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Dream Teachers,They come in dreams

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posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by R3velutionR3quired
logically i gues you could, say my sub consious has created some alter ego, but it isnt that at all, i mean its like this thing is a scientist showing me the technicalites of how a nuke works, i see and understand x, but there is so much i cant take it all in and im not the scientist so i missunderstand or dont even absorb y,

if any one can actually read the previous post s and f lmao

What did the being calling itself Lucifer look like? I've had info "downloaded" like you describe during a couple of these experiences. Don't worry though, all the info is there. It's just locked away for safe keeping right now.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by Darkblade71
reply to post by LeftySinister

That's interesting!

It also resembles Kaunan. In fact from what I looked up, it even has the smaller old runes for kaunan as the twigs on it.

I really think I stumbled onto some weird skaldic poetry or something strange like that.
Perhaps it is genetic memory from my Norwegian side.

Any more info you have or suspect I would willingly look at.

When I looked over the old runes, I saw several in the tree. Almost feels like it laid out some weird message.
But it could just be me.
Freaks me out.

I find the connections to runes very interesting. If I can find it, I'll post a copy of an astral dreaming experience I had involving rituals that had a very Druidic feel to them. It really drew me towards runic symbolism and the history of the ancient Western Europeans. Not to mention, it totally effed with my head.

Has a pattern emerged in the runes you've discovered that might give you a clue how they can be read? And of course "it's just you". That's the only excuse we all have. The beautiful thing about that is the way other worlds open up to us individually. Personal meaning and symbolism are very integral parts of how we construct our reality. And the fact you use Art to tap into your subconscious suggests to me that you may stir up things down there when you go digging for your muse. I'm a writer, I understand that process.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by LeftySinister

Originally posted by R3velutionR3quired
logically i gues you could, say my sub consious has created some alter ego, but it isnt that at all, i mean its like this thing is a scientist showing me the technicalites of how a nuke works, i see and understand x, but there is so much i cant take it all in and im not the scientist so i missunderstand or dont even absorb y,

if any one can actually read the previous post s and f lmao

What did the being calling itself Lucifer look like? I've had info "downloaded" like you describe during a couple of these experiences. Don't worry though, all the info is there. It's just locked away for safe keeping right now.

the "downloaded" slash "teacher" terms are perfect names for this, and the irony is, he shows himself as a man, but his eyes shine like the brightest of stars, and hes clearly not a homo sapien in our knowledge of a homosapien, he seems to radiate light, like i make out features of him, but the light is so bright, i almost cannot look, he claims, hes dead as a pyshical being, and only his spirit lives on. and that in time these spirits can attach or work with humans, under to conditions they have a strong heart slash strong will, but have to accept the help. he claims that there are others, who can accept these spirits into them, he says that hitler and stalin were under the spell of others like him, but like in our world they wernt all good, he claims these entitys, want only to conquer and so through strong men they achieve roman empires, american empires british empires, same goes for it all, yet he says that this is not accountable for every bad man on earth and science itself is correct in that some people are just that way, be it born or made, they do not have the same relation to tyrants i personally have given him the reigns if you will, essentialy ive said he can control me in a sense, so that we can help each other, he wants me to speak his word when the time is right, now when he wants me to speak his word, he says "god" is the devil and that he rebelled, because we aspired to hights we would never reach, and ultimatly, we worshipped satan, buddah, god hes all the same, he tells me he dosnt want worship from any man, rather he wants us to succed in becoming, our true selves, free of opression from any form of rule, he sees the good in the world but it isnt as ours is, he seems to be appaled by the way life is taken for granted abhores any sins, especially those commited in his name, because thats false, the false prophet he claims is god, anyway he loves science believes if we devoted as much time to medicene and space and earth as we do military pursuits we would have mapped the entire oceans, found the cure to infinite diseases and discovered more outside our little milky way. he says he was when he was " cast down" he did so out of choice rather than opress people he would one day free them, he say the beauty others did not, fought for it and paid the highest price, him and jesus are a kin in that respect, anyway long story cut short he cant be decieving me, because he told me his name, i first thought he was the devil, but his appearnce and nature are beyond the purest beings on earth, it truly is awe inspiring, and one day im sure i will write down his words in full context, however now i cannot fully understand him, btw he dosnt talk neither do i, i dont believe in telekenis at all, but thats the closest explanation, i can relate to, essentaily we just understand each others thought processes or he talks through my brain, its absoloutly beyond any comprehension, but the time will come

