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Second whistleblower emerges to confirm reality of time travel

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posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 02:18 AM
Thank you - the lord and savior someone had to say that, good grief!

Anyway we have real time travel research programs or had that much is a fact, so have the soviets and chine as far as if any progress is or was made I dont know. I would love to know.

i have a few questions some spoke of time travel with the mind can that be explained i never heard of that.

there is a logical question someone brought up, is the earth orbit and say you wanted to travel back 6 months would you be dropped off in space where the earth was 6 months ago? this is hard to understand.

you know also Tesla worked his experiments and just totally discovered things he didnt totally understand. imagine in a govt lab and throw this power through a bunch of magnets and tune them to frequency's and nothing happens. then all of a sudden some shoots a laser into this magnetic field and the laser disappears. Where did it go. No physics or math can explain that they simply stumbled on to something and they would then try to understand it.

It could happen just like that trial and error and remember the physics today in the govt labs has to be way ahead and has to be secret i bet we would be shocked to see how far ahead they are and how current laws and theories are proved wrong or changed ect..

none of us know unless we have some source we are kidding ourselves if we say we do. using the current rules and laws we are using. I heard a rumor of 1 law of thermodynamics was wrong and 2 have been added and some of Einsteins work has been proven wrong. It is safe to say the military industrial and the govt labs have very advanced physics and must have very advanced technology.

the guy retiring from the skunk works has been quoted and the Boeing company version of skunk works also has said there is much technology in black programs that could revolutionize and help the rest of the world.

I doubt he was talking about
Gravity Machines
Zero Point Energy
Time Travel
but he could be i would think these things would be kept very secret. Or at lease the secrets of how they work.

I am adopted i would love to go back in time and see who my parents were and meet them.

We all have to drop our thinking if its delusional and based on nothing it is illogical to say these things are impossible or to have some concrete opinion or pretend to know how this works.

Seriously folks give the Anderson guy a chance and do research but this isn't a form your own opinion thing here none of us have enough information to make any formed opinion. what if this Anderson guys is 100% right.

I challenge you all to look far ahead and remember that the secret science is way ahead of us in areas we couldn't believe i bet. So far ahead that we cant logically figure it out with today's thinking and today's physics or math.
That is why they keep it from us.

Lastly is i see the Anderson Time Institute PDF is really cool and i dont know much so it is cool to read but i see some of these methods can go to the future and go to the past but some can only go one way like past or just future. So how would you get back if it goes only one way????

if you travele to 1880 how would you get back? I would think then you would only use a method which gives you back and forth travel right?

Chris Roden

[edit on 13-1-2010 by airborne82ndscout]

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 08:07 PM
I encourage anyone who wants a quick primer on secret time travel technology to Google: Andrew D. Basiago and Dr. Dan Burisch. (The Cube and Looking Glass) will be mentioned and I encourage you to pay attention to what it does and how it works when you watch the videos. If you dont get it right way, rewind and listen again. It is important you understand what is going on and how. Looking Glass technology allows for scanning future time lines and The Cube allows for teleportation that can move you from planet to planet in the blink of an eye. A type of Star Gate.

After viewing the many videos you will come across and yes it will take a while to do so, but when you are mostly done viewing most of their videos which dicuss time travel technology you will be told by more than one source that the secret technology is not only being kept hidden from the public, but that it is also being abused by a secret group within our own government to select the president they choose to put in the presidency and to prevent anyone from ever prooving any criminal investigation. It could sovle all crimes past and future but in the hands of criminals the witnesses would end up dead. This could be why so many scientist, microbiologist, DNA scientist and others are ending up dead for no apparant reason. Anyway it is the abuse of secret technology that needs to be discussed.

Since the Looking Glass abuse began decades ago and has not stopped since the abuse began it is time to stop the misuse of such secret technology. The criminal abuse of such technology has created significant phenomena that many are left wondering what is going on. Until the abuse stops we will not return to normal.

It is the criminal abuse of (The Cube and Looking Glass Technologies) that has yet to take off with any meaningful discussion on any web site I have visited to date. As such, "Disclosure" of aliens and secret technology being pushed by Dr. Stephen Greer is in order to take the secret technology from the government and allow it to solve the many energy problems we face as human beings. This will be accomplished with secret technology not known to the public.

Those that control the secret technology have been abusing the secret technology. When people find out how and why, it will begin to explain the many anomalies that people are experiencing as weird time anomalies within our present time line.

