posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 11:53 AM
The american people are members of a great nation. There will be some who wear their pride on their sleeves and be perceived as arrogant, but mostly,
majority of americans are simple, humble folks who think not only for themselves, but for others as well.
It is ONLY this quality that appealed to many in the world, attracting the best and brightest to come to america, the land of the free and share in
this universal longing of humanity.
Its forefathers who created America were only simple people - farmers and traders. They came from slavish feudal europe. centres of centuries of old
power, to be free, not only for themselves, but for the next generations, to be given the chance they themselves had never been given or achieved
anyway. The americans succeeded, and a great history of a beloved empire was created on Earth.
But sadly, such powers waned after WW2 and the greatest humane leader of the world died - President Roosevelt, who dismantled colonial powers ruled
by old powers, which the old powers had lost heavily and were seeking for domination again, thru the use of advance technology.
By the 60s, america's great social experiment and innocence came to an end when the old powers now known as Corporations ruled. These self centred
greedy shadow leaders led the innocent and great american people from one military and economic disaster to another, right up to 2009.
Worse, it was the american taxpayers who HAD TO PAY FOR the mistake made by these Corporations!
All that the american forefathers had fought and won had been in vain, when powerful and rich Corporations ruled and dictated behind the scenes of
begger political leaders, till one recent President broke that tradition and was fully suported an funded by the masses, and owe no allegience or
support to the carpet beggers from Corporations.
The great american people, descendants of George Washington, owes no allegience to the greedy Corporations. It is time to reclaim the american
heritage designated by its forefathers, to inherit its rightful place, to lead and guide humanity to freedom of greatness- black or white, hispanic or
europeans, chinese or indians, man or woman, whom pledge allegience tothe perennial aloft american flag - all who love and seek freedom and elevation
of mankind.
The chinese and the indian civilisation are of a different culture. They are self centred and cares not for the next guy unlike the well civilised
americans. Look at their long history and you will see it is an undeniable fact.
What is 6 million or even 60 million SELF CENTRED individuals against 200 over million americans who cares about the next guy beside him? Freedom
comes with a responsiblity to others, something which NO other human on Earth realises except the great american people as well as the more
enlightened from other other nations.
The time has come for the humble american people of a powerful military and economic resource rich enlightened nation to take leadership, support its
president - a representative of its political evolution that is for mankind, and Congress. The time has come to rid Planet Earth of greedy factions
and evolve mankind.
Will this humble plea come to pass? I dont know, but there is undeniable fact of american noble hands in helping to keep the world safe, - through
simple acts by common responsible americans, that was a majority in the 60s and now a minority in the Corporations led 2000s......
[edit on 1-1-2010 by SeekerofTruth101]