Vanuatu
07/10/2009 23:13:49,-13.1451,166.2972,7.30,33.30,Vanuatu
07/10/2009 22:03:15,-13.0524,166.1869,7.60,35.00,Vanuatu
3 x 7+ in the last year so yes there will be another!
Edit: "The question is when is the next one? ". There was one in May so you want another already??
Around December I guess.
Another stunningly inaccurate prediction pulled out of thin air based on no reasonable assumptions by
[edit on 3/7/2010 by PuterMan]