posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 12:28 PM
Who are the 'secret societies from asia'?
Much of SE asians were inhabitants from China during the early centuries, as early as 14th Century during MIng dynasty rule. It was only during the
18th century that secret societies were known and recorded to overthrow the barbarian Manchu Dynasty.
The China persons had always harkened back to the rule of pure chinese ethnic race - the Hans. It was believed that the Han Chinese were the
indigenous people of the 'Middle Kingdom'. And it was fondly remembered for the elevation of the commoners lives during Han rule. The emperors were
benevolent, akin to Chandra-gupta and Asoka of India, and cared greatly for the masses.
Unfortunately, through the greed of certain chinese, and most likely over indulgence by emperors, it saw decline and other dynasties formed, and was
even ruled over by the barbarian tribes of terrorist mongol and inhuman manchus,
The Tang and Ming were Han chinese whom ruled, and its splendour and golden era were fondly remember. It was a time of greatness in the chinese
culture, and those dynasty were peaceful, never sought to expand their borders but only to be like typical indigenous Hans to focus on social
programmes and trade.
By the time of the barbarians Manchus that ruled from 16th to the 18th century, the chinese were sick of them and sought to overthrow them. Many noble
Han chinese were beheaded, their sons fled out of China, but they had never given up hope on the restoration of the benevolent Han rule.
They participated in vices, as these were the only trade avaliable to build up their funds, and in time sent their sons to aquire modern international
knowledge and formed legal corporations. But the dream of Han rule had never died.
They may be ready now to take on their rightful inheritance. The CCP are an abomination to Han philosophy. The CCP had attempted to wipe out traces of
its cultural heritage by burning books and murdering of adults, and horrifyingly by their own children, under orders by Mao in the 60s, to ensure the
tyranny and enslavement of the chinese continued, eliminating past beliefs and thoughts.
It was fortunate that only the overseas Chinese kept the China traditions alive. Today the CCP may claim heritage to its 5000 year history, but it is
all hogwash and only expediant to fool the world.
The chinese secret societies only awaits to restore the rightful mandate from Heaven of benelovant Han rule over the chinese masses and kick the
despotic CCP rulers butt out of China, whom are NEVER the rightful owners of China and to set up a modern republic following modern principles, which
are similar to Confucian traditional beliefs.
As long as the totalitarian western Corporations are ignorant, continues to support the CCP in exchange for slaves to profit and steal its resources
from the masses, all of these despots are game for kick butts by the secret societies of asia, predominantly chinese and no one knows who they really
are, for like a dutch doll, there are layers upon layers identities created out of the need for survival over the centuries.
But will they be benevolent or malevolent to the rest of the world? History suggests them to be benevolent, for they seek no expansion and care only
about their own people and their enlightenment, and lived by the traditions of the Confucius principles, even when they were only street hoodlums in
the past. Honour and respect was a virtue much sought after and common. Certainly a far cry from the totalitarian, utilitarian and despotic
Corporation we know today.
[edit on 27-1-2010 by SeekerofTruth101]