Until we accept the fact that secret technology exists and that it is being criminally abused, there will be no way to begin to convince anyone that the criminal abuse of such technology is the reason why so many average humans are experiencing anomalies of time and space in what we refer to as the present time line.

Lastly I am hopeful that more government witnesses will come forth and tell of what they know of technology that has the potential to benefit mankind. I eargerly await those that are getting the courage to come forth and tell of what they know because not until they do will we know the full extent of abuse conducted over the years since the abuse began.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 10:15 PM
Interesting stuff, I have listened to Dr. Dan Burisch interviews on Project Camelot a couple of years ago, they are still available for download at

from 2006 & 2007

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by Bauer401
Time travel is theoretically impossible because you could prevent yourself from being born which doesn't make sense, but it would be really interesting if i was wrong and it was possible.

Either way this website is great but has one big flaw, where is the evidence, I could have made everything posted on this thread and made it looked just as legit. where is the evidence?

This doesn't hold true if quantum fluctuations can split time into veried branches like a river.

The evidence is out there. People are working very seriously on time travel.

Google Video Link

[edit on 14-1-2010 by constantwonder]

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by constantwonder

Thank you for the video links, I have seen them before but worth another shot..looking forward to hearing Dr. David Anderson next weekend on Dreamland with Whitley Strieber, would love it also if Art Bell would interview him again since he is doing an occasional show.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by Aquarius1
Original Air Date: 12/23/2009 10:00 PM

DR. DAVID LEWIS ANDERSON - Time Travel: "Journey's into Time." EPISODE # 9

David Lewis Anderson, Ph.D. is a physicist whose interests are in space-time physics, special relativity and global community service. Anderson received degrees in engineering, physics and philosophy. He was employed at a young age by the United States Air Force conducting advanced research and development at the Air Force Flight Test Center (AFFTC) at Edwards Air Force Base in the Mojave Desert.

During that time he laid the foundations for what would later become known as time-warped field theory, an approach that modeled and described how to use the natural forces of inertial frame dragging to create contained and controllable fields of closed-timelike curves. Anderson provided one of the first comprehensive overviews of historical views of time and time travel in the documentary "Time Travel - Journeys into Time".

Scroll down to Epidsode 9 for download

Bumping this up for those who may have missed it..

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 04:26 PM
Andrew D. Basiago is a lawyer. How to believe him?. To be honest it is hard to believe everything what he's saying about mars, teleportation and time travel.

posted on Jan, 15 2010 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by Deicide88

I don't buy into what either Andrew D. Basiago and Dr. Dan Burisch say, don't know much about Basiago but they is a major controversy about Burisch, the serious mainstream UFO researchers don't buy his Stargate story, I r e-listened to his interviews on Project Camelot from a few years ago and he is vague and doesn't answer direct questions, pat answer is I cannot talk about it, well if he can't talk about it why is he doing interviews? I don't any credibility to Project Camelot either.

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by Aquarius1

Originally posted by Aquarius1
I don't buy into what either Andrew D. Basiago and Dr. Dan Burisch say,

Good then, plenty of grains of salt to go around.

don't know much about Basiago

I do, but surprised you didn't give me the time of day when I claimed to. But that's O-K if I come across as some kind of kook, you wouldn't be alone in your reasoning. As far as Andy is concerned, he is convinced in his head it all really happened. We don't know who did the convincing, but we are not putting it past the CIA.

the serious mainstream UFO researchers don't buy his Stargate story,

Neither do I. I don't buy any Stargate story. I have my own theory, NO-ONE else has it. People get nervous when I describe it. I watch them visibly begin to fidget.

I don't any credibility to Project Camelot...

Good for you again
They're about politics and mindgames, they have no interest in the "truth". I would say they are a quasi-cultish bunch, that is the way they have come across to me.

[edit on 1/16/2010 by Matyas]

posted on Jan, 16 2010 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by Matyas

I do, but surprised you didn't give me the time of day when I claimed to. But that's O-K if I come across as some kind of kook, you wouldn't be alone in your reasoning. As far as Andy is concerned, he is convinced in his head it all really happened. We don't know who did the convincing, but we are not putting it past the CIA.

