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DNA evidence of ET?

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posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 07:49 PM
Glad I came back to this thread or I would have missed the 14 foot tall woman......classic stuff

Why don't you go on Rickie Lake or something for a DNA test.....that would be good TV

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by Bluebelle

It takes literally about 5 seconds to find a whole mess of crap that rubbishes the method of DNA testing that was used as well.

Yes I'm sure ... thats why it is used by every police and law enforcment agency on the planet, thats the reason for CODIS, and its other country counterparts. That would also be the reason that it is admitted as evidence in nearly all courts of law. Its just pure trash...

Er, you clearly have indian in you somewhere otherwise the results would have pointed to somewhere else. And you do know that it is possible that your family tree could be correct, and that the indian part of it came into play earlier than 600+ years ago, right?

Just how is that? My terrestrial family tree goes back to before 1550, I didn't know England had been to India that early.

For what its worth ... if the results has been in conformance with the family tree, I would have shut-up and gone away. But, as long as there is an anonaly ... I gotta ask more questions.

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by LiveForever8

No, not what I mean, I've given some of the experiences, and mentioned a few of the more shared ones, I believe, that occurred independently from my end, at home, and thousands of miles from his, where the next day we had a shared experience, in my thread about waking up to source.

I don't really want to discuss the reams of experiences right now, I was just expressing at that moment that native populations, along with other groups throughout the world, which also seem connected to India, also seem have to cosmic ties. This is just information from a friend who has had many blocks to his memories and once things started coming back, and both of us started talking he found out if someone asked the right question, information would come out, and then he would remember where and how that information was not quite blocked totally. What he shared is in additon to what I had read concerning actual legends or myths from the natives overall.

I was really surprised to read the myth of the wayward sun, for example, that was connected to the Okanagan Natives in BC.

[edit on 30-12-2009 by Unity_99]

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda

Yes I'm sure ... thats why it is used by every police and law enforcment agency on the planet, thats the reason for CODIS, and its other country counterparts. That would also be the reason that it is admitted as evidence in nearly all courts of law. Its just pure trash...

That was in response to you used it because it was 'misrepresented as being fairly accurate'. I would have thought it would be pretty accurate, but its you who is questioning the reliability of the test. And why someone's haplogroup would need to be presented in a court case is beyond me...

Just how is that? My terrestrial family tree goes back to before 1550, I didn't know England had been to India that early.

Why do the indian gene's need to be mixed directly with english one's?
Haplogroups go back thousands of years, so depending on how far back you go its not hard to imagine that indian DNA could be mixed in there.
This idea is even more plausible when you consider that it was your Y chromosome that was analysed. i.e. that DNA would be passed from father to son. And back in the day when women knew their place in the world it was the men who did all the cool exploration stuff.. and so more likely to come across opportunities to spread their seed & whatnot.

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by Bluebelle

From what I understand, he's not saying that these markers in the dna are mixed in with the European, he's saying that the results showed no European at all. Which is a little odd.
In fact very odd. The outcome of the test was odd.

As for his other accounts and his other thread. I found his information very interesting. If you search for "un meetings extraterrestrial" you'll find a lot of links.

But I get drawn by more unusual things, on a personal level, relating to personal experiences.

Above I alluded to a friend that shared some of the same experiences as me. Last spring was when that began to be consciously aware by both of us. Last spring/early summer I became aware of the name of two of the "advisors" that we seemed to share, one was a woman and one a man, and his name was similar enough to anthra's "mother" that I noticed his thread.

My friend is very specific that his contacts and origin in source for himself, his soul, is andromedan, or has been for a long time, long enough by our measuring of thousands or millions of years. He calls andross.

Also, about a year ago I read his booklet he was writing out of his memory losses, just spontaneously, concerning similar ideas as to what Anthra was saying was the goal of the positive Federation type ets regarding distribution of goods, and a fair system that would be able to join the cosmos as a newbie member so to speak, and healing for people. My friends would go further, he's a little more radical than Anthra's message.

So, I find this interesting. Its inconclusive what such a thing means, but its an unusual result.

His information itself I happen to believe, based on similarities with information I and my friend have. I mean, his mother's name is D'Arna-shat, and our advisor's name is L'Arna.

