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Secret Societies to join

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posted on May, 25 2004 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by gvret
If you are where you say you are, please do not tell me there is not a higher authority than the Grand Lodge.

There is no higher authority than the Grand Lodge.

No! Wait! Ummm... let me try again.

There is no higher authority than the Grand Lodge.

DAMMIT! Let's try again!

There is no higher authority than the Grand Lodge.

Gosh-darnit, I keep trying to lie like you asked, but my stubborn fingers insist on typing the truth, that there is no higher authority than the Grand Lodge. Sorry, Bub, but them's the facts.

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 12:17 AM
please don't jump my stuff for asking-but my Grandmother was a Daughter of The Eastern Star, and my Great-Grandpa & Grandpa were Scottish & Freemasons. Can a woman join the Freemasons? (Without a Husband, I mean)

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 12:21 AM
A woman can't join regular Freemasonry, but looky here! Co-masonry will accept women as members. Also, you can join the Eastern Star and be Regular (not in that sick way, you dirty-minded Mirthful Me, you!), because you are related to a Mason... you do not have to be married to a Mason to join the Star, merely related.

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 12:22 AM
The elite influences masonry in many ways- one by rewriting freemasonry's own history. Check every single freemasonic brochure and look at the history section- it says freemasons were formed in England, wrong. Two, creating the front for freemasonry with hard working people as the one you mentioned. The front is needed for the simple reason of hiding the fact that most secret societies are all interlinked and controlled. Yes I agree Grand Lodges appear to be independent, as are other secret society centres, they are not. In general most freemasons don't know about the link between these societies, that defies the purpose. After all how secret is Freemasonry when anyone can find out about their 33 degrees or their inner workings. I have nothing against freemasons, as you said the vast majority care for the common good and are hard working people, however the elite families do exist and control most of these secret societies.

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 12:25 AM
Thank you Alex Kennedy. I have my Great-Grandpa's paperwork, from the day he was sworn into the Freemason's (it has the gold seal & everything), so proving my "Freemason"-heritage is not that hard, since my family all belonged to the same Lodge, and it is, of course, listed on his certificate.

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 12:26 AM
ladyspiritguide, do not mistake a certain recipients dose of harsh bright light with asking a legitimate question. The long and short of it is: Family or marital status has nothing to do with eligibility for Freemasonry. As a woman you would be welcomed in The Eastern Star. Blue Lodge Freemasonry is for men only. That being said there are some (ParaMasonic?) groups that admit women and I will beg off to my more informed Brethren on this subject. Ask as many questions as you like, we'll answer them the best we can.

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 12:30 AM
OK, well, first of all, because we've got to get it over with, I'm going to ask you for the fifth time, where are you getting your information from? Are you simply making it up, perchance? (I bet you think I'm not pig-headed enough to keep asking this question until you answer. You're wrong, Pig-Headed is my middle name. Because I was born with a pig's head. Alex "Pig-Head" Kennedy they call me).

Second... No-one claims Freemasonry originated in England (it might have done, though... no-one knows). The first Grand Lodge was formed in England, and before that all Masonic Lodges were independant. If you disagree, please tell me from where you get your information (sixth time? Does that count? Naw, we'll say we're still at five).

Third... You claim some power elite is creating a front? But we'ver already shown that there is no influence on Masonry caused by a "power elite," so that's gotta be one darn good front (sarcasm, by the way).

I would address the rest of your argument bit by bit, but it would just be an endless repetition of "where are you getting this nonsensical information?" I'm particularly interested in where you got this absurd "Rectified Scottish Rite" stuff, because I've never heard that before.

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by Mirthful Me
lAs a woman you would be welcomed in The Eastern Star.

Is this so down there? My apologies, LadySpiritGuide. Up here in my Jurisdiction, the Star will only admit women who are related in some way to a Mason. I'm very pleased to see that it will accept any woman down in the States, and beg your mighty and mirthful forgiveness, MM.

