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Somali arrested at airport with chemicals, syringe

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posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 08:20 AM

Somali arrested at airport with chemicals, syringe

By MOHAMED OLAD HASSAN, KATHARINE HOURELD and JASON STRAZIUSO, Associated Press Writers Mohamed Olad Hassan, Katharine Houreld And Jason Straziuso, Associated Press Writers – 27 mins ago
MOGADISHU, Somalia – A man tried to board a commercial airliner in Mogadishu last month carrying powdered chemicals, liquid and a syringe that could have caused an explosion in a case bearing chilling similarities to the terrorist plot to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner, officials told The Associated Press on Wednesday.

The Somali man — whose name has not yet been released — was arrested by Africa
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 08:20 AM
Two officials speaking on condition of annonymity have come forward to tell the story that another man had been arrested on November 13, a full month before the Christmas attack.

The chemicals found are an unknown substance, and they have been sent for testing. The two incidents are strikingly similar, with the suspect carrying both a powdered chemical and a liquid in a syringe.

The officials state many of the jihad fighters come by boat from Yemen accross the Gulf of Aden.

Once the man was caught, he attempted to bribe security officials detaining him.

The Somali man is still being held, pending completion of the investigation.

So we have two strikingly similar cases, another one making a lot of claims about Yemen. Is this story coming out as a hindsight is 20/20 story, or as something more to substantiate a US attack on Yemen?

Is this really to be considered another war front? It cannot be called an invasion, as we are already there, and the Yemen government has requested us to be.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 08:24 AM
Probably another CIA's attempt to remind the world about terrorism with Somalian govts. help.

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by deltaboy

Lots of reminding going on, I even saw a story about a fire in India being questioned as "Another Terror Act?".

Seems we are sure gearing up for Yemen, it is becoming hard to deny.

I have been on the fence about the whole jihad/false flag thing since this attack on Christmas, but things like this are starting to make me lean towards a decision, for sure.

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 09:23 AM
Airplanes are ideal places to terrorize people because they are soooo rounded up and you can arrest them for having a nail-clipper or anything else, like daring to utter "bomb", for that matter...

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by Libertygal

Is this really to be considered another war front? It cannot be called an invasion, as we are already there, and the Yemen government has requested us to be.


An excellent question! (and one of the so-infrequent marks of discernment that seem to have disappeared from ATS)

The US is admittedly, but not "officially", worried about Yemen becoming a "failed state."

Given the problems predating the USS Cole disaster and its sequellae, Yemen should be at the forefront of our security concerns.

I do not believe Barack Obama has the necessary motivation to take ANY substantive actions. He wants the US to have more internal police power. The more threatened and victimized we become, the greater his ability to impose more domestic control.

What better way to impose the ultimate "nanny state" than to assert, "This is for your own good," and back it up with proof of the threats and danger that only Washington can address?

"Swine flu," "global warming." "housing crisis," and "economic collapse," haven't worked so far. Take it one step farther. Our health, environment, finances and homes weren't enough. Now, people must die.

Recall that he, Clinton, Emmanuel and others in the administration chant the same mantra:

Rahm Emmanuel: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.”

Hillary Clinton: “Never waste a good crisis.”

Obama: “Time of crisis can be 'great opportunity'”

Obama Social Agenda Moving Forward by Crisis

I really believe that Obama has absolutely NO motivation to take any concrete FOREIGN action in these regards. The worse things get, the better for his agenda.

His administration needs help. He needs this.


[edit on 30-12-2009 by jdub297]

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by Libertygal

Once the man was caught, he attempted to bribe security officials detaining him.

Bribing is totally normal in Africa and around... But it sounds so "terrible" in America...

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by DangerDeath

Not to mention, you have a captive audience for a long period of time, too. I still find it interesting he waited to try to pull his stunt on the approach, over Detriot, over a largely Muslim area.

I have seen some speculation this was more directed at the recent shooting in Detriot, but as well know, they are trying to paint it as a Yemen picture, instead.

I am very claustrophobic, and this is a good example of why. I cannot stand to be enclosed in any area where I may not be able to escape, hence why I do not, nor will I ever fly.

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 09:29 AM
I remember recently I read something about a group in Saudi Arabia (east territories) proclaimed "independence". But nobody really paid any attention. Now, we have "Al Qaida" terrorists in Yemen to fight against. It is so... (lack of words). Transparent. The slavers in Riad must be saved from terrorists!

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by jdub297

Excellent reply, and thank you for the well thought out post. You make some terrific points, as well, regarding Obama's agenda.

A lot of people try to portray him as an idiot, or not so bright, but I have to disagree. He is an excellent multi tasker, and very ingenious at manipulation, and the more I see into his actions, the more fearful that I become.

Not so much of his actions per se, but at the glimpse inside this mans thinking, and his intent. He is frighteningly capable of manipulating situations to have the outcome he desires, as you so eloquently pointed out in your reply. Couple his ability with the underlying sinister aspect of it all, and he is one frightening portrait painted for America.

His actions, coupled with his intent makes one wonder, over and over, what exactly is the outcome of this all going to be? Control is definitely the leading tactic, but there has to be an endgame scenario here, and I think this is what worries so many. He is not transparent, or readable, like so many in the past, in fact he is quite the oppposite.

I think this may be why we have so many that are unwilling to look past the image painted during the campaign, and to see glimpses of the real man behind the curtain, and to begin to make discerning opinions of him.

By now, we all know the conspiracy theories of the NWO and such, but if one were to take an honest approach as to what is going on and the end game scenario, it all comes back to the final thought. A one world government, and he wants to be the King.

I too, was aware of the Yemen issue leading into this, but seeing it play itself out is rather intriguing. I agree he needs this, but I am not so certain yet, as to how he is handling it. He is bright, for sure, but his handlers may be making some mistakes in that regard. It is certainly grim for America, as it only means more events have to happen to get the timing and the attitude right.

How many people foresaw this happening? Lots. But not for the reasons they once assumed, I am afraid.

[edit on 30-12-2009 by Libertygal]

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 09:47 AM
remove double post

[edit on 30-12-2009 by Libertygal]

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 09:54 AM
Obama is difficult to understand and many people simply give up to even try. How good for his "cause"!

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by DangerDeath

You couldn't be more right in that assessment!

It can make the brain ache trying to keep track of the far reaching tentacles of this administration. I have never known of any adminstration to have their paws in so much of everything *not* government, while at the same time manipulating the government itself.

Can really make one exhausted trying to keep up. It's funny, but then, it isn't, it is kind of scary, because there are that many more opportunities to lose rights.

The sad thing, we used to be able to somewhat rely on the media to keep track, but even that is failing now. They were never trustworthy, but you can bet they watchdogged a lot more than they are doing now!

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 02:00 PM
The problem is there are too many people who are satisfied with minimum. The middle class is a minority and it will be (and already is) shunned by the poorest class. You can complain as much as you want, everything will be cut down. Government can do anything they want, they simply ignore all protests and pretend they are doing "the best they can".

They make huge bills, of 1.000 pages and they push it overnight. Or, government issues a directive, party members follow the line, never even try to get educated about the subject. This is typical totalitarian approach. And totalitarian societies were always suicidal. In the beginning they appear to be very efficient (like Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin... etc.), they get support from the masses, and in the end it turns out they were nothing but mass-grave diggers.

It is sad that humanity is unable to recognize and react to such trends.
All you can really do is sit and watch. Or, if you can, get the hell out of there. In the meantime, the world has become such a small place, you can go nowhere to evade this.

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