Mind you the 14 foot is surprising. L'Arna was 7 feet tall when he was protecting a woman technician. Roughly, but then that alludes to the multidimensional aspects of Ets, and if everything you see is real as you see it, or what perceptional changes and diffrences they've induced, which is suprisingly a whole area that Anthra talks out against, but which I don't, the multiverse.

[edit on 30-12-2009 by Unity_99]

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

You seem to have a better way of explaining some things than I do, I also tend to get a bit frustrated with Humans from time to time.

Actually Mother isn't 14 feet, more like just under 13. Y'all need to understand that there are several species that comprise the oldest of Andromeda's Governments, and while they all speak the same language, have simular names, they can vary in physical characteristics.

Another thing the People of Earth should know is that all the problems and issues they are experiencing now, we have already worked through. We (my species) has seen our home world destroyed by war and pollution, and we can no longer live there. We hope in time it will heal itself, but have no expectation of ever returning.

Humans should also know that my people, like the pleiadeans and many others also use telepathy to is way more efficient. Also, that I discuss what I see here on earth and in these forums.

Earth's future is grim, especially if the Human species doesn't pull its head out of you know where. The Federation is waiting for enough Humans to coalesce. It doesn't have to be a large number, but, nearly any group of enlightened people. Then, and only then can the non-interference accoud be set aside. Humans also need to realize that the federation will not "save" them, but WILL provide assistance.

This whole issue of my attempts to prove I'm ET has been interesting, but it is only showing that there are few real differences between Humans and many ETs. I suspect that if I get an X-STR and a Y-STR analysis, it will show that I have no Human lineage, but that does remain to be seen, and still wouldn't prove anything.

Anyway, Humans; Open your minds to the fantastic possibilities that can be yours, IF, you simply open your minds.

Etharzi od Oma.

[edit on 31-12-2009 by AnthraAndromda]

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by Bluebelle

Why do the indian gene's need to be mixed directly with english one's?
Haplogroups go back thousands of years, so depending on how far back you go its not hard to imagine that indian DNA could be mixed in there.
This idea is even more plausible when you consider that it was your Y chromosome that was analysed. i.e. that DNA would be passed from father to son. And back in the day when women knew their place in the world it was the men who did all the cool exploration stuff.. and so more likely to come across opportunities to spread their seed & whatnot.

If we take my terrestrial father's side of the family tree; it traces directly to 1500's Scottish Royalty. And in their world no "bastard son" is going to be recognized, regardless of his father. He probably wouldn't even be allow to pass along the family name. But be that as it may, such a bastard does not exist in my human family line, so ... the presence of Indian is unusual. It doesn't belong there IF I am Human. Further, there is no linkage to ANY European population in my DNA, again rather unusual, and quite unexpected.

Honestly, I expected the analysis to show that I was a solid Scot/English person, and this whole discussion would be over, but, alas, I don't get anything easy.

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 05:25 AM
Anthra please [snip] talk to me If what your saying is true I may be able to help you.


Personal information removed from public view.

[edit on 31/12/09 by masqua]

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

I am still relatively new to the forums here so im not that familiar with you AnthraAndromda, I do notice threads though where users claim to be someone or something without taking any prerogative to prove it, proclaiming their validity from the fact that it can't be disproven.... which annoys me. ie: something like "Im an invisible red gnome from an underground society, i base my arguments its true by the absense, corruption, errors of studies 20 miles beneath the earth surface to prove its true blah blah"

BUT that is not the case here, which i like!!!

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
Now I'm presenting the first of some harder scientific evidence in the form of an autosomal DNA profile.

You have obviously gone to an effort here to provide quantative proof that you are in fact what you say you are! Awesome, and THANK YOU!

So lets look at the evidence
According to Omnipop, you have some european american, african american, and hispanic american ancestry, which I imagine would suggest many of your ancestors, and yourself included are probably american, which I suppose is no surprise and something you expected. The thing thats confusing is the genes apparently carried from indian ancestry. Which is partly the reason for my post, as a relative of mine, also white as can be, also carried indian genes. Turns out I too am part indian. Now it was uncovered I am most likely the descendent of a frenchmen who wed an indian in french india, it is very difficult to trace back ancestors this far, as the further you go back the more sources you need to check (parents =2, grand =4, greatgran =8, 16,32,64,128 etc)
This leads me a bit skeptical of your statement:

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
My Terrestrial family tree has been traced back some 600 evidence of anyone from India

Then, If every generation waits till 30 to have kids then

600 years = 20 generations
2^20 Generations = 1048576 sources

Now im not saying that the further we go back the more ancestors we have, because at some point they breed with one another. Im just saying to uncover them all would require a fantastic amount of work (I too have my fathers side, family name traced back for hundreds and hundreds of years, but only on the paternal line)

But I also suppose that going back so far leaves it less likely you carry the genes now. So heres an alternative hypothesis, one of your ancestors may be a gypsie!

Understanding DNA series
The Gypsy people originally came from India and migrated to Europe more than 2000 years ago from the Hindu Kush area of Western India and Pakistan. A community of these Gypsies was said to exist in central Virginia.

Also even if there is no record of indian ancestry then the evidence suggests you are of indian descent, not alien, which more likely would suggest an illegitimate child as one of your ancestors.

So finally I hope i dont sound too nasty, as i really do commend your initiative to prove your statements, i dont doubt you are completely sincere in your belief, however so far i find evidence suggests the antithesis to your argument, that your human...
I look forward to your subsequent posts/threads presenting more hard scientific evidence!

Cheers CCC

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by countercounterculture

Even if the test were "revealing" some illegimate child in the past, it would not go so far as to say there were no European dna markers, which it did.

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

You are assuming a family tree gives accurate info regarding which males sired which children. For all you know your mother had it off with an Indian. There are Indians with pale skin who can easily pass as Caucasian.

DNA (testing) has revealed that 15% of birth certificates identify the wrong man as the father of a child.

Seriously, what's more likely, your mother had an affair with a man of Indian descent, or she managed to get impregnated by aliens?

Are you interested in the logical truth?
Or are you determined to cling to a feelgood myth that makes you "special"?

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 10:48 AM
AnthraAndromeda is not an alien.

Why is he here, was he an outcast?

What is his purpose?

To come on a conspiracy website to 'reveal' all of his 'secrets'?


Come on people, I love reading these things, but when people take them seriously I get worried.

Common sense, ever heard of it? It has become a contradiction in terms.

Evidence or leave.

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by LiveForever8
AnthraAndromeda is not an alien.

Why is he here, was he an outcast?

What is his purpose?

Possibly to drum up interest in his own web site.

For some reason he didn't include a scan of the report he claims to have, on his site which he linked to.

Neither did he provide any evidence that the numbers on what he claims to be his CODIS chart prove anything about his ancestry.

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
If we take my terrestrial father's side of the family tree; it traces directly to 1500's Scottish Royalty. And in their world no "bastard son" is going to be recognized, regardless of his father. He probably wouldn't even be allow to pass along the family name. But be that as it may, such a bastard does not exist in my human family line, so ... the presence of Indian is unusual. It doesn't belong there IF I am Human. Further, there is no linkage to ANY European population in my DNA, again rather unusual, and quite unexpected.

Honestly, I expected the analysis to show that I was a solid Scot/English person, and this whole discussion would be over, but, alas, I don't get anything easy.

Thats just how it works, some genes get passed on and some dont. There's so many opportunities where other DNA can get mixed in that just because you can trace 500 years back doesnt mean those are the genes that you will inherit. And if you werent a human then they wouldnt be able to trace your genes back to any of these populations. If I sent my cat for a human DNA analysis I wouldnt get a letter back saying that its a descendant of native indians.

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by countercounterculture

Thank you for an intelligent, thought out post.

Yes OmniPop tries to give me a weak European link, however, when I checked the results against the European Database, there was no link at all, and, that report gave me a 10E-15 chance of any link ... kind of small.

This whole little adventure has raised more questions than it should have. If I was truly who I have been told I am, then it seems reasonable that there would be a strong link to the Scotch / English population, but it doesn't seem to exist.

Given the other evidence I've found, I feel that at this point, I have no choice but to beleive that I am ET, and certainly by using bayesian techniques, it is logical to infere that.

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by Kailassa

Originally posted by LiveForever8
AnthraAndromeda is not an alien.

Why is he here, was he an outcast?

What is his purpose?

Possibly to drum up interest in his own web site.

For some reason he didn't include a scan of the report he claims to have, on his site which he linked to.

The link to the scan are there on the page, I guess you missed it? Anyway, here is a link to it:\dna_document.htm

Neither did he provide any evidence that the numbers on what he claims to be his CODIS chart prove anything about his ancestry.

Anyone, even you, can download OmniPop and plug-in the numbers, its not difficult, and again, the links are provided on my site.

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Kailassa
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

You are assuming a family tree gives accurate info regarding which males sired which children. For all you know your mother had it off with an Indian. There are Indians with pale skin who can easily pass as Caucasian.

You didn't know her ... I spent 20+ years with her. She wasn't the kind of woman that would do that.

Besides, I am so freakin white that it is illegal for me to take my shirt off in the summer ... people 30 miles away would go blind

DNA (testing) has revealed that 15% of birth certificates identify the wrong man as the father of a child.

Seriously, what's more likely, your mother had an affair with a man of Indian descent, or she managed to get impregnated by aliens?

In my human mother's case; neither. My real (birth) mother IS an alien.

Are you interested in the logical truth?
Or are you determined to cling to a feelgood myth that makes you "special"?

Neither ... "logicaal truth" may not be truth at all, only logical. And if you think that being an alien has any sort of "feelgood" to it, you have another think comming. You are incapable of understanding how it feels to be an alien. You get to live on a planet with YOUR OWN KIND, you get to see and interact with other Humans at will. I don't get any of that, and personally, I'd rather not be "special"

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by Bluebelle
Thats just how it works, some genes get passed on and some dont. There's so many opportunities where other DNA can get mixed in that just because you can trace 500 years back doesnt mean those are the genes that you will inherit. And if you werent a human then they wouldnt be able to trace your genes back to any of these populations. If I sent my cat for a human DNA analysis I wouldnt get a letter back saying that its a descendant of native indians.

Did you miss the part about NO Indian people in the family tree? Would have to be there for the linkage to show up.

And, true, if you sent in your cats dna for testing, then nothing human would show up, however, IF you sent in a sample from another primate (like a Chimp), it just might. There are some biologists who currently think that some of Human genetics may have been brought to Earth by asteroids, comets, etc. This would give rise to the probility that alien and humans may share some genetic material. Again, Earth's lack of biological understanding is limiting us.

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by LiveForever8
AnthraAndromeda is not an alien.

This remains to be proven.

Why is he here, was he an outcast?

Outcast? from what? for why?

What is his purpose?

Perhaps to raise the level of consciousness of enough people that the Pleiadean Federation will determine that it is okay to show themselves. Or perhaps an attempt to repay Earth for hosting me for the past 62 years.

To come on a conspiracy website to 'reveal' all of his 'secrets'?


Yes, please!!

I can assure you I'm not revealing all secrets. Some are not relevent, others ... well you will never know.

Come on people, I love reading these things, but when people take them seriously I get worried.

Common sense, ever heard of it? It has become a contradiction in terms.

Evidence or leave.

Commonsense truly IS a contradiction in YOU. I have presented evidence, so may I ask; WTF is your problem?

The evidence I've given seems to point in only one direction, though with your broken compass I doubt you can see it. My most recent evidence is rather anomalous, but I guess you don't see that either. There's on old expression down here in Texas; "Wake up and smell the coffee"

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 01:11 PM
So you took a DNA test and it proves your human , yet you still claim to be an does that work...
Maybe if there was unknown DNA in there you would have a valid argument but you don't. So tell my why don't you actually seek professional help...psychiatric to be more exact. I am not trying to insult you but it does sound like you need some.

You sound like you have schizophrenia:
Some signs

14 (13..?)foot mother-

Hallucinations are things a person sees, hears, smells, or feels that no one else can see, hear, smell, or feel

Belief you are Alien -

they believe they are someone else

You may have more signs and symptoms. People should stop encouraging these people and actually try to help them.

[edit on 31-12-2009 by kerazeesicko]

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