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 12:40 AM
if you want I can send you my information, not a problem. It is not made up, I have researched freemasonry and secret societies for years, out of interest. My great grandfather used to work for Onassis, I got passed some info which made me curious and I started researching. As far as the Rectified Scottish Rite it is membership by invitation only, you have to be a Knights Templar Priest first to be considered. I am not trying to antagonise anyone here, just thought I could share some of my research and personal experience here. I neither here with anything to gain or any alterior motives, just trying to generate some discussion.

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by gvret
if you want I can send you my information, not a problem.

Promises, promises, simply provide the information, an honest appraisal will follow.

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 12:44 AM
actually, I have a Lodge less than a mile from my house. Maybe I'll just stop by, (with paperwork in hand), and inquire about the Daughters of the Eastern Star. (After all, like I said, my Grandma was one). Thank you guys for the information. I know our local lodge has "pancake" breakfasts, and invites the community to them. Maybe I should attend a few of those also.

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 12:48 AM

Awesome! I look forward to the day when you will be my "sister!" By the way, if you're ever up in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, look me up. My Lodge is Avon Glen #170, and we're closely associated with Arreme (sp?) Chapter of the Eastern Star up here (try Mrs. Blue or Mrs. Puffer - they know me).

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 12:48 AM
I love a happy ending
Now if all our posts could bear fruit in a similar manner .

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by gvret
if you want I can send you my information, not a problem. It is not made up, I have researched freemasonry and secret societies for years, out of interest.

Send it to me. I have created an e-mail address for stuff like that, which is [email protected]

As far as the Rectified Scottish Rite it is membership by invitation only, you have to be a Knights Templar Priest first to be considered.

Ummmm... the Knight Tempar Priests are from the York Rite, a completely separate body from the Scottish Rite... you do realise that, right? Are you perhaps thinking of the Royal Order of Scotland?

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 12:55 AM
Let me send the info first before you comment. Perhaps who knows you might be surprised.

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 01:01 AM
I'm waiting for the e-mail in question, and still have not received anything.

Still waiting...

Still waiting (12:06 AM local)

Still waiting, plus officially announcing that I am going to bed at 12:15 local time (12:09 AM local).

Here are two real surprises: i) below me is a post presenting nonsensical anti-Masonic arguments that have been addressed and refuted here many times before, and ii) I have not received any mail yet with the promised information. *tries very hard to think of Skippy the Wonder Kangaroo*

Well, with thoughts of Skippy and his carefree ways buffering me from those who *JUST* *WON'T* *LISTEN*, I'm heading off to bed. it's 12:17 AM local, and still no e-mail. Mirthful Me, I leave you in charge here just in case someone who doesn't want to baselessly libel Freemasonry shows up

OK, I'm back, and I received the e-mail! Yaay!

Oh... but the e-mail still does not say where the information is coming from. It provides further speculation (which I will make public if I get Gevault's permission (sorry about the spelling, I can't remember the real name)), but no indication as to where any of the info is coming from.

[Edited on 25-5-2004 by AlexKennedy]

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 01:09 AM
Hate to be critical of freemasons but its the occult. They also call freemasonry "the craft" craft? Looking at some of the speeches you have to memorize and cryptic responses to questions asked during a rite of passage for degrees attained sounds basically like a coven of witches at a ceremony.

If you go to this site you will see what I refer to.

Below the coat of arms for the United Grand Lodge of England you will see some different symbolisms of freemasonry.

Note picture #3 Skull and Bones (symbolizing pirates,poison,or death)

Pic#5 The sword pointed downward, either means (at peace, the war is over or, "the so called New World Order plan is complete)???

Pic #7 You have a member showing a hangmans noose around his neck and blind folded....

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by AlexKennedy
I'm waiting for the e-mail in question, and still have not received anything.

And wait you will, for I believe our newfound "Scribe and Keeper of All That is Shiny and Interesting" has become preoccupied. I have contacted Darth Abiff, and he has provided me with the following image feed:

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 01:13 AM
Project Pisces, I would like to direct your attention to the literally hundreds of posts dealing with your concerns, as well as rational thought in general. I wish you good luck, and God willing, you will prevail in peace and freedom from fear and in true health through the purity and essence of your natural fluids.

[Edited on 25-5-2004 by AlexKennedy]

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 01:14 AM


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