Think you have it right Malyas, in the eighties and nineties when I was quietly during my own research I never came across anything credible on these two, there is and was a program called Starwars that my cousin, a nuclear physcists, was working on at Lawrence Livermore Lab in the eighties, he didn't agree with this program and went back to Oak Ridge after eight months. There was and still is a fringe group reading more into this program then what it is..

[edit on 16-1-2010 by Aquarius1]

[edit on 16-1-2010 by Aquarius1]

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 09:38 PM
Art Bell interviewing Dr. David Anderson this Sunday January 31, 2010 on Coast.....

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by Aquarius1
Art Bell interviewing Dr. David Anderson this Sunday January 31, 2010 on Coast.....

This is an interview worth listening to tonight, enjoy, know I will..

posted on Jan, 31 2010 @ 05:51 PM
Does anyone realize that if Time Travel is in fact possible and the government is aware of it, that we never will be? Who do you think is going to benefit from such a technology? Certainly not any of us. It will be used for evil purposes to further selfish agendas, most likely something having to do with lots and lots of money and/or gold.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 08:29 PM
This graphic, from David Anderson's presentation Time Control Technologies and Methods, depicts the Alcubierre Warp Drive, a model in which spacetime could be stretched in a wave causing the fabric of space ahead of a spacecraft to contract. The ship could then ride the wave to accelerate high speeds. For more, view the 23 slide presentation here.


Download the PDF file from the above link, amazing graphics.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 08:32 PM
Recap on this amazing interview with Art Bell and Dr. Anderson on the Coast website.

Joining Art Bell for the entire 4-hour program, physicist Dr. David Anderson discussed the state of time technology from his research, as well as other labs around the world. He recapped his work from 2002, when he last appeared with Art on the show. At that juncture, his team had created small time warp fields that he said could accelerate time by 300% within the field, as well as reversing time. He described the initiation of a time warp field as quite spectacular to witness, "between the combinations of different chemical reagents and high energy lasers we use to excite or initiate a time warp field...a lot of light, a lot of energy."

Since 2002, the effects have increased by "two orders of magnitudes," both in time acceleration and retardation rates, and living organisms have been successfully tested in the warp fields, he detailed. By regenerating "closed timelike curves" (bending spacetime so time loops back on itself) we're finding it "just as easy to move backwards in time as well as forward," Anderson explained.

Currently countries such as Japan, China, and especially India have been experimenting with time technologies, Anderson reported. Through a device called the Temporal Tremor Detector (TTD), his team is able to track such experiments by observing disruptions in the spacetime fabric, he said.

As time technology becomes further developed, moral and ethical issues are arising, he pointed out. Benefits of the technology include accurate historical studies of the past, but on the negative side, we could experience "Time Wars," with deliberate destruction of parts of the timeline. Anderson advocated for more transparency and disclosure of the technology, so the public can have input on how it's used.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 05:48 PM
interview was great. just finished. the part with the caller saying that in 1998 some people noticed a change in the time line was interesting. reminded me of the comic, wanted, where they completely erased super heroes, and that whole battle between super heroes and super villains from peoples consciousness through technology they had. essentially they erased history from everyone except themselves, and took control over the population. anderson even said that from what they see, if you kill your dad, you will cease to exist, it wont just branch of another parallel universe. although im sure there are tons more to find out about this technology, the universe, and our concept of reality, i found that rather interesting. even more interesting is how far his people have come, and he said india is far ahead of them right now.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by jimmy1200

Glad you enjoyed the interview, I think this is one of the best interviews that Art has ever done, I have the three interviews Art did with Dr. Anderson from 04-05-00, 02-15-01 and -3-12-02, btw the way it was me who fastblasted Art telling him he had the date wrong on his last interview with Dr. Anderson, he kept saying five years ago and it was eight...
I have listened to it twice now, a lot of info to absorb.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by Bauer401
Time travel is theoretically impossible because you could prevent yourself from being born which doesn't make sense, but it would be really interesting if i was wrong and it was possible.

Either way this website is great but has one big flaw, where is the evidence, I could have made everything posted on this thread and made it looked just as legit. where is the evidence?

Actually, the current belief in this field is that paradigms are no longer a problem. Alternate timelines are now the accepted theory.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by Aquarius1

I too was interviewed on coast to coast am!And I shoul have my working time machine by Saturday. I am noot lying!

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by Gentill Abdulla

If that is the case I wouldn't have heard you unless the interview was conducted by Art Bell or George Knapp, so what date were you on and with who?

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