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by R3velutionR3quired

These are very compelling accounts you're sharing. Do you have any knowledge of Gnosticism? It teaches a lot of what you say your spirit is teaching you. Angels rebelled to free us from oppression, Jesus and Lucifer have a connection as liberators. Etc. Very interesting. The reason I ask is because if you are coming to these ideas with no prior knowledge I'd say something a little more intense than the Old Man who wanders dreams and shares lessons has attached itself to you.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by LeftySinister
reply to post by R3velutionR3quired

These are very compelling accounts you're sharing. Do you have any knowledge of Gnosticism? It teaches a lot of what you say your spirit is teaching you. Angels rebelled to free us from oppression, Jesus and Lucifer have a connection as liberators. Etc. Very interesting. The reason I ask is because if you are coming to these ideas with no prior knowledge I'd say something a little more intense than the Old Man who wanders dreams and shares lessons has attached itself to you.

theres no reason you will ever belive me, no proof i can give at this time, but i only knew the views of parents, the church, and my education, and people around me, none of which inlcuded any of this, i didnt know of the word gnostic or thier belief till you posted it, and the fact that the word gnostic means "learned" is appropriate, the beliefs seem pretty similiar however, i dont know enough to say its one and the same as in the "teaching" im recieving is the that belief set. at this time i would say thier is no belief set, and the opinion given to me is that these beliefs all stem from what was once basic knowledge and accepted, we as people were seperated and the differences in religion designed so that we a different beyond skin colour alone, and can never truly unite until, we accpet the religion of man, which is we are one and the same, anyway when you see a boxer whos name as in the raging bull. calls himself "nephilim" the fallen ones by then ill achieved "acension" and hopefully have alot more understanding of this. three stages trials acension and benolance, the last he dosnt show me getting to implying ill die before it because as we travel through the past trials and future it eventually reachs nothing, which i wouldnt class as benevolance, irony is i see it as nothing, he sees it as everything

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 12:43 PM
ive seen the vast expanses, of other realms and inside the hearts of gods, to which to i attribute myself

yet i cant spell benevolance haha irony, that a god that created us, would give us the ability to make mistakes, when he states he makes none,

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 02:57 PM
Where you at Darkblade? Are you reading any of this? Care to weigh in (pun may be intended)?

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 03:24 PM

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 04:18 PM
im interested in how often this happens, with you darkblade you say its happened all your life?

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 12:29 PM
Sorry, my attention has been elsewhere, will have some input soon

This thread was several years old so I am surprised it is having responses now lol
edit on 31-1-2012 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by R3velutionR3quired

I have experienced the downloading of information a couple of times through out the years, once when I was a teenager and saw a "light Being", I have a thread on that here as well somewhere. If you dig for Angelic Being, you might find it
Or just look under my profile and threads I started. I just got done with a 5 mile walk so my brain/legs are tired lol.

The other few times were through dreams where I met other people who would tell me something. Once it was an old native woman who made me eat an awful tasting rice doll and after I had a vision of my town flooding out, which it did about 6 weeks later. So it happens.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by Darkblade71

teaching, downloading and light being characterize my experiences perfectly, i need to understand this though, i mean it makes meel feel at ease, and informed, and even somehow powerful, but logically im not stupid i dont know what to make of it, how did you first feel, when you experienced this, ill be honest on a bad day i consider having my self admitted lol, but then i know even if i did i cant tell people what i know, family friends no one, the last few weeks, ive become kind of pious, training on my own, not talking as much, this sounds daft because of all the good things it makes me feel, but it kind of makes me feel like im one against many, as a pose to my whole life being one among many talking seems, irrelevent, because what i want to talk to people about, they wouldnt understand at all, youve got to understand im a complete skeptic, i see the logical side of everything, and would love to believe in aliens and ghosts as many do, but i just see lack of evidence, with a few intersting occurances, same for religion, but now ill be honest i feel like a disciple of some sort, its not what i wanted at all, i mean i guess im blessed but sometimes its too much, i mean its getting to strange, its becoming beyond anything i could imagine,

my only logicall reaction is my minds creating, an alternate ego, so to speak, but its not me, its someone telling me everything i want to hear, but with extras i wouldnt want

your opinions are valued and appreciated beyond any thanks i can give

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 07:06 PM
just read some of your other stuff, v intersting and cool pics that tree is v eerie, but a work of art all the same, i see something "dark" in it though, and im not refering to the colour scheme, im sure you know what i mean lol, as for the angelic being, the light was so bright, would you say you could just about see the man, but it verges on looking at the sun?

