posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 01:53 AM
I've said it multiple times. If you want me to believe that human-like aliens exist who are just like humans, but with modified parts (IE,
Roddenberry aliens), then you have to explain to me how their species was able to achieve innovation ability and abstract thinking. In case you don't
know, most humans were exterminated in the mass extinction which allowed them to exist, with the survivors only living because it just so happened
that in the 4.5 billion years of Earth's history, they just so happened to exist within the right 100 thousand year range to be smart enough to
survive. You take that probability, and the chances of human-like aliens are 2% of stars. add that into time range, that being the 14.5 billion years
of the universe, and not to mention humans have a tendency to kill themselves off, and you end up with a very very rare chance to meet human-like
aliens. Meanwhile, on earth, life forms with intelligence range from the forms of crows to whales. add their diverse diets, evolutions, and
necessities, and your chances of intelligent life are pretty high, just not human.
Now let's think. let's work out a bit of logic. we know earth-like worlds are common. Hell, there's already Mars, Earth, Venus, Titus, Europa, and
a few others in which we're pretty sure life could develop, or at the least the conditions are good enough. We also know that there's a couple,
maybe half dozen, earth-like conditions on worlds outside our solar system. But there's one problem. Of these 12ish planets, only Earth and Venus
have the same gravity, which accounts for a hell of a lot. If you want human-like aliens, you need ape-like creatures. but due to capillary action and
osmotic pressure, a small change in gravity will make it so that only very tall or very short trees exist. Too tall, and life in trees has to be more
able to glide, hook, and not fall. So they can't develop relationships or complex units that allow human-like emotions and thought to exist, let
alone human forms. If they ever do go to the ground, they can't get food in the trees any more. Only tall species will reach these tall trees for
food, as such large predators will exist. They're doomed. Small trees? arboreal life can't exist. There's no advantage for life in the trees if
predators can get you, so you can't have ape-like creatures. More 02? Life is large, fast, and furious. To savage for civilized life. Savage life
creates savage species. On earth, only a few groups of people in places wear death is common ever develop peaceful, sustainable civilizations. Too
little 02? Complex brains can't exist. too little food for the brain. Non 02 life forms? Listen, silicon-like life is going to not look human AT ALL.
because their necessities and evolutions will be completely different. these aliens would probably develop out in the outer rim of the galaxy, because
carbon planets are more common inside the galactic core. Out there, they're subject to the more complex, larger elements of the galaxy. They would
have no interest in a planet with carbon-based life, other than that our planet is very silicon-like. But again, our planet morphology is common. no
need to bother a civilization. So what are we left with? aliens that simply do not look human. And if you're of the belief that the human form is
best for tool use, you're wrong. The human form is best for primitive human tools like spears and bows. the human form utterly sucks at more complex
tool use. Why do we make medical machines that look like spiders? Why so we make probe devices that look like snakes? why do we make robots that walk
on all fours and have tools like bug arms? Because the human form is only good for spear hunting and archers. It is not good for technological
development. That's why robots don't look human unless we want a robot that does simple things... like carry us our food and do stuff we can. Out
martian probes, ocean probes, supercomputers, laser scanners, etc etc do not look human. In fact, the right form for technology is something like
squid or jellyfish. why? because it has so many limbs for computer use and complex brains for such tasks.
In conclusion, I'm really beginning to get tired of grays and reptilians meeting with humans. These stories are simply not possible.
A.) we are a common planet. the only reason to be interested in us would be for niceness and lesson learning. To which such a nice people would not
tolerate secrecy and closed society that our government would be doing if such was true.
B.) Human typology is not common. in all of Earth's history, only 2 species out of hundreds of millions that have existed have become upright bipeds:
humans and penguins. And only one of those is intelligent.
So unless you have a reasonable tale of how our species could exist anywhere else, stop making up tales.