if so the only difference is mine occured in a sleep state and was deffinatly not jesus, by name or the classical image of him, and btw i noticed this thread is indeed old lol 04 my god, seems like yesterday haha

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by R3velutionR3quired

The experience as a teenager scared me so bad that I dropped ALL religion and spiritual aspects of what I was doing, which was educating myself on ESP, the brain, and how it related to me.
I had taken a wrong turn and began messing where I shouldn't of been, and well, to put it mildly, I got yelled at by a light being for lack of a better word. Showed up right smack dab in my living room. The thing about this "being" was that the light he radiated was not just light, it was emotion and information.
Like I said, I was not nor do I think ANYONE would be prepared for such a thing. I yelled "F THIS!!" and ran out of the house.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by R3velutionR3quired

Yes, after I found out why I painted it, I can see the darkness, I saw it before as well, but when you deal with spirits from "the other side" things tend to be dark. Really it is not so much dark as moody.
Sets the atmosphere, with the painting that is

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 07:19 PM
ive been reading some passages of the bible, concerning lucifer, alot of people think he is made up, if he is im worried about who is using the name, and what would he gain from doing so?

another idea, if you read my first post id never experienced, anything like this until i got on my knees and prayed to god or the devil, to help me, i was having a hard time, and was falin short, not from abilty from strentgh to train, like to get up at six and do my runs, and stuff.

the encounter i had was the devil, satan, whatever his name is, it was a evil beyond possiblity, the knife was because i felt the darkness, anyway i never saw it or at least i cant remember all i know is i was called downstairs, i went to the noise, i "felt" it inside me, went oustide, forgot the rest, was found by my brother, now i see lucifer in my dreams lol wtf

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by R3velutionR3quired

The I guess the question for you is,
Which wolf do you want to feed?
There are two, one light and one dark.
Whichever wolf you feed will grow within you,
Do you feed the light?
Or do you feed the dark?
What is it you want?
Ask yourself this,
ask whomever it is that comes to you in your dreams.

understand that yes, there are very evil beings out there, but they are no more powerful than you or I.
They only have power if you give it to them. And they only have power over YOU.
understand that yes, there are very good beings,but they are no more powerful than you or I,
They only have love if you allow them to come to you, but only if you allow them to.

Which being do you feed?
The light?
Or the Dark?

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 07:47 PM
interesting idea

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 09:58 AM
Found my notebooks! I literally dug through every box of my writings I have in the storage shed. Found my journals with the Old Man excerpts. Here's the one on dream symbols:

April 25, 2005

I saw the Old Man again last night. Same long white hair and beard. Same piercing eyes. Same dirty robe and walking stick. He was teaching me about power symbols. He said power symbols were different for everybody and that they were hidden deep in our unconscious. Everybody has their own. Mine were---- He said that our power symbols help us manipulate energy and he reminded me of the energy web. He said power symbols were like a connection to that web. When we meditate on them or visualize them, we can push through them and connect to our energy. The symbols themselves are powerless without intent behind them. It is our Will and the symbols’ connections to the subconscious that give them power and allow us access to the rivers of energy criss-crossing our reality. He also said not to forget the importance of the symbols. When their importance is forgotten or trivialized, the connection weakens or breaks altogether.

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 12:23 PM
this would kind of explain, why i feel a power emits from the nazi swatstika, although im not nazi, or racist lol so i cant use it because people will think i am, even though the symbol is from beyond nazis, and just made popular by the, must stress i men only the symbol, not the flag and colours or anything, could this be related and your symbol is just showing as lines

logically i guess i could feel power, because the symbol was used by a powerful force even if it was inherently evil,

has anyone ever wondered why sometimes the most evil men on the planet, dont